Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jan 31, 2005
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Cookie *coming into the room*: Dum de dum de dum, dum de dum *sees Wanda eating a sandwich* What you eating?
Wanda: It's a grilled cheese sandwich. It's really yummy
Cookie: Cheese! Cheese start with c.
Wanda: Yes it does Cookie. Would you like one? I can make these real easily
Cookie: You would make one for me?
Wanda: Sure! I don't mind!
Cookie: Ok! Cheese may not be cookie, but me like cheese
Wanda: Cool, let me just finish this before it gets too cold
Cookie: Ok *watches as Wanda eats her sandwich but does manage to wait patiently*
Wanda: I'm impressed Cookie, you waited for me to finish instead of trying to eat it yourself
Cookie: Me learning good manners living at dorms
Wanda: Well, after your sandwich I think we've probably got another special treat around here too
Cookie: Oh boy! Is it cookie?
Wanda: You'll just have to wait and see *goes to make sandwich*
Cookie: Me can hardly wait for special treat. Me wonder if it's big chocolate chip cookie or peanut butter cookie. Oh me getting so hungry! *starts pacing in the room* Me wonder if treat in the room. If me were cookie me wonder where me hide. Hmmmm. *starts to get impatient and tears apart the room looking for cookies, finally finds them and devours them* MMMMM, me love cookies!
*Wanda comes back with sandwich*
Wanda: Cookie Monster!
Cookie: Uh oh.
Wanda: What happened to you saying you've learned good manners at the dorms?
Cookie: Umm, me no say "learned" me say "learning" which means me still learning, me can't help myself. *grabs sandwich and devours it too*
Wanda: *Sigh* All right, help me clean up the room before Beth gets back
Cookie Monster: Urp! Scuse me.
*the familiar wha wha wha trumpet music plays*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Bryan, Big Bird and Telly go downstairs to room 6)
Bry: (knocks on door) Kathy, are you there? It's me Bryan!
Big Bird: And Big Bird!
Telly: And Telly!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well, it's Friday afternoon. The weekend has started and I'm looking forward to all the shows I usually watch. Wonder what Mom sent for dinner, it'll be hard to top those peanut butter pancakes from this morning, with toasted peanuts and sweet syrup. Mmm, I'm getting hungry thinking what may be for dinner tonight. Also need to talk to my best friend, some creative block stuff. If not, I may talk to some of my MC friends instead. Oh well, I'm homeward bound...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (opening the door a bit) Kathy? Hi! Sorry, don't mean to barge in. We just wanted to see if you needed anything. We also brought you some brownies.
Telly: (sees the walker) Whooah...that's the weirdest looking pogostick I've ever seeeen!
Big Bird: Hehe! Oh, Telly, that's not a pogostick.
Telly: It's not?
Big Bird: No! It's a... umm... Gosh, I don't know what that is!
Bry: It's a walker, Big Bird!
Big Bird: A walker? But I don't see any feet. (leans down looking for feet on the walker)
Telly: Me neither.
Bry: No, no, no. Guys, listen. This thing is used to help Kathy walk around. She's injured and should not be puting a lot of weight on her foot, so she can't walk around very easily on her own right now. So until her foot is better, she uses the walker.
Big Bird: Oh, it's kinda like a cane!
Bry: That's right.
Telly: Cooool!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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BEAR said:
Bry: (opening the door a bit) Kathy? Hi! Sorry, don't mean to barge in. We just wanted to see if you needed anything. We also brought you some brownies.
Telly: (sees the walker) Whooah...that's the weirdest looking pogostick I've ever seeeen!
Big Bird: Hehe! Oh, Telly, that's not a pogostick.
Telly: It's not?
Big Bird: No! It's a... umm... Gosh, I don't know what that is!
Bry: It's a walker, Big Bird!
Big Bird: A walker? But I don't see any feet. (leans down looking for feet on the walker)
Telly: Me neither.
Bry: No, no, no. Guys, listen. This thing is used to help Kathy walk around. She's injured and should not be puting a lot of weight on her foot, so she can't walk around very easily on her own right now. So until her foot is better, she uses the walker.
Big Bird: Oh, it's kinda like a cane!
Bry: That's right.
Telly: Cooool!
coming over to the door Hi guys! Sorry I took so long. As you can see, I have this walker,and it takes me a while to get places. Thanks for explaining,Bry:wink: I don't know how long I'll need to use it for, unfortunately. But I need to warn you guys.I don't quite have the hang of it yet. So if you see me coming by with this,watch your feet so they don't get crushed.
Mmmm...brownies! Thanks! I love brownies! And yes...if I need help,I'll let you guys know. Prairie and Rosita are doing a good job. I'll let them know if they need a break ,that you offered to help.Prairie and Rosita should be back in a bit.They went to get sandwiches for us.
giving each of them a thank you hug


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, Telly. You all ready for bed?
Telly: Almost. I can't find Freddy
Bry: Check under the bed.
Telly: Oh, yeah! He always falls down there. Thanks, Bryan.
Bry: You're welcome.
Big Bird: (comes inside from the nest) Hey, Bryan.
Bry: Hi, Big Bird. What are you doing up? Is your electric blanket warm enough for you?
Big Bird: Oh sure! My nest is as toasty as ever.
Bry: Good.
Big Bird: I was just thinking.
Bry: Oh? About what?
Big Bird: Kathy.
Bry: What about her?
Big Bird: Well...she didn't seem very happy about her walker.
Bry: Yeah, and I don't blame her.
Big Bird: But I don't understand. Aren't walkers supposed to help people.
Bry: Yes, but some people when they're injured or handicapped in some way don't like to use them.
Big Bird: But why?
Bry: Maybe because when people need walkers or canes or wheelchairs, it makes them feel old or helpless or sick, and a lot of people don't like to be seen that way. They don't like to draw that kind of attention. They like to be able to do things on their own and those things can get in the way and it's often frustrating. Just like we don't want to depend on others all the time either and Kathy often feels like she does.
Big Bird: But we don't mind helping. That's what friends are for!
Bry: Exactly! And the same goes for her walker.
Telly: Her walker is her friend?
Bry: Hehe. In a way, yes. It's helping her until her foot is healed enough to where she can walk on her own without it.
Telly: I remember when I fell off my pogostick and hurt my arm. I had to go to the hospital and they put my arm in a cast. I didn't like it at first, but then I learned that I had to wear it to make my arm better.
Big Bird: I just wish there was a way we could get her to like the walker more.
Telly: Well, when I had my cast, people signed it and drew pictures on it to make me feel better.
Big Bird: Telly, that's a brilliant idea!
Telly: What is?
Big Bird: Why don't we decorate Kathy's walker?
Bry: Like personalizing it?
Big Bird: Uh huh! We can get ribbons and bells...
Telly: And triangles?
Big Bird: All kinds of stuff! We could even get some of are other friends around here to donate things. Like Grover and Herry and Gonzo...
Telly: I'll bet we could even get Oscar to give up something.
Bry: That's a very clever idea and I'm sure Kathy would appreciate it. Just one problem...
Telly: What?
Bry: Well, it should be a surprise, right? So, how are we gonna get the walker away from Kathy without her noticing?
Telly: Good point.
Big Bird: I've got an idea!


(Big Bird has gone to Oscar's can to get Slimey and they are now downstairs outside room 6)
Big Bird: (holding little Slimey the Worm in his hand) Okay, Slimey, here's the plan... You're little and your quiet, so we need you to crawl under the door to the inside of the room. Then when you're on the other side, climb up the door and unlock it. Then Telly is going to sneak in and get the walker from next to Kathy's bed. Got it?
Slimey: Okay.
Big Bird: Alright, little worm. Do your stuff.
(Big Bird sets Slimey on the floor and the worm does exactly what he was asked to. Once the door unlocks, it's Telly's cue to enter)
Big Bird: (whispering) Okay, Telly. You're on.
Telly: (wearing miners helmet and mask) What if I can't find it? What if it's so dark that I can't see anything and I trip on doll and totally ruin the whole operation?!
Big Bird: Telly, you'll be fine. That's why you're wearing that miners helmet. See, it's got a light on it.
Telly: Oh...
Big Bird: Telly, I'm right here. You can do this.
Telly: Oh alright. (Telly goes in the room taking very slow and soft steps so he doesn't wake anyone up. He hears a loud noise...) Gee, I'd never expect Prairie to snore like that.
Big Bird: (whispering from the door) Telly, the walker is right there.
Telly: I see it. (carefully picks it up and makes his way out the room with it and closes the door behind him) I did it!
Slimey: Way to go, Telly!
Big Bird: Great! Now we can take it upstairs and tomorrow we'll fix it all up!
Telly: I just thought of something. Isn't she going to notice it missing when she wakes up in the morning? What's she gonna do without her walker all day?
Big Bird: Oh...well...she's got Prairie and Rosita to help her out. Remember? That's what friends are for!
Telly: Oh yeah!
Big Bird: Come on!
(Big Bird and Telly take Slimey back to the trashcan before heading to room 29)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: (voice-over) Muppet Dorms were brought to you by the letter C and by the number 3.
Bert: (voice-over) Ernie, I'm trying to sleep. Would you keep it down?
Ernie: Sorry, Bert. Goodnight.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Awake in Room #1...
Hmmm... I don't know. I'm a bit worried about what Big Bird and Telly did. Usually, those two are model citizens, especially under Bryan's care. But to get Slimey as the means of breaking an entry into someone else's room? And then pilfering an important piece of equipment very much needed by one of that room's inhabitants? Yes, surprises are generally meant to be that, without knowledge of what's coming on the part of the surprisee... But sometimes surprises can be shared and informed in advance. Also, the idea of decorating her walker is a good one... Though Kathy might want to decorate it herself or say that others can decorate it, since after all it is the walker that she herself has for her use until whatsoever time she can go back and return it to the hospital or wherever she got it from. Besides, I don't think she feels miffed against the walker itself, but rather it's an accumulation of things.

Well, hopefully Bry will talk to those two and rectify the situation. It was a good idea, just that this kind of surprise should've been talked over with Kathy, or at least one of her roomies.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: (overhearing room 1's inhabitant) Man, someone's got their strings tuned a little too tight. Eh, I'll take care of it... (gets the undecorated walker out of room 29 and puts it back in room 6) There.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hey Hoots... Thanks, though I guess the music helped bring that walker downstairs. Sorry if it seemed a bit tight back there, I just worry for Kathy's sake... After all, that walker's pretty important to her foot healing up right. Almost as important as my cane or walking staff. But I know Big Bird and Telly meant well, so it's all good.
Take care and cap a few Z's before you have to open up Birdland tonight.
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