Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, Bert!
Bert: Hi.
Bry: Where's Rowlf?
Bert: He's...not home. (looking down)
Bry: Not home? Where is he?
Bert: I don't know. He took himself for a walk or something.
Bry: Oh great...I'm not good enough at the piano to play this song.
(a small knock on the door is heard)
Bry: I wonder who that could be. (opens the door) Prairie!! And Rosita!!!
Prairie: Hello there!
Rosita: Hola!
Bry: What are you doing here? I thought you went home to Sesame Street.
Prairie: And miss Rubber Duckie's birthday? I don't think so.
Rosita: Si, we wouldn't miss it for the world! He is so cute and wonderful!
Prairie: Besides, Ernie's one of my best friends, and you need a piano player.
Bert: Who told you?
Prairie: Word gets around fast in these parts.
Bert: Good point.
Bry: How's Kathy doing?
Rosita: Dios mio! Still in great pain, but she'll recover soon. She always does!
Bry: Great! Well, here's the music that Ernie gave us to learn, and some of the others should be here soon for a quick rehearsal. Thank you, girls. You're life-savers.
Prairie: Okay. Stand aside, everyone, while the maestro approaches the piano bench!
Rosita: Oooh!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hello Bryan? Heard you needed a couple of singers for the party... Just so happens the list's posted and we got our shopping done...
Count: So ve're here to wish Rubber Duckie a happy birthday!
And all of the Fraggles too. Come on, let's get this thing rolling and take the act to the pool house!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Thanks, Ed. Here's copies of the song for you and The Count. Let's head on down to the pool house. Telly, help me carry these boxes please.
Telly: What are they?
Bry: Presents for the Fraggles.

(Everyone arrives at the pool house which has been decorated with colorful streamers and balloons.)
Ernie: Welcome, everybody!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *sits down suddenly on the sofa*
Beau: *pauses, mid dustering* You ok?
Bo: Yes...I'm thinking...
Bobo: I know the feeling...wait, no I don't.
Bo: Hey, not now Bobo...I don't feel like jokes?
Beau: *sits down beside Bo* What's up?
Bo: Do you remember Amy?
Bobo: *scratches head*
Beau: Vaguely...slightly...mistily...
Bo: She was a fantstic person...
Beau: She was?
Bo: She...she smiled. She made everyone around her smile...that's good enough for my definition of fantastic.
Bobo: I see...
Beau: Fantastic, definition, to make smile *reading MC dictionary*
Bo: Example, "Amy was fantastic. She made us smile."
Beau: I kinda miss her...
Bo: Me too...
Bobo: *hugs*


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: So has everybody got their swimming trunks ready for Rubber Duckie and the Fraggles' party


PETER: Has everybody got Rubber Duckie and the Fraggles' presents


PETER: To the party and the poolhouse we go!!!

ZOE: This is going to be fun!!!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Okay, you guys ready to head down to the pool?
Roomies: Yeah!
Tosh: Kim? Can we give Boober our present early?
Kim: I don't see why not. Boober, front and center!
Boober: What is it? Can't it wait until after the party; we're going to be late! Again.
Kim: Nope, sorry, it can't. We've got a little something we'd like to give you seeing as how its your birthday and all. Gillis, would you care to do the honors?
Gillis: Of course. *takes out a piece of paper* A-hem. Boober Fraggle, on behalf of Kim and the other roommates of Room #19, I hereby present to you this certificate good for One Quiet Day Per Month.
Others: *applauding*
Boober: W-what does that mean?
Kim: Basically, it says that you are entitled to one full day off a month. 24 hours to do whatever you want - drink tea, watch dust cleaning or laundry.
Boober: What if I want to do laundry?
Kim: can do your own laundry, but nobody else's. And no one can ask you to do anything for them, either. If they ask, you have the right to refuse. All I ask is that you let us know before hand.
Boober: ...Wow. This is...I-I don't know what to say. Thanks, guys.
Kim: You're welcome. Happy birthday, Boober.



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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[I am so sorry about being gone from here for about a whole month! And completely missing the Christmas party and Secret Santa too!! The following shall explain why, and it shall also rectify the fact that....I missed the Secret Santa thing!]

Sara: *Comes walking into the room, looking bedraggled and tired* Hi guys!

*they both come rushing towards her, worried sick about her*

Scooter: Are you okay?

Sadie: Where have you been for the entire month, Sara?

Sara: mother. She's been laid up with a sprained gluteus maximus muscle.

Sadie: "gluteus maximus muscle"? What does that mean?

Sara: Basically....she sprained her butt. *waits for laughter to ensue, but none comes*

Scooter: Is she doing okay now?

Sara: I'm suprised you didn't laugh. But I guess everyone knows that your butt is the largest muscle in your body. But uh...sorta doing okay. She can hobble around her classroom; but if she moves too quickly, it goes into spasms and it really hurts.

Sadie: Oh, that's terrible!

Sara: Did you guys do Secret Santa yet?

Scooter: No...we've been waiting for you, actually.

Sara: Oh! Ya'll shouldn't have done that! I....I completely forgot to get something for Skeeter!

Scooter: *produces a beautiful purple velveteen track jacket set from off of the table, already wrapped and labeled.* Figured you'd forget. So I picked it up for you.

Sara: You....are a godsend Scoot. Thank you SO much! Let's go hand out these long-awaited gifts already, okay?

*The three of them finally get around to handing out their Secret Santa gifts. Skeeter got the track suit set from Sara, Lisa got a nice set of pencils and lots of hardbound notebooks from Sadie, for all of her writing needs. And Beth got a gift card from Hooper's, as well as a coupon to have her wedding dress professionally cleaned and stored away properly for archival safety.*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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In the Pool..............

(Sorry I didn't get here quicker then 10:00)

This is so fun.

Cookie M: Oh boy oh boy! Me having so much fun. Me might move in with Beth, Red and Wanda the cat.

Grover: That would be wonderful Cookie.

Herry: That only means we could see you more often.

Cookie M: Yep. *splashes around*

Maurice: *floating around in an intertube* This is the life. *slurps some kool-aid*

I'm loving this. Happy Birthday Red and Rubber Duckie! *gets out of pool and goes to the diving board* COWABUNGA! *jumps*



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Can I have everyone's attention please! I know that we have many birthdays to celebrate today, but I would like to take this time to pay special tribute to a very good friend of mine. Prairie, if you please?
(Prairie Dawn nods and starts to play the piano freely and relaxed following Ernie's rhythem.)

Ernie: (sings) There's someone that I care for
Gee, the one I need is you
A chum who's always there for me
If skies are grey or blue
Your precious little picture
Is a fixture in this frame
I love to sit and stare at it
And softly spell your name

(The music picks up to a latin beat)

D means you're delightful and delicious and so dear
U says I'm undone by what you do
C is for the cute way that you squeak into my ear
K is for the kick I get from you
I, I'll be there if you're in hot water
E you're extra-special to the end
Put them altogether, they spell DU-UUU-CKIE
Rubber duckie, I'm so lucky you're my friend

So are you enjoying your birthday, Rubber Duckie? (squeak, squeak)
You didn't blow out the candles on your cake. (squeak, squeak) Make a good wish! (Ernie holds up the Duckie by a tiny birthday cake with one lit candle. As Ernie squeazes the Duckie, he squeaks and the candle is magically blown out) Khekhekhe!

(A chorus of friends, including Maurice, Wanda, Telly, Betty Lou, Fraggles, and the human roomies as well, start singing with a few of them getting individual solos; Bryan is conducting them...)
Cookie: D means you're delightful and delicious and so dear Ah ha ha!
Count: U says I'm undone by vhat you do
Grover: C is for the cute way that you squeak into my ear
Bert: K is for the kick I get from you
Herry: I, I'll be there if you're in hot water
Rosita: E you're extra-special to the end
Big Bird: Put them altogether, they spell
Ernie: Rubber duckie, I'm so lucky you're my friend

(All nod to each other as if to say that was fun)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: *hugs Scooter* Thanks so much for the gifts, I've been meaning to have that dress cleaned, it just hasn't happened. Now I can do it. And who doesn't love a gift card to Hooper's?
*A loud whoopie is heard as Red splashes into the pool*
Wanda: Do you think Red is having fun?
Beth: I sure do. Too bad Abby left this morning and missed it
Wanda: True, it was nice having her live with us but I understand she misses her mom and dad
Beth: Me too. I'm sure if she ever wants to come back to the dorms she'll find a place to stay
Wanda: True enough. Cake?
Beth: I'd love some!
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