Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: Guess I should of said the town of Hensonville is today's birthday. Or is it the other way around? I don't know. I can't help it!

Grover: *pats Herry on the back* It is alright Herry. Everyone says other things and mean the other thing.

Your really confusing me.

Grover: I hear that I do that to alot of others. Oh well. Come on everybodieeeee!!! *runs to the common room*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Don't vorry Herry my friend. We know what you mean, it's the town's birthday... Along vith the birthday of the Muppet Central organization vhich funded this fair town.
*Coming back in: And just what is it you can't help? Cause if you ask me, you're pretty helpful in your own way. So come on and cheer up, here's a bowl of chips and some nine-layer salsa for you and the monsters to enjoy. Now let's get some music and wish our bathday boy and witching wardrobe woman a happy birthday!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(getting out of the bath tub...)
Ernie: What a great birthday this has been! Thanks for spending it with me, Rubber Duckie!
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak squeak*
Ernie: Hey, I wonder if there's a party for me tonight. Do ya think so?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak squeak squeak*
Ernie: Let's go see, huh?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak squeak squeak squeak*
Ernie: Oh, you're right, Rubber Duckie. I should dry off first so I don't drip water all over the hallway carpet. Okay...(takes his fluffy towel and dries himself all off) There. All dry! Ready to go find the party?
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak squeak squeak*!
Ernie: Oh. Khekhekhekhe! Right again. If there is a party, I can't go in a towel. You're such a smart duckie. I'll get dressed and then we'll go to the party. (goes to room 29 to get ready)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Hey, Rubber Duckie. Wouldn't it be fun to go to the party in disguise and see if they recognize me? Oh, I've got a great costume! It'll sure give ol' Bert a surprise. (Ernie puts on an old cowboy costume with a ten-gallon hat and a big bushy black false mustache and an eye patch over the right eye.) This'll be great! Khekhekhe! (walks into party room)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Where's Ernie?
Big Bird: Yeah, he's missing his own party!
Hoots: And what a hot party it is too! The music's thumpin', the monsters dancin'...
Bry: Like everyday in Kyle's room.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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In the Common room.......

Herry: Thank you Count. *grabs the chips off the table* This is good. Who made it? *walks with The Count*

*gathers up some dormies for a musical treat for Ernie and Hilda* Alright guys. You know what to do. *starts to conduct*

(intermental of "Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree" is heard)

Alrighty guys. I have all of these sounds I would like ya'll to make so here are some of the stuff. *throws them to people he want's making them* Here we go. I'll point to you when I want the sound made. Hit it off guys!

(music continues)

Me: Come on everybody
To a street called Sesame
There's something very silly
That we'd like you all to see
It's the latest, it's the greatest
It's the only place to be
It's the Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree

Ed! Count! Bryan! Big Bird! *points to them*

Ed: *Honks! Honk!*

Bryan: *Squeeze! Squeeze!*

The Count: *Honk! Honk!*

Big Bird: *Ding!*

Me: Take a chance and join us
And I know that you'll agree
Our show may not be fancy
But it's noisy and its free
It's got honks, it's got squeaks, it's got dings, and it's got me
It's the Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
The Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree

(Beth! Red! Bert! Oscar!) *points to them*

Beth: *Honk! Honk!*

Red: *Squeeze! Squeeze!*

Bert: *Honk! Honk!*

Oscar: *Ding!* Boy do I hate this.

Me: Play it boys!

Beth, Red, Bert, Ed, Count, Bryan, Oscar and Big Bird all play a little diddy of Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree with the sounds

Hilda! Hoots! Ryan! Clifford! *points to them*

Hilda: *Honk! Honk!*

Hoots: *laughs* *Squeeze! Squeeze!*

Ryan: *Honk! Honk!*

Clifford: *Ding!* I really dig this.

Me: If you want to be a member of our happy family
Nothing to it, you can do it
If you listen carefully
Clap your hands, tap your toes
Snap your fingers slap your knees

Come on everybody try it!

Everyone joins in with different sounds

Nora: *Clang! Clang!*

Sara: *Beep! Beep!*

Scooter: *Bong! Bong!*

StoryTeller Fraggle: *Ring!*

Everyone: At the Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
The Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree!!

Everyone joins in the last Sqeek, Dong, Boing, Ding and other sounds


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Disguised Ernie: Oh, boy. They're playing the Jamboree song. I love it.
Bert: That sure was fun. I wish Ernie was here to enjoy it.
Disguised Ernie: (strolls over to Bert and speaks in bad cowboy voice) Say there, pardner. Nice party.
Bert: Oh, thanks.
Ernie: And I love the nines. That must be the number of the day.
Bert: Yeah. Hey, how do you know about the number of the day? I've never seen you around here before.
Ernie: Everyone knows about the number of the day, Greenhorn! It's universal! Who's the party for?
Bert: My best friend, Ernie. It's his birthday and he should be here.
Ernie: Oh? Where is he?
Bert: I don't know. He's probably still up taking his bath.
Telly: Oh this is so sad! What if Ernie's been sitting in hot bath water for so long that he's gotten all shrivelly and slipped down the drain!!! Someone call a plumber!! (grabs Disguised Ernie by the collar and shakes him knocking off the cowboy hat) We've got to save him!!!!
Bry: Telly, I'm sure Ernie hasn't slipped down the drain. But...(sees the cowboy) Hey, who are you, anyway? You look familiar.
Ernie: Me? I'm uuh...Barry. Dirty Barry.
Telly: Dirty Barry? I love Dirty Barry!
Big Bird: My Granny Bird always told me to wash my berries before I eat them. It's healthier.
Telly: No, Big Bird! Dirty Barry like in one of the greatest westerns of all time!(to Ernie) Are you really him?
Ernie: Umm... you can say that.
Telly: Oh wow!
Ernie: Yeah...I saw this nice place and thought about moving in.
Telly: That would be sooo cooool!!
Bry: Wait a second, Dirty don't look so dirty to me. And...*sniff sniff* is that strawberry bubble bath I smell?
Ernie:, I uh...ate some strawberry griddle cakes for breakfast.
Bry: Ah...pretty late breakfast, dontcha think?
Big Bird: And you've got black shaggy hair like Ernie!
Ernie: (trying to stifle a laugh) Khekhekhe!
Bert: Ah ha!! There's only one person who has that laugh! Ernie!!
Bry: (tearing off fake mustache) Nice try, buddy!
Ernie: You found me!
Big Bird: (singing) It's Ernie!
Ernie: It's me!
Big Bird: We'd know you anywhere.
That "khekhekhe" when you laugh
That Ernie shirt and hair.
The squeaking of your duckie tells us you're the one.
We found him, we found him la la la la la

All: Happy birthday to Ernie, our chum!

Ernie: Sorry for tricking you, Bert. I was just having fun.
Bert: It's okay, Ernie.
Ernie: It is?
Bert: Sure. It's your birthday. You're supposed to have fun!
Ernie: Aww thanks, Bert. (puts arm around his buddy's shoulders) Khekhekhe!
Bert: (laughing) Eh-eh-eh-eh!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Everyone at the Dorms are still celebrating into the night and doing "De Rubber Duck" along with other fun dances)
Big Bird (voice-over): Muppet Dorms were brought to you today by the letters M, C, and by the number 9. Goodnight!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm, wonder why Hilda couldn't make it. Oh well, hope the guests of honor like their presents.

The bats leave a package at the doorstep of Room #29, the card reads Happy Birthday to Ernie! and contains a disguise kit with hats and beards and some other little clothing accessory attachments.
Meanwhile, another package is dropped off at Room #18's doorstep with a card that reads appy Birthday to Hilda, showing an Eastern European black rose on the cover, along with a package that envelops a knitten dusky gray shawl and a few gypsy good or bad luck charms for her to clip on to the shawl.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Sorry I missed the party guys, was it fun?
Red: Of course! Parties are always fun
Beth: Did Ernie like the bubble bath we got him?
Cookie: Me think so, he like baths
Beth: And did Hilda like the pearl necklace?
Wanda: She never came so we just left it outside her door
Beth: Sounds good. I've just been so busy with my show at church I just haven't had much time to hang out here
Red: It's no problem
Cookie: Me no mind
Wanda: Hey, we totally understand
Beth: You guys are the best!
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