Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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And her I thought that little prawn was excited at the thought of getting a present for his wardrobe mistress. Oh well...


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *spies Ed* Oh, but I am Ed! But secretly of course... C'mon Gonz, we've got some shopping to do!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Just be sure not to let Gonzo do all the food shopping alone again.

Man, that was the weirdest Iron Chef America episode I've ever seen. It was like as if Gonzo and Bunsen and Beaker were all on one kitchen team, challenging a guy similar to the Swedish hef but schooled in Japanese culinary cultures instead of that of the Nordic nationality.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alright guys. We have to get things ready for tonight's parties.

Herry: Ok. Me and FilFil are going to go get some of the old decrations from the basements.

Maurice: How about I go get some of stuff from the HensonVille Store?

That would be grand Maurice. How about you and Grover go.

FilFil: He's still at work.

Oh yea. I forgot. Go see if Bryan needs anything you and the others can go.

Maurice: Ok. *runs over to Bryan's room*

I'll start by cleaning around the room as well outside in the hallway.

Maurice: Hey Bryan. Kyle wanted to know if you need anything from the store? I thought if you did me and whoever wnated to go could come along.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Wow...this site's been up for nine years?
Storyteller: Yeah, tempus fugit. And around here, the tempus really does fugit.
Nora: Can we go to the party? Please?
MN: Oh, sure. It was a rough week last week.
Storyteller: Yes...going for a long period of time without a party isn't good for your health.
MN: Maybe I'll whip up a batch of brownies for the occasion. The kind with the caramel sauce swirled in.
Nora: (swoon) I think I have time to throw together some party mix. (grabs box of cereal, chocolate chips and other necessary edibles)
Storyteller: You do that, and I'll bring a pan of radish bars.
MN: Sounds great, but do keep them away from Gobo. Won't do to set off his allergies, don't ya know.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Tempus Fuget? He's here? Sorry, that's the name of a Portugese forum friend on another forum. Well, not his real name, his screen name.

But there's better things to look forward to. OK, we got the burgers and short ribs fired up thanks to Prawny's interrogation work.
Count: Don't ou mean his mastery of the grills?
No, the grill usually makes him spill, info that is, about his other persona...

We've got some hot veggie platters with sesame paste dipping suce from House of the Rising Dim Sum, nine-layer salad and nine-layer salsa (had to add olives and peppers to the salad, and a layer of red pepper spiked catsup along with some garlic enfused sour cream to the salsa), and I think Erin'll be bringing some desserts.
Count: Ah-ha! I love it, the place is dressed to the nines!
The camera pans back to reveal a pattern of neon 9's painted in a sort of glowing computer rainbow splash on the backwalls of the party hall.


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May 21, 2005
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Bry: Has Ed already started setting up for the party?
Big Bird: Yep. And Ryan and Gonzo started up the grill. Ryan's allowed to do that because he's a grown-up.
Bry: Hey, just because he has a new girlfriend and knows how to drive a car doesn't automatically make him a grown-up.
Big Bird: Okay. Oh, and Maurice asked if we needed anything from the store. I told him we didn't need anything because you already went to Mr. Looper's Store.
Bry: Good good. And where's the birthday boy?
Bert: (enters) Still taking his bath.
Ernie: (heard singing the "Rubber Duckie" tune loudly from the bathroom) LA LA LA LA LA BA DA DEE DUM DAH DOO...
Telly: He's been in there all day!
Bry: Now that's how you spend a birthday! Doing what you love most. Come on! Let's go see if Ed needs help.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: I am home!

Herry: Hey Grover. We're getting ready for our birthday here.

Grover: Who is?

Maurice: The dorms. Ernie's! And Hilda's too.

Grover: Oh yea. I almost forgot about that.

FilFil: This is my first time here for our the celebration for the dorms.

Grover: You will love it.

*walks into the hallway* Hit it!

*music starts up*

(I start dancing out into the common room)

Shake your head one time *everyone shakes their head*
shake your head one time *everyone shakes their head*
shake it one more time just the same *shakes my head*
That's my heedly head shaking game (Take it Grover!)

Grover: Kick your foot two times *everyone kicks their foot*
kick your foot two times *everyone kicks their foot*
kick it two more times just the same *Grover kicks his foot*
That is my fildy foot kicking game (Alright Herry. Take it!)

Herry: Pull your ears three times *everyone pull their ears*
pull your ears three times *everyone pulls their ears*
pulls it three more times just the same *Herry pulls his*
That's my eitley ear pulling game

(music continues)

We need a honker for this one. Any honkers available? *one pops up* Good. Maurice take it.

Maurice: Honk your nose four times *Honker honks his nose*
honk your nose four times *Honker honks his nose*
honk it four more times just the same *everyone honks their nose*
That's my needly nose honking game (Thank Homer.)

Homer Honker: *honks his nose in welcome*

Now do you get it FilFil?

FilFil: I think I do?

Alright now you go!

FilFil: Clap your hands five times *everyone claps their hands*
clap your hands five times *everyone claps their hands*
clap them five more times just the same *FilFil claps his hands*
That's my heedly hand clapping game (I got it!)

Alright here I go.

Clap your hands five times *FilFil claps his hands*
Honk your nose four times *Homer honks his nose*
Pull your ears three times *Herry pulls his ears*
Kick your foot two times *Grover kicks his foot*
Shake your head one time just the same *I shake my head*

That's our heedly hand clapping *everyone claps their hands*
Needly nose honking *everyone honks their nose*
Eitley ear pulling *everyone pulls their ears*
Fildy foot kicking *everyone kicks their foot*
Heedly head shaking *everyone shakes their head*
Sing Song Play Along Game

*music stops*

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(oven timer beeps)
MN: Brownies are up. (opens oven door, sending drool-inducing scent through kitchen)
Nora: Oh, man, those are going to go quickly.
Storyteller: Coming through with the radish bars.
MN: How long will those need?
Storyteller: About ten, twenty minutes. (pops them into oven after MN removes brownies) How's the mix coming, Nora?
Nora: I made two kinds. There's the sweet kind, with the chocolate and peanut butter and powdered sugar, and then there's the savory kind, with the soy sauce and a whole bunch of hot peppers.
MN: Whoa, wait a minute, what kind of hot peppers?
Nora: Oh, the kind from...uh, the kind from the...uh...canister marked "Tenochtitlan at your own risk." (gulps)
MN: Oh man, those are the super-hots. Those things'll fry your mouth and half your neurons. Pull them out. (Nora starts to do so, with some difficulty)
Storyteller: And we'll all be running around like the Fraggles that ate from the Tooth Tower...Erin, why on earth do you keep those around?
MN: Because there's a nest of miniature fire dragons in one of the trees outside, and they're awfully fond of these. Keeps their flame glands nourished.
Nora: (picks last pepper out of party mix) Got the last one.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Actually Herry... The dorms' birthday isn't until the first weekend or thereabouts in September. Today's the town's birthday.

OK, the guests should be arriving soon. Count, be sure to usher them all in, esecially Ernie and Hilda. Got to finish these fudge spiders, oh, and tell Bryan he's in charge until I get back.
Leaves party hall to go attach the chocolate rod legs to squared fudge brownie spiders, and also gets a punch bowl filled wth Caribbean Cooler punch for all to drink, helped by a couple of bats who airlift the drinking fontain out to the festive goings-on.
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