Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ah... The websof lies we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Something funny MN? Hmmm, well, not sure, but you might want to talk to Fozzie if you want something funny. Story's posted, haven't heard from my regular circle of crones though. And I'm waiting to know what one certain spook thinks of it as well.


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Welp, my good deed for the day is done.
Gonzo: Whadja do?
Ryan: Posted Trip of course.
Gonzo: Ooh! Does Uncle Deadly know?
Ryan: I sure hope so. He needs to read Ed's latest tale too.
Gonzo: Yeah. Didja get your homework done?
Ryan: ...Night Gonzo.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: *walks out into the hallway over to Oscar's can* Hey grouchy!

Oscar: *lids opens* What do you want? *pops back down where you can only see his eyes* You better not be shooting me with any arrows again!

Grover: No Oscar. I am here to sing you a song.

Oscar: Oh I see. But to warn you us grouches don't like songs unless were singing it.

Grover: Awwww come on Oscaie. It will not hurt you.

*music starts*

Grover: Tu me gustas
That means I like you
I really like you
Me gustas tu
I like your grouchie face
I like your grouchie voice
I like to see you frown the way you do

Tu me gustas
That means I like you
I really like you
Me gustas tu
And so y espero
Que yo te guste ti
And that means that I hope you like me
Like I like you

Grover: (spoken) Augh, now you try it Oscar. Tu me gustas

Oscar: Uhhhh Tu me gustas

Grover: That means I like you

Oscar: Yea I guess I like you too

Grover: Awwwww

Oscar: Yea I like yea when your four miles away from my trashcan. I like it when you don't talk and when you leave me alone!

Grover: Ohhhh I understand. Huh.
And so y espero
Que yo te guste ti
And that means that I hope you like me
Like I like you

Awww wasn't that nice grouchie?

Oscar: Nah, I hated it.

*music ends*

Grover: Ohhh Oscaie! *smooches Oscar's face*

Oscar: Yuck! Don't ever do that again! *slams trashlid*

Grover: Oh that Oscar. Oh guys. I have a song to sing to you. *runs back into room 26*

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: I'm telling you, there is something funny going on in here!
MN: All right, but there'd better be something funny going on out there! (points to stage) Okay, enough amusing quotes...we need to know why Mrs. Farley freaked out when she saw that spider ring. She doesn't look like she was attacked by a giant spider or a spider demon or whatever...
Storyteller: I don't think Ted the contractor would wear this, and it's too small for either Mr. Fracas or Mr. Kopath. And how on earth did those prints get on the shelf...
Nora: (pacing around) And Mrs. Farley started yelling, "Why, spider, why..."
MN: As for that bolt...I called the mechanic's shops in the area, asking if anyone had come in to have a bolt cut in half. One guy said someone did come in, but he had no idea who it was. His assistant was handling it.
Storyteller: gets more confusing all the time.
MN: But the spider ring...I think we'll have to talk to Mrs. Farley some more about that.

(side note from MN, also known as E.R.)

There is a solution coming up very soon. I promise.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Nice singing Grover. *OOC: Though the line "And so yespero" should be corrected to be "And so "yo" espero", just a small observation. Night guys.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(group has returned from visiting Mrs. Farley in the hospital)

Storyteller: She really couldn't talk today.
Nora: Yeah, they had been doing some treatments on her, and she was a little logy from the sedatives.
MN: But she pointed to the ring, and then to this. (holds up a newsletter of some kind) I asked her if we could borrow it for a bit.
Nora: (confused) Why, that's the Hensonville Cliffhangers monthly newsletter.
MN: Hmm...(opens it) Well, there's a little tidbit in here on how the club's VP is going to be retiring soon, and more about the last climbing trip and...wait a minute.
Nora: Look at that photo on page 4.
Storyteller: I see Mrs. Farley in there, and...there's someone climbing upside down, without ropes, and wearing funny-looking spiked boots.
MN: Look at the caption! (points to page dramatically)

(pause, during which the proverbial ton of bricks hits)

Nora: Um, are they doing some kind of construction work in here?
MN: Never mind the bricks. Ladies and gentlemen, and Muppets, Fraggles and silly creatures, a spider did cause Mrs. Farley's accident at Coming Unbound, and we know who it is.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Returning from a meeting to look over a new-fangled reading device at an off-campus specialty library. Mmm, good lunch. Maybe some reading in the fanfic reading room before leaving for afternoon classes and... *Hearing Erin's proclamation. What?!? Would I be out of line if I said "Jinkys!"? So we have the how and the who, though the perp's not been identified as of yet... All we need is the why.
Y: Did you call?
No... Now scoot, off with you.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: I've got the tape the police made of the questioning. Let's have a listen.
(pops tape into deck)

Detective 1: Miss Content, do you recognize this spider ring?
Moll: Yes. I...I lost that a few days ago.
Detective 2: Is it true that your nickname in the rock-climbing club is 'Spider?'
Moll: Of course it is! I'm the only one who can climb upside down without ropes!
D1: Interesting. Miss Content, do you know Louise Farley?
M: Yes, the bookstore owner. She's our secretary.
D2: Her assistant says you were in the shop on the day of the accident to discuss a rock-climbing trip.
M: Yes, yes, where's this going?
D1: Miss Content, did you have anything to do with Mrs. Farley's accident?
M: No and I hope she never climbs again...
D2: I beg your pardon?
M: Uh...I mean, I don't think she'll ever climb again. I mean, that was quite a fall off the ladder.
D1: Miss Content, there was an article in here about your vice-president retiring soon...
M: Yes, Mr. Rockhop's got health issues...and I've been planning and organizing expeditions for years, so the VP job should be mine but he was talking about giving it to that doughy little bookshop owner who knows nothing about climbing! It's not fair! It's not fair!
D2: Miss Content, anything you say could be held against you...
M: She was going to take my rightful place! I need to be the one in charge of the Cliffhangers! So while she was in the back, I climbed up the shelves in the horror section - she's been having issues with them for weeks, she talks about it all the time - with an extra, sawed-and-glued bolt, took the real one out and stuck mine in...and then she came out with a box of books and started up...and then she fell, and that blue girl screamed and those two men from the Henson office trampled each other getting to a phone...(pause) I need to call my lawyer.
D1: Mary Lucille "Moll" Content, you are under arrest for the intentional injury, and probably attempted murder, of Louise Margaret Farley.

(tape shuts off)

MN: (quietly) And there you have it.
Nora: Good grief.
Storyteller: There is a woman who takes her hobbies entirely too seriously.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: What should we do on this Friday Night

ZOE: Hmmm!!!

LITTLE BIRD (thinking)

BABY BEAR: Do you have an idea, Peter

PETER: Why don't we go to Everybody Eats for a pizza dinner and then go swimming with our friends

LITTLE BIRD: Sounds good!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Home aain... Long holiday weekend.. And I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. Good times ahead I hope.
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