Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Muppet Newsgirl said:
(gang knocks on Kathy's door)

MN: Hey, Kathy, are you in? We've got you some stuff to speed the recovery along! (turns to others) You guys go first.
Nora: I got you some lavender-mint tea from the tea shop down the street from Coming Unbound.
Storyteller: One moss pack, good for reducing the swelling, and one jar of rockweed bisque.
MN: I baked you some bread pudding, and Ed and the Count sent along some special mint-vanilla hot chocolate and some cinnamon oatmeal, with their compliments.
Nora: These should really help. I wish I had a bunch of friends to send me things like this when I had my wisdom teeth out.
Storyteller: Let us know next time you go in for major oral surgery and we'll do something, okay?
Nora: Okay.
Prairie: Very thoughtful gifts, but Kathy isn't here right now. She's gone home for a couple days. I'll be sure she gets them. They look yummy! Bye! (closes door and gathers some stuff to take back to room 29 for the night)


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ZOE: What are you doing, Peter

PETER: Doing some TV Schedules, transferring to my computer

BABY BEAR: Wow, I'm impressed

LITTLE BIRD: Is the schedule from December 14, 1974 in Boston

PETER: Yes, say why don't we take a walk


BABY BEAR:Get some fresh air

PETER: Bundle Up Everybody

ZOE: I've got Ballet Practice

PETER: That's Okay!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Christyb: *plops down onto my bed* Whew! I am so glad that the semester is finally underway.

Skeeter: *looks up from reading a book* So it's that busy in the bookstore?

Christyb: So much that I feel like I've lived there for the past three weeks.

Skeeter: No wonder I haven't seen you much. So things are calmind down now?

Christyb: Yes thank goodness.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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A brief shiver is felt down my spine. Huh? Did you feel that?
Count: Vhat?
For a moment there... Thought Christy, you know, my cyber sister, was online and watching us from her room.
Count: Is that possible?
Dunno... I've learned that nothing's impossible, just improbable. Eh, maybe it was just my nerves. Although...
Count: So vhat's new?
Eh, same old same old. So, you have any suggestions for #4?
Count: Vell, there's alvays that creepy little ki vith the glasses... You know, ol' 4-Eyes, though it's not really a total of four eyes he has..
Hmmm, I'll take it under consideration. Maybe the tree little haunting helpers I contacted can reply with their suggestions on what manner of ghoul or spook can take up the #4 spot in our first batch of counting castle creeps.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Christy: *rolls over and watches Skeeter on the computer* Skeeter! You know better than to hack into people's computer's and spy on them!

Skeeter: What?? You were wanting to know what they were doing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: I have never had writer's block this bad.
Uncle Deadly: I could tell.
Ryan: *sigh* It's not easy concentrating on writing... Or school for that matter.
Uncle Deadly: Understandably so.
Ryan: *shrug* I'll get through it though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Anyone want to play a game of "Monsters in the movies?"

FilFil: I would love to play. My friend had this game. Me and him would play it all the time.

Herry: I'll join in.

Maurice: Count me in.

I'll watch.

Grover: Ok. *rolls dice* I got 5.

Maurice: *rolls* 6!

FilFil: What's the highest roll?

Herry: 6.

FilFil: Oh. *rolls* 3.

Herry: *rolls* 3. Have to roll again FilFil.

FilFil: *rolls again* 1.

The monsters start the game as I watch


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well that was a good game but I couldn't understand it but I know something everyone in here could understand.

Herry: What's that?

A dance number!

FilFil: Dance number?!


FilFil: I'm in!

Alright! *stomps on the ground and a group of Sesame Street Animals come out with music interments* Hit it guys!

SS Sheep: One two two three!

All the Sesame Street Animals start the song "Wild and Free"

SS Pig: *whistles the Can Can*

SS Horse: Woooohoo!

SS Dog: Woooohoo!

SS Pig: *starts the drums as the same tune Can Can*

SS Animals: Whoooooooooa!

*music picks up*

Everyone starts dancing around the room

SS Animals: We're Heading for the west
not heading for the east
we gonna live our dreams
cause we're wild and free

We're Heading for the west
not heading for the east
we gonna live our dreams
cause we're wild and free

SS Cat: *fliddles a little diddy*

SS Aniamls: Hey! (6x) Whoooooooooa!

(whistling is still heard)

FilFil: This fun!

Grover: Wooooha!

Maurice: I hope we're not keeping the others up.

(music continues)

SS Animals: Heading for the West

SS Cat: Everybody!

SS Animals: Heading for the West

SS Cat: Wild and Free!

SS Animals: Heading for the West

SS Cat: Everybody!

SS Animals: We gonna live our dreams
cause we're wild and free, hey!
We're Heading for the west
not heading for the east
we gonna live our dreams

SS Animals and Cat: cause we're wild and free

We're Heading for the west
not heading for the east
we gonna live our dreams

SS Animals and Cat: cause we're wild and free

SS Animals: Hey! (6x)

SS Cat: Everybody!

SS Animals: Whoooooooooa!

SS Cat: Everybody! Every-bod-y! (7x)

(music hits a slow part)

Everyone falls down on the floor

SS Pig: *starts the drums again*

Everyone starts feeling the music and starts to get up

SS Animals: Heading for the west (4x)
We're Heading for the west
not heading for the east
we gonna live our dreams

SS Animals and Cat: cause we're wild and free

We're Heading for the west
not heading for the east
we gonna live our dreams

SS Animals and Cat: cause we're wild and free

SS Animals: Heading for the West

SS Cat: Everybody!

SS Animals: Heading for the West

SS Cat: Wild and Free!

SS Animals: Heading for the West

SS Cat: Everybody!

SS Animals: We gonna live our dreams
cause we're wild and free, hey!

(music tempo picks up fast)

Everyone is now dancing around the room really fast

Grover: *moving really fast with music* I am really tired.

*moving really fast with music* So am I.

Herry: *moving really fast too* I can't keep up.

*music stops*

Grover, Me, FilFil, Maurice and Herry all fall to the ground moaning in pain

FilFil: I can't feel my legs.

Grover: I can not feel my furry little body.

Herry: I can't move anything.

Maurice: Me neither.

How about we just sleep here?

Monsters: *all agree*

Grover: Good night

Don't waste your energy.

Grover: I hear yea. *falls right to sleep*

We all fall fast asleep on the floor


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: (observing from a tree branch outside Kyle's window) Hehe! Look at that. Four furry and funky monsters fast asleep on the floor, which reminds me before I forget... Muppet Dorms were brought to you today by the letter F and the number 4. Groovy dreams!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Tired and sort of feeling the blahs of another day done with. At least I've had my dinner. Heading off to bed, tell Beth and Sean I'll read through their messages should they happen to reply tomorrow.
Count: Sure thing Ed, nighty night.
Thanks... Just hope the fanfics get updated though.
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