Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Your going to be leaving Cookie?

Cookie M: Not leaving. Moving in with whoever else. Me loved it here with you guys. Me will miss your cookies Kyle.

It's fine Cookie Monster. We all love you. We know there was going to be a time where one of ya'll wanted to leave and go into another roomie or whatever. It's been fun having you here. I'm going to miss you. *eyes start to water*

Cookie M: Don't cry. Me see you sometime.

Maurice: *hugs Cookie Monster* Sorry I didn't get to hang out with you more.

Herry: I'll miss you the most pal. All the good times we had.

Cookie M: Me too Herry. Me too. *grabs lugage*

How about us all going out for one more lunch together.

Cookie M: Sound good to me.

Herry: Same here.

Grover: Yeah!

Maurice: Come on then!

Everyone piles out the door into the car and dives to "Everybody Eats"


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth posts another note on bulletin board*
Just a reminder that all roommate requests or changes will still need to be approved. (Kyle, you're fine unless Ed says otherwise, so don't worry). Also, Bryan, Peter, Lisa and Kate, your inboxes are full and I need to send you a PM so please clear some space so I can do so.
Thanks again for the responses so far.

Red: Boy, that's alot of work for you
Beth: I don't mind, I'm happy to help Ed out.
Red: That's good of you. Anything changing with us?
Beth: Possibly. We'll see.
Red: Hmmm


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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This is a copy of the Dorms Register from September 2006

Room #1: Eduardo (MC, The Count) and The Count von Count: Senior Members.
Batty Bat and Necra Bat, along with Fatatatita, The Count von Count's cat, also live with them in their room.

Room #2: Christy (Christyb) and Skeeter: Senior Members.

Room #3: Beth (redBoobergurl) and Abby Cadaby, Red Fraggle, and Wanda the Cat: Senior Members.
Wanda the Cat: Rowlf's Stories.
Book 1: Where Your Heart May Lead.
Book 2: The Tie That Binds.
Book 3: An Unbreakable Bond.

Room #4: "Bo" (MC, Beauregard) and Beauregard, Bobo the Bear Guard, and Bean Bunny: Senior Members.

Room #5: Sara (ReneeLouvier) and Scooter and Sadie Grosse: Senior Members.
Sadie Grosse: Sadie's Stories.
Book 1: The Bonds Of Family.
Book 2: Forgotten Wishes.
Book 3: Remembering The Good Times We've Had.
Book 4: The Search For Sadie.
Book 5: Demon's Delight.
Book 6: Is That A Song There?
Book 7: A Grand Adventure In Life.

Room #6: Kathy (Katzi428) and Prairie Dawn, Rosita, and Gaffer: Senior Members.

Room #7: Erin (Muppet Newsgirl) and The Storyteller Fraggle and Nora.
Nora: A Little Knight Music.

Room #8: Allyssa (daughterdeadly) and Emmett Otter.

Room #18: Layla (Leyla) and Hilda, Robot Kermit, Wanda, and The Jim Henson Farmer.

Room #19: Kim (Skeeter Muppet) and Betty Lou, Boober, Gillis and Tosh Fraggles, and The Beast: Senior Members.

Room #20: Catherine (Ruahnna) and Kermit The Frog, Miss Piggy, and Fozzie Bear.

Room #22: Kendra (furryredmonster) and Elmo: Senior Members.
Dorothy, Elmo's goldfish also lives with them in their room.

Room #23: Nyssa (RedDragon) and Mokey Fraggle, Ludo, and The Jabberwock: Senior Members.

Room #24: Lisa (TogetherAgain) and Robin the Frog, Rowlf The Dog, and The Swedish Chef: Senior Members.

Room #25: Ryan (theprawncracker) and Gonzo the Great, Camilla the Chicken, Clifford, and Uncle Deadly: Senior Members.

Room #26: Kyle (Erine81981) and Cookie, Grover, Herry and Maurice Monsters, and Oscar The Grouch.

Room #27: Peter (tvlistingman) and Baby Bear, Little Bird, Zoe, and Ralph, Baby Bear's parrot.
Rocco, Zoe's rock also lives with them in their room.

Room #29: Bryan (Bear) and Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, and Telly Monster: Senior Members.
Radar the Teddy Bear, Bernice the Pigeon, Rubber Duckie, and Chucky Sue the Hamster also live with them in their room.

Room #33: Diana (JaniceFerSure) and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, Zoot, and Janice: Senior Members.

Room #38: Kate (Fragglemuppet) and Gobo, Wembley and Lou Fraggles: Senior Members.

Room #40: Melissa (Java) and Sprocket the Dog and The Storyteller's Dog.

A new update version will be posted once I have heard back from everyone. Thank you.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Sighs of relief. Good to be back at the dorms. Couldn't find the keys to the place, but at least now I've had my fill over in the fanfic reading room.

Oh hi Beth. Over these posts I've come to learn that Lisa's pretty much unreachable by modern methods, and the only chance of contacting her is through relaying the message by her other half/fiancee who's now strangely married to her.
*Small laugh, check the 30th of December thread if you haven't alreay.

As for the others, try the Send an E-mail feature in their profile pages, if not I'll talk to you soon about how to contact them. Take care, and thanks for helping out.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (walking through the lobby carrying 2 large luggage bags) Boy, I am finally back, and for a while this time. (notices the bulletin board) Hmm? What's this? Oh, it's from Beth. I guess she's been trying to notify some of us. Well, she should know I'm out of town. Afterall, my roomies are staying with her. My PM box is clear now, so maybe she'll contact me later with whatever it is. Something about keeping our rooms or something. Well, I certainly plan on keeping my room. Even though I will be going on my ten week tour, but that isn't til March, so we'll see. Well, I better get to my room and unload these heavy bags. (goes to room 29 to unpack)

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Storyteller: Say, Erin, did you ever finish that bathrobe you said you were working on?
MN: Yeah, you've seen me wearing it around the dorm. It's been freezing lately.
Nora: Right, I think the thermostat's broken.
MN: No, thermostat's just fine. It's just been freezing lately.
Storyteller: So what are you working on these days? I heard a lot of cutting sounds in your room.
MN: Me? I'm making another quilt.
Nora: Not like that piece de resistance you made for Richard.
MN: No, not nearly that difficult. It's just a patchwork number for me to recline on when I'm studying out on the lawn or something.
Storyteller: Excellent. As for me...I have to prepare several scrolls' worth of lecture notes on the Great Mudflat Catastrophe of the Fifth Drafting, and I'm really on pins and needles about it...
MN: You're sure you're not sitting on your pincushion again?
Storyteller: What...ouch! (removes offending pincushion and mutters several curse words in ancient Fragglish)
Nora: Wow, she's just flunked the Princess and the Pea test.

MN: I've got to remember that pincushion joke for a fan fiction, I guess.
Nora: You've got ten million different ideas stacked up already.
MN: Yeah, I'm just too lazy or too afflicted by writer's block to properly string them together.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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You too Erin? Hmmm, never woulda guessed that. OK, just a few little touch-ups and this mammoth should be ready for posting on the morrow.
Count: Is it ready?
Almost. Would've liked to have 48 full hundred liquid ounce gallon bottles, but we'll have to go with a shade under.
Count: So long as everybody else sees vhat you've been vorking on... That's the important thing.
Yep, and maybe something else will get done in the mean time. Now come, we've got some shuteye to catch up on.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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phone rings in Room 6
Rosita:Ai yi yi!Who calls this late?picking up phoneHello?!
Uh's Kathy...I didn't wake you did I?
Rosita:Kathy!! How are you feeling, amiga?
Still not so great unfortunately.Hurts like mad to walk.
Rosita:Ooohhh...pobrecita you.:sympathy: You areresting your foot,right?
Yes.Listen...the dorms are going to be cleaning up.So you & Prairie go on home for a few days until Beth & Ed give the OK to come back. I should be back soon too.Maybe you can take Gaffer with you?
Rosita: I will. And get some rest,por favor! You've been through way too much.:concern:
Yes "mamacita".:wink:
Rosita:Ha-ha Kath.I'm serious!
OK...I'll take it easy.I've been watching DVDs anyway in bed.
Rosita:Good for you.I'll talk to you soon.
All right.Hug Prairie and Gaffer for me.
Rosita:I will. Buenos noches Kathy.
Buenos noches Rosita.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *watching TMM* *sitting on the couch clutching knees to chest* *sniff* *whispers* I love this song Uncle Deadly...
Uncle Deadly: *nods* It means a lot to you.
Ryan: More than you know... There's not a word yet... For old friends... Who've just met... Uncle D.?
Uncle Deadly: Yes my fiend.
Ryan: Thanks.
Uncle Deadly: For what Ryan?
Ryan: For being a friend.
Uncle Deadly: Anytime my boy, anytime.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: ("passed out" on the couch) Zzzzzzzzzz...
Big Bird: (walking in through back door) La la la la la! La la...oh, what's this? Bryan? He's sleeping.
Bry: (opens eyes and sees the big feathery face staring down at him) AAAAAAHHH!!!!
Bry: Oh, Big Bird! You've got to stop doing that.
Big Bird: Doing what?
Bry: Nevermind. Oh my gosh! Did I really nap for that long?
Big Bird: I dunno. What time did you get home.
Bry: A while ago. What are you doing up so late?
Big Bird: Waiting for you to get home! Beth said you'd be back today. Oh, I'm so glad you're here!
Bry: Me too, Big Bird. It's so good to be back with you all. (hugs the bird) Oh, I missed those feathery hugs! Where is everyone else?
Telly: (throwing the front door open) Bryan!!!
Bry: (mimicking him) Telly!!!
Telly: You're back! (hugs me) are back, aren't you?
Bry: For a while, yes.
Telly: Oh thank goodness! I thought we'd never see you again! You've been taking too much after Ryan lately.
Big Bird: Well, their names do sound alike.
Telly: True.
Bry: No, I'll be here for a while. I'll be leaving for a longer trip in March, but we'll jump off that bridge when we get to it.
Telly: Jump off what bridge?? I can't! Heights scare me!
Bry: It's just a figure of speech, Telly. sounds like someone's been taking after Boober lately.
Big Bird: And their names do not sound alike.
Bert: (walking in through the open door) Bryan? Hey, look, Ernie! He's back!
Ernie: (following behind with Rubber Duckie in hand) And just in time too!
Bry: Oh? For what?
Ernie: For Rubber Duckie's birthday, of course!
Bry: Rubber Duckie's birthday? Was that today? So sorry I missed it.
Ernie: But you didn't. It's tomorrow!
Bry: I didn't get him a present.
Ernie: That's okay. I've already got a little surprise cooked up. (covers Rubber Duckie's ears, or atleast where his ears would be) I first need to gather up some of our friends to help out. Like Prairie and the Monsters and everyone.
Bry: Cool. Well, if there's anything I can do, let me know.
Ernie: Maybe you can pick up the cake.
Bert: (lowers eyebrow) The cake?
Bry: We're actually having a party?
Ernie: Nothing too fancy.
Bert: (sighs)
Big Bird: Red Fraggle mentioned having a birthday a few days ago, but there wasn't any party. I wonder why. She seemed kinda sad about it.
Telly: Well, I know I would be if someone forgot my birthday.
Big Bird: I tried to cheer her up by making a snow-snuffleupagus.
Bry: Did it work?
Big Bird: It did until the real Snuffy came by to visit and acidentally slipped on the ice and fell into it knocking it over.
Bry: Oh, those dang icy patches!
Big Bird: Yeah.
Bry: Well, I think it's not only Red's birthday, but a bunch of the Fraggles birthdays as well.
Bert: What are the odds?
Bry: Come on. Help me get unpacked some more and then we can figure out what to do for the Fraggles and Rubber Duckie.
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