Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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writing from home
To:Room 29@MCDorms
Hi guys!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm OK from the dental surgery.My mouth isn't hurting quite yet(luckily) so I figured I'd get this done now.Prairie & Rosita...I should be back by Wednesday...not sure. Ernie...I am SOOOO sorry I missed your bday! We'll do lunch in a couple of treat! Bry...not sure if I ran out of Meow Mix.If I did,Prairie will pay you & I'll pay Prairie back when I get back to the dorms.
Muppety hugs to all!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (finishes reading email from Kathy) Sounds good!
Rosita: Where is everybody?
Bry: Big Bird taking a walk outside, Telly has tuba practice, Ernie is in the tub trying out the new bubble bath he got for his birthday, and Bert is still sleeping from being kept up all night.
Prairie: We're sorry we missed Ernie's birthday party. We were taking care of Kathy.
Bry: It's okay. We understand. It looks like you'll be staying with us again for a few days.
Prairie: I know!
Rosita: We're excited!
Bry: You are?
Rosita: We love staying here.
Bry: Good! Well, what do ya say we have some lunch?
Rosita: Sounds good to me.
Prairie: Me too.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Over heard that Bryan got a letter from Kathy. He says she's doing fine. She'll be back soon. Love and Kisses from her.

Grover: I am so glad to know she is doing alright.

Me too.

Maurice: How about we make her a coming home sign when she gets here?

That would be a wonderful idea Maurice. We can also let everyone sign it too. I'll go get some of that paper in the basement of the dorms. Hope Ed don't mind. Be back.

Herry: I'm going to draw her a picture of me holding my weights.

FilFil: I'm doing a drawing of me dancing the night away. Since I love to dance.

Grover: We know that FilFil. I really do not know what to draw? *scratches head*

Maurice: You could draw your horse, Fred.

Grover: I just might do that. Thanks Maurice. *runs off*

Maurice: Wonder where he's going? Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <staring at computer screen>
Chef: <washing dishes from you-don't-want-to-know-what>
Rowlf: <working on a puzzle>
Robin: <watches Rowlf work on puzzle> <gets bored> <hops onto computer desk> HI LISA!
Lisa: WHA! <jumps> <falls off of ball>
Robin: Oh, gee, are you okay?
Lisa: <lying on back on the floor> <thumbs up> Dandy!
Rowlf: Lions?
Robin: Huh?
Lisa: Dandelions! <props self up on elbows> How ya doin', Robin?
Robin: Good.
Lisa: Good!
Robin: What'cha doin'?
Lisa: <sighs and sits on ball in front of computer again> I'm discussing the value and unique aspects of the themes and concepts I hope to explore and make my audience aware of in my expression of the pen.
Robin: ...Huh?
Lisa: I'm writing an essay.
Robin: Oh.
Lisa: P.
Robin: Why?
Lisa: Z?
Robin: Huh?
Lisa: Oh.
Robin: P.
Lisa: You learn quick.
Robin: Thanks! ...But why are you writing an essay?
Lisa: To get into college, hopefully.
Robin: ...But aren't we in college? Isn't that what the dorms are for?
Lisa: Well, yes and no...
Robin: ...So... Maybe?
Lisa: Ish.
Robin: I don't get it.
Lisa: Neither do I, but I think it has to do with multiple layers of reality.
Robin: Oh. ...What does THAT mean?
Lisa: ....It means... ...Don't look down.
Robin: ..................OHHHHhhhh....
Lisa: <nods>
Robin: I don't get it.
Lisa: ...Ask Rowlf.
Chef: Ooh, de muffie barken de hushkie! <Runs to oven, which has begun to smoke, opens it, coughs on smoke, pulls something out, and closes oven> Shkyupen de muffie oots!
Rowlf: WHAT about oats?
Lisa: There's no oats.
Rowlf: In this room? Never be sure.
Lisa: <Eyes the very burnt circular looking things Chef pulled out of the oven> ...Chef, please don't tell me those are the muffins for Prawnie.
Chef: Bork bork! Shmergle shnoodle eegur shtayen?
Lisa: <Groans>...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Right... Don't look down Robin.
Count: No, it's safe to look down. There's the floor down there beneth us, it's hunky-dory.
Yeah. Now maybe there'll be some more fanfic posted soonerishkibbible... Lisa? Ryan? Beth? Cath? Just jonesing for some fanfic I guess.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Man, those brownies went quickly.
Storyteller: Mm-hmm, and the Fraggles tore into the radish bars like they were possessed.
Nora: Party mix is all gone...but I did see some people running around with steam coming out of their mouths.
MN: Ah, well, c'est la vie. Say, didja hear that Kathy finally had that annoying molar yanked?
Nora: Whoa, really?
MN: That's right. She's feeling better, but I'm going to take her some bread pudding. (rummages around for eggs, vanilla, leftover bread, sugar, etc)
Storyteller: Moss pack and a jar of rockweed bisque.
Nora: I found a box of lavender-mint tea in the store; I think she'd like that.
Storyteller: Good, good. How long is that pudding going to take?
MN: (tearing up bread and mixing it with sugar, vanilla, milk and egg mixture) Probably twenty to thirty.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *stares at Elmopalooza on TV* One small voice...
Gonzo: *put hand on Ryan's back* Can teach the world a song.
Ryan: *nods* *sigh* It's just so hard Gonzo...
Gonzo: You'll get through it Ryan, I'm here for ya! We all are!
Ryan: I know, I know... But... You can be there for someone, and... Well... You can be there for someone, ya know? And you guys, all of you aren't really here. No matter how much I want you to be here, you can't be.
Gonzo: ...Well... Ryan... Look on the bright side.
Ryan: I've been trying to...
Gonzo: We still have those delicious muffins from the Chef!
Ryan: ...I was afraid you were gonna say that.
Gonzo: *munches muffin* Mm, oats.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Erin... Heard you were getting some stuff for Kathy. You mind if I send somthing too? Happen to have some White Christmas hot chocolate with mint and vanilla flavoring along with some softened cinnamon avena oatmeal). Please LMK and I'll just go get the containers for the drop-off. Thanks.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(gang knocks on Kathy's door)

MN: Hey, Kathy, are you in? We've got you some stuff to speed the recovery along! (turns to others) You guys go first.
Nora: I got you some lavender-mint tea from the tea shop down the street from Coming Unbound.
Storyteller: One moss pack, good for reducing the swelling, and one jar of rockweed bisque.
MN: I baked you some bread pudding, and Ed and the Count sent along some special mint-vanilla hot chocolate and some cinnamon oatmeal, with their compliments.
Nora: These should really help. I wish I had a bunch of friends to send me things like this when I had my wisdom teeth out.
Storyteller: Let us know next time you go in for major oral surgery and we'll do something, okay?
Nora: Okay.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well guys I'm going to head on to bed.

Grover: Good night, Kyle.

Maurice: What about the welcome back banner?

We'll finish that up tomorrow. See ya'll in the morning.

Herry: Good night.

FilFil: Good night guys. I'm tired myself.

Grover: Good night FilFil. I am going to head off to bed too. *yawns*

Herry: Good night Grover. Maurice?

Maurice: Yep?

Herry: Wanna watch some TV?

Maurice: Sure.

As the two monsters sit down a voice is head as the camera pans out the window; The Dorms were brought to you by the letter "Y" and by the number "18." Muppet Dorms is a production of the Muppet Central Workshop. "Now hit the hay!" *slam of a trashcan is heard*
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