Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh dear... certainly don't hope one of my fave writers will be thought of a suspect in this ongoing investigation of Erin's.
Count: And who might that be?
Oh, you know... Boo Draftton. She's the one who writes those thrilling AlphabetMurder Mysteries.
Count: Ah yes... The ones with Dimsy Molehill?
That's the one... And of course, she's become one of my fave mystery sleuths out in the sunny scenarios of California. Each letter, a new mystery to find and a new fiend to bring to justice.

*Above statements are meant to parody the author Sue Graffton and her character, Kimsy Millholn. And one other piece of fictional truth, Kimsy is a bit of a hero to me cause she's one of the very few characters I've found to have a culinary preference which is sort of a comfort food to me... Crunchy peanut butter and pickle sandwichs!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: No...Boo Drafton isn't signed with Shriek, Rattle and Roll. They only deal in the really, really creepy authors...and I think Mrs. Farley just contacted Boo about doing a signing at Coming Unbound later on.
MN: Yeah...and we'll deal with the Shriek people later on.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*walks in and throw my keys on the table* Hey guys. *sees three of the monsters asleep on the couch, chair and floor*

Herry: *watching TV* Hey Kyle.

*leans over* What's been going on here?

Herry: We had a big valentine adventure.

What happened?

Herry: Ok. Here's the story. Grover was dressed like cupid with the wings and box and arrows. But not sharp ones. Just the rubber ends. So he thought he would shoot Oscar with the arrow and make him be lovely and care but it bounced off his trashcan. Bounced off the walls into the heating ducks and down through our vents into my back.

Are you hurt?! *cheaks Herry's back*

Herry: I am just fine Kyle. Like I said before it wasn't sharp ones it was those rubber ones. After they we went out for our dinner. Well when we got back we found lots of hearts playing around in our room.

What happened then?

Herry: I said we need to get rid of the hearts before Kyle gets home. So we grabed some bags and boxes and whatever we could find to get rid of these hearts. And then that's when you walked in.

I see. *looks around* Well at least ya'll tried ya'll best about cleaning up. I'm going to head to bed. Those neices of mine sure do pack a walup. Good night.

Herry: Good night Kyle. *dreamy music starts to play* Muppet Dorms were brought to you by the letter "V" for "Valentines" and by the # 14. Muppet Dorms was a prouduction of the Muppet Central Forms. Good night everyone. Sweet Dreams and Happy Valentines.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(Catherine and Fozzie enter the room, which is dark. Catherine flips on the light. There are small, scuttling sounds, but it is impossible to determine whether they are coming from the hall or not.)
Catherine: So, you liked the honey-covered chocolates that I found at the specialty store?
Fozzie: Yeth.
Catherine: (turning to look) Fozzie--how many of them did you eat?
Fozzie: Allth uff thum. (Chews, swallows and looks up hopefully.) Are there more?
Catherine: (laughing) No! Oh, Fozzie! (starts to scold, then shrugs) Okay--it's your sugar buzz. (She looks at the quiet television and the backs of the two recliners thoughtfully.) I guess Piggy and Kermit are still out. Did they go out to dinner?
Fozzie: Yeah--some lovey-dovey little cafe. Makes brownies or something. I think they wanted to, you know, be alone. (sounds wistful)
Catherine: (ruffling his head fondly) Well, it is nice for couples to be alone some, Fozzie. I sure like the stuff we do together as roomies, but I know Piggy and Kermit enjoy some times when they can just be with each other. (She casts Fozzie a careful look.) But NOT in each other's rooms.
Fozzie: No! That's our room rule! No guys are your side! No, um, Piggy on our side.
Catherine: (firmly) Right. Fozzie--I'm too bushed for anything. (yawns) I'm going to bed.
Fozzie: (catching her yawn) Me too! And my ears are sore from class.
(Catherine kisses him on top of his head, then gently on each ear.)
Catherine: Night, Honey. Or should I say, Honey Bear?
Fozzie: (embarrassed) Sheesh. (trots happily but sleepily off to bed)
(Catherine turns out the light and goes to her room, where she dresses for bed and falls face-down into the mattress. And stays.)
(About five minutes later, there is the distinct sound of giggling coming from one of the lime-green recliners.)
Kermit: Piggy! heh heh Stop--stop tickling!
Piggy: I wasn't tickling! I was...snuggling, but if you'd rather I went to bed....
Kermit: Hey--you're not going anywhere! (More sounds of giggling and snuggling)
Piggy: (whispers frantically) Shush! You're going to get us caught!
Kermit: We're not doing anything we aren't supposed to, right? Catherine said, no frog in the pig's room, no pig in the frog's room. And we're both here in the main room, see? No problem.
Piggy: (giving in easily) Well, okay, Mon Capitan. (settles back for a moment, then giggles) Um, Sweetie, you're crushing my corsage!
Kermit: Oh! Sorry! (He redrapes his arms around her satin-clad form. Piggy put her arms back around her amphibian valentine and they share another nice smooch.)
Kermit: Ummmm. Nice. Happy Valentine's Day, Piggy.
Piggy: Vous too, Kermie.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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... In the still of the wee morning hours, bats have left baggies of dark and milk chocolate hearts and kissies on the doorknobs of all the rooms, a little surprise for the residents of the dorms. The chocolate hearts are made of chocolate shells, but some contain toffee centers, others Irish cream innerds, and yet others have a coconut cluster, and a few have nutty nougat nuclei. Happy Valentine's Day gang.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: I hate the internet. *quickly turns off the computer, disgusted.* Eh.

Scooter: So what did you guys do yesterday?

Sara: Heh? Nothing, actually. Just went out to The Smoak House in Pelion. Which is like a homestyle cooking place. Didn't have the steaks, or go out for steaks. We'll do that this weekend, I guess.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Knocks on Sara's door... Um Sara? Just wanna let you know that if you need to talk... Oh, and apparently, there's a baggie of little chocolate hearts and kissies here for you and your roomies. And keep youreyes out for when my V-Day story starts, already laid out th dedications. See you soon and I hope things gt better for you my li'l cuz.
*Hugs Sara and then leaves off to do some errands about town.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Almost unreal yet... It's too soon to feel yet... Close to my soul... And yet so far away... I'm going to go back there someday...
Gonzo: Hey! That is MY song!
Ryan: Says you!
Gonzo: Indeed.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Back at the dorms... Uh Ryan? Is Uncle Dealy around? No? Well, he'll just have to find the start of my surprise in the library when he gets back. Not sure when the next part will get done... Stuff keeps getting in the way. Hope he likes it though.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Mr. Kopath said pretty much the same thing as Mr. Fracas...except he started saying, in angry tones, that Mrs. Farley was being stubborn and unreasonable in not turning Coming Unbound into a horror and suspense shop.
Storyteller: Well...there's not really a market for really grotesque horror books around here.
MN: Yeah. I prefer a good mystery, myself. Or a good book of humor. (looks at notes) As for Miss Content, she was just in there to talk to Mrs. Farley about the next expedition to the cliffs out on the coast.
(Nora enters)
Storyteller: Anything new at the shop?
Nora: The police found something really creepy. (takes out photos)
MN: Hmm...what the...what are these prints doing on the bottom of the shelves?
Storyteller: Why...those prints don't look like a silly creature's footprints. They're all spiky.
Nora: (gulps) They also found a ring at the scene. (takes out photo)
Storyteller: It's a silver ring, with a red spider carved into it.
Nora: I told Mrs. Farley about it...and she started screaming and crying.
MN: Is she afraid of spiders?
Nora: I don't know. She's never said anything about what she's afraid of.
Storyteller: Isn't Shriek, Rattle and Roll's logo a spider?
MN: It might be...but there's something really funny going on here, guys.
Storyteller: Well, we'd better get to the bottom of it soon...there's a silly creature in the hospital...and our posts have gotten entirely too serious.
MN: Oh, too right. I'd like to get back to our sessions of good tea and bad jokes...and wait a moment, someone left some bags of chocolate on our doorknob! Sweet!
Nora: Literally.
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