Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jan 31, 2005
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Red: Did you see my cool shiny red pebble from Ed?
Beth: Yes, it's beautiful! So nice of you to shopping with him Wanda!
Wanda: I enjoyed myself, it was nice.
Red: I already miss Abby, her side of the room looks so empty.
Beth: It won't be that way for long!
*hears knock at the door*
Wanda: Who could that be?
Beth: Our new roommate! *opens door to reveal Cookie Monster with bags and a pillow that looks like a cookie*
Cookie: Me ready to move in with pretty girls now!
Red: Cookie Monster!
Wanda: Hey! Welcome!
Cookie: Thank you. Me happy to have new place to stay. Me miss Kyle and other monsters but me visit them lots.
Beth: Here's your bed, and we've got lots of room for your things.
Cookie: This great, thank you!
Red: I get the feeling this is going to be tons of fun, I love the monsters here!
Cookie: Me like Fraggles too, so it good trade off.
Beth: I'm so happy this is working out. Ok, I've got to get in touch with some of the committee members about something, so I'll be back, you guys behave
Wanda: Oh we will


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Robin: Ryyyyyan, where is Lisa?
Ryan: I don't know Robin... She's obviously back, just not... Back.
Robin: But when will she be back?
Ryan: I'm not sure. But I do know that she just had me tell Beth that she will be staying here at the Dorms with you, and Rowlf, and Chef through the next semester.
Robin: But she's not even here! What if she just leaves us here forever!
Ryan: Well, in all fairness, she can't. I can only have five room mates max, and trust me, Gonzo adds up to like twelve already... So she has to come back eventually.
Robin: Ryan?
Ryan: Yes?
Robin: How long is eventually?
Ryan: Good grief...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Robin: LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISA!!!!! *jumps in Lisa's arms*
Rowlf: Well I'll be! The three minded one has returned!
Swedish Chef: Leesa! Yuoore-a beck! Hurey! Noo I cun shoo yuoo my noo receepe-a fur Metza Bell Suoofle-a!
Ryan: Lisa! Welcome home, finally! You owe me big time half/fiance/wife of mine! I handled your Secret Santa, your roomies, and your sister!
Gonzo: And me on top of all that!
Ryan: Yeah! So, how plan you to repay moi?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <Giggles> <hugs Robin> Hey Rowlf- Love to see it, Chef- I think- Um, And Prawnie, I plan to repay you by, um... ...So how's Trip coming?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: ...Trip... It's uh, it's great, uh yeah. Well, Rowlf, guys, you have your stuff packed, you know where the door is, thanks for staying, see you around! *pushes other half and her roomies out* Phew...
Uncle Deadly: So how IS Trip coming? Hmm?
Ryan: Don't make me push you out too.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Storyteller: Now, you girls have your first day of class tomorrow, so I want you both to get a decent night's sleep, no excessive amounts of caffeine or loud rock music...
Nora: No fair, why do you get to have all your classes starting in the late morning?
MN: Because I knew that Monday nights with the paper would leave me feeling ragged. So there.
Nora: I've got a history class at eight in the morning. Zombie central.
MN: Hey, you want zombies, just see the people I work with. I swear, these people never sleep.
Storyteller: Yes, but you are not "these people." And you, Erin, in particular, really need to set aside some time for relaxing, thinking, working on writing...
MN: Yes, Mom...and hey, wait a minute, don't you have to teach an eight o'clock class tomorrow yourself?
Storyteller: Yes, and I plan to take my advice of no caffeine and...
Nora: Then why are you chugging back that mug of superstrong spider tree tea?
Storyteller: Well, I need my energy to...
(much joking)
MN: Come on, who's up for cocoa?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? And here I thought tomorrow was a holiday. Oh well, good thing my classes or courses or however they're called are afternoon/night classes. Though I have to go through the same old song and dance of finding readers/assistants to hire... Not to mention getting the books I'll need... And not knowing what fic project I want to work on...
Count: So many little vorries... Just count them and they'll go avay as each gets taken care of. Ewentually.
Like Robin said, when's eventually?

Wonder if there'll be more fanfic updates soonerishkibbible... *Sighs while sipping a glass of milk before heading off to bed.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Yeah, you'd think they'd be good enough to let us have MLK Day off. But the profs will use any excuse to annoy us.
Nora: We were supposed to have tomorrow off? Nuts.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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I have a dream... Or rather, I'd like to have one where I finally figure out what it is my fic projects should go.
Oh well, we can't have everything. Wonder if some nagging will prompt those authors into action...
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