Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rositaopening door and finding a note:Hmmmm...reading noteThis is a nice idea!
Prairie:Morning Rosita! What's that note?
Rosita:A note from room 29. They're thinking of passing Kathy's walker around to different rooms to decorate it.
Prairie: Hey...great idea!But what's Kathy going to do without her walker meanwhile?
Rosita:The 2 of us will be here all day to help her.
hobbling out of my roomRosita and Prairie,my walker's missing!:eek:
Prairie:OK Kath...take it easy. It's all part of the surprise.You'll get it back later...I promise.Meanwhile,Rosita and I are here to help you.
OK...if you say so.
Prairie:Yep...I do.I'm gonna fix some French toast for us for breakfast.
Sounds delish!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hey guys look, Bryan sent down Kathy's walker
Red: Wait! Doesn't she need that to walk with?
Beth: Yes, but we're all helping to decorate it
Red: Oh! Cool!
Cookie: Me hang some cookies from it
Beth: Ok...hopefully that won't make her too hungry to look at them
Wanda: I'll hang some musical notes
Red: I've got some pretty red pebbles to glue to the sides
Beth: And I'll add some purple ones
*they work and then step back to admire their work*
Beth: Looks pretty good! I think I'll go leave it with Ryan and see if he and his roommates want to add anything


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *hauls in Kathy's walker* Oomph! Guys! We've got a project!
Gonzo: Ooh! A walker! Let me guess! We're going to ducktape the walker to my back, and shoot me out of the window while sticking my nose in a pencil sharpener!
Ryan: ...No.
Gonzo: Well what then?
Ryan: We get to decorate Kathy's walker for her!
Clifford: Sounds cool dude. What are we supposed to put on it?
Ryan: Whatever we want I suppose. Something that represents us.
Clifford: Nice. Well, what represents me?
Uncle Deadly: A pompous, over-bearing, cell phone addict?
Clifford: Man, if you weren't already dead...
Ryan: Easy guys, let's get this done, shall we?
Clifford: Sounds good to me. I'll hang some shades for her. This thing is already so bright, she may need 'em. Heh heh.
Camilla: Brawk, bagawk bruck byuck brawk!
Gonzo: Go easy on the feathers honey. Save some for molting season.
Uncle Deadly: I think I shall dangle some tissue paper ghosts from this walker. Give Kathy a little transparency as she walks. ...Er, hobbles.
Ryan: Very nice Uncle D. How bout you Gonzo?
Gonzo: A sampling of my mold collection, of course!
Ryan: ...Of course... I think I'll attatch a mini pamphlet on how to disinfect mold... Hmm, who should we give this thing to next?
Gonzo: Lisa?
Ryan: We'll never see it again.
Gonzo: Good point...
Clifford: Kyle?
Ryan: Sounds good. Gonzo, you feel like walking this to Kyle's room?
Gonzo: Sure thing!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: (is heading out the door carrying a big box) Bye, Bert!
Bert: Ernie, where are you going with that box?
Ernie: Oh, well I heard that Ed has been missing a few letters. So, I've got the whole alphabet in this box for him to barrow. See you later, Bert!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Actually, it's more a case of missing numbers. Or rather, not knowing what to number. Sent messages to Beth, Christy and Prawny, haven't heard from them yet and that makes me doubt myself even more. If there was any forum friend I trusted enough and was a mature male, maybe I could talk to that person in earnest about my concerns... Eh, maybe tomorrow will bring some replies and maybe I can move forward from there.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: So how's it going, reporter girl?
MN: Well, I'm glad that I'm going to be getting some more sleep this semester...but in some small way I'm kinda going to miss dealing with the zombies each Monday night.
Storyteller: But you'll still be dealing with them, won't you? You're still on the staff, just not on the editorial board.
MN: That's true. I'll have lots more time to do newspaper stories now...and maybe work on a Muppet fanfic or two.
Nora: That sounds fun.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Scooter: *coming in from sitting down in the main room* I heard they're all decorating Kathy's walker guys!

Sara: *looking up from a book she's reading.* Oh really? That's awesome!

Sadie: When are we getting our chance at it?

Scooter: Probably in awhile. They don't want her to be without it for too long, but we can add a few things.

Sara: How about just one or two things? Not that much ya know?

Sadie: Something with rainbows perhaps?

Sara: I've got an awesome idea! *She pulls out her clipboard, and sets to work on it.* We could make a small pouch to hang on the inside of it, to hold things!

Scooter: That is a really good idea...we could also attach a cup holder to it too! So she can also have a drink or something with her if she wanted it while she's walking around the dorms!

Sadie: We should find out who's got it tonight, or the next day and just take it over to them, while they're doing their thing. Kathy shouldn't go too long without something like that.

Sara & Scooter: Agreed.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: (calls up Sara's room) Oh, hi, Scooter! It's Ernie. Listen, if you're interested in adding to Kathy's walker that'd be great! Last I heard it was with Kyle, but I'm not sure if it's made it's way past there. Maybe you can go over there and make your contributions. Talk to you later!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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*Boober walks into Room #19 with a basket of laundry*
Kim: Hey, Boober. What's the word in the halls?
Boober: Seems they're passing around Kathy's walker for everyone in the dorms to decorate.
Gillis: Doesn't she need it to help her walk, though?
Kim: Well, she does have Rosita and Prairie to help her in the meantime. You guys interested in helping to decorate it?
Betty Lou: Sure!
Tosh: Yeah!
Gillis: Sounds like a good idea.
Boober: Sure, why not?
Kim: Great. You guys get to thinking about what you want to add, and I'll go see about getting it sent down our way.



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alright guys everyone ready to give a dectration to Kathy's chair?

Monsters: Ready!


Grover: I adorable Grover am going to give her one of my playing blocks. *sticks it to the chair*

Herry: Here is a picture of me and Kathy the last time me and the mosnters hung out together. *sticks it to the chair*

Maurice: I have a drawing that I drew just for Kathy. It's of me, her, Prairie and Rosita. *hangs it on the chair*

And you FilFil?

FilFil: I don't have anything to give her. :frown:

Why not some of your fur?

Grover: We could cut some off?

That would be great!

FilFil: Will it hurt?

Herry: Not at all. Have you ever had a fur cut?

FilFil: I still do.

Herry: That's what it's like.

FilFil: Ok. *cuts some fur off* There you go.

*sticks the fur on the chair* There we go. Now were done. Hold on. One more thing. *runs into the hallway and grabs something from Oscar's can* This should do it. *sticks a piece of Oscar's old holey blacket on her chair* Now it's finished. *sticks the chair out in the hallway* (hollars) If anyone needs it it's right here!
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