Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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You know what I was thinking?
Rosita: What's that,amiga?
This walker would look pretty cool decorated.You know...streamers and stuff? A couple of sparkly heart stickers.
Prairie suddenly bursts out laughing!
Dumb idea Prairie? at all! You see...I heard Bryan and his roomies talking last night,never mind. I guess you'll find out later.
Find out what?'ll be surprised.:wink:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm, I wonder if Beth and/or Christy got the messages I sent them about the little frighters. Guess all I can do is wait to hear back from them. If not, I might have to recur to some other sources, which wouldn't be a bad thing... But since I shared with them first, I'm kinda hopeful to find out what their thoughts/feedback is and if this has a chance of thriving this time.

Oh well... *Goes back to minding business absently watching some TV.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ed? Were you trying to get in touch with me? I haven't gotten any messages...odd...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Beth... Check e last eply I ent ou or Rowlf's Story, the ist ould e the e ottom. If ot, MK nd an end t ain.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: You what?
MN: That's right. I've quit my editor job and gone back to being strictly a reporter.
Storyteller: Well, the way you were staggering in here early Tuesday mornings last semester...and it's your decision, and I think you made the right one.
MN: Yeah...and I just felt like I didn't really belong in there.
Nora: So maybe you stand a chance of getting some decent sleep now.
MN: And no petty newsroom politics. Sure, sure, there will be some noses bent out of shape, but I think it will pass.
Storyteller: Like gallstones. Now, come on, I've got a pot of grubroot chowder on the stove. It'll be cold tonight.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Where's Bryan?
Big Bird: He had work today, remember?
Telly: Oh yeah. I hope he gets home soon. I'm starving.
Bry: (enters) I'm home! There you two are! I heard that you guys stuck downstairs last night and broke into Kathy's room to take her walker.
Telly: Yeah, we did.
Bry: You know better than that. I mean I know you had the idea, but I didn't realize you'd do it that way.
Big Bird: We were just trying to surprise Kathy with a nicely decorated walker to make her happy! It would have been great too if Ed hadn't found out.
Telly: Yeah, he busted us big time!
Bry: So where is it right now?
Big Bird: Back downstairs with Kathy.
Telly: Undecorated and plain as ever.
Bry: Sorry, guys.
Big Bird: We just wanted to cheer her up! Why does Ed have to get mad at us?
Bry: Hey, I understand. I don't think Ed was trying to be mean, but it's not right to break into someone else's private room. Plus, it's important Kathy has her walker.
Big Bird: We didn't know we were doing anything wrong.
Bry: I know. Your intentions were good. Tell ya what, maybe you can still do it, but let Prairie or Rosita know next time.
Big Bird: Okay.
Telly: Okay.
Bry: Now, come on. Let's get dinner. I'm starving!
Telly: Me too!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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phone rings in Room 6
Rosita:Hello?Room 6! Mama!casting a sneaky look at me I'm going to go in the other room so I can talk.Hang on,por favor
closing the door to her roomSorry for calling you "Mama" Bryan...but Kathy was sitting right there and I didn't want her knowing anything about you & the others going to decorate her walker.....yes,Prairie knows....OK...I'll give you a call when Kathy goes to bed. She'll be so happy and excited when you do this for her.:smile:....right.OK...Adios!*hanging up the phone and coming to watch TV with us.*

Rosita,how's your mother?
Rosita:My mother? Ohhhh...Mama's doing fine! She says hola and that she hopes your foot feels better soon.Prairie,can I talk to you,please?
Prairie follows Rosita into her room Rosita...was that really your mama? was Bryan.He just was saying that he and the others still want to decorate Kathy's walker.I had to say it was my mother because Kathy was sitting right there.I told Bryan that after Kathy goes to bed I'll call him & let him know he can bring the walker upstairs.
Prairie:Oooh...good plan Rosita! Maybe I'll stay in Kathy's room with her tonight in case she needs help getting out of bed for anything.
Rosita:Buena idea Prairie! Now...let's go back outside to Kathy.
the girls come out of Rosita's room 2 sneaks...what's going on?
Prairie:Huh? Oh nothing!Just girl talk!
And what am I;chopped liver?
Rosita:Kathy..just trust us,OK?I promise that tomorrow you'll be surprised!
OK...if you say so.I'm going to bed anyway.'Night girls.
Prairie: Hey Kath? I was thinking I could sleep on the cot next to your bed tonight in case you need help.
Well I have the walker. But OK...if you want to help me out tonight you can. You,Rosita?
Rosita:Maybe tomorrow night.Buenas noches!
Prairie and I disappear into my room.
Rosita*dialing the phone* Hi Bert it's Rosita. Tell Bryan that Kathy just went to bed and to come up in about a half hour.Thanks!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Bryan and Ernie show up at room 6's door) *knock knock*
Bry: Hi, Rosita. We're here for the walker. Don't worry. We'll have it back by morning.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(the roomies of 29 are staring at Kathy's walker)
Bry: So what do you want to do with this?
Ernie: I have an idea!
Bry: Yes, Ernie?
Ernie: How about we each contribute one or two things to decorate it and then we pass it around to some of the other dormies to add stuff?
Bert: That's a neato idea, Ernie!
Ernie: Thank you, Bert.
Bry: Well, that means that it might take slightly longer to get the thing back to Kathy. I guess we can always just ask Rosita for extra time. It's too late to call. Hoots, would you leave a note at their window?
Hoots: Sure thing. Do you want it in the major or minor key?
Bry: Huh?
Hoots: Hehehe! Just kiddin'. I know what you mean. (flies off)
Telly: So what are we gonna put on it?
Big Bird: Everyone split up andget whatever you can find.
(all go to their respective rooms/nests and come back with things)
Bert: I can donate some of my bottlecaps. They'd look great glued down the sides of the legs here.
Bry: How about three on each side?
Bert: Okay.
Ernie: And I've got this great bike horn! (honks it) *Honk honk* Khekhekhe! We can put it on the front.
Bry: We'll always know she's comin'. Well, I've got some star stickers we can put around. How about you, Big Bird?
Big Bird: How about one of my feathers?
Bry: Good idea! Very personal touch. (gently pulls a beautiful big yellow feather from Big Bird's wing and fastens it on the walker with one of the star stickers)
Big Bird: Telly, did you find something to add to the walker?
Telly: I dunno...
Bry: Well, we don't have a lot of time. We have to pass it on to someone else.
Telly: Go ahead. I'll find something.
Bry: Okay. Maybe Beth and her roomies would like to contribute. I'll leave it with her first thing in the morning.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: So have they officially set you free yet?
MN: No, fearless leader's trying to coax me back. The thing is, the other editors seem perfectly capable of editing their own stuff...and they do a much better job of it than I do, and there are painfully long periods when I don't have anything to edit.
Storyteller: That's not good.
MN: And I have a meeting on the subject this afternoon. I'm not looking forward to it.
Nora: Hang in there.
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