Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Is everything all fright Ed?

Yes, I just forgot about the B-Days to announce.

Count: Vell, why don't you do that now?
Good point.

Hey guys... Ther's a party goin' round these parts today... Later in the afternoon actually.
So who's the lucky birthers?

All five of the Fraggle clan: Gobo and Wembley, who room with Kate, Boober, staying with Kim, Mokey, who's currently with Nyssa, and Red Fraggle who's been helping Beth with all the recent dorm events.
Sprocket who resides with Melissa also shares a birthday with the Fraggle Five as they've come to be known, haven't seen her lately, guess those darn marathon work shifts have kept her preoccupied.
Their birthday was this past Wednesday, January 10, and we'll be having the party this weekend.

Finally, today, the 13th of January marks the day of joy for Rubber Duckie. So I guess it'll be a grand time in the ol' pool house tonight as Ernie and Red live it up splashing and splishing to the tune of all the well-wishers who I hope decide to show up.
Have fun and happy B-Days you guys.
Count: Ah-ha! That's sewen sintillating celebrations all in one day!


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Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: So today is Rubber Duckie's Birthday and it is also Red's birthday at the poolhouse later in the afternoon

ZOE: What should we give I'm

BABY BEAR: Peter will give the gift

LITTLE BIRD: What is it.

PETER: Me and Little Bird made this tiny Red Sox hat and Rubber Duckie is going to like it! and we are going to give Red a Muppet Show CD and I'm going to show my dormies the TV Listings that I have and we are going to PARTY and we are going to have a good time!!! and we are also going to give the Fraggles a Fraggle Rock NBC Promo poster from 1983

LITTLE BIRD: Sure we do!!!! and that's old!!!

ZOE: Really!!!


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Dec 14, 2004
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Robin: Ryan, is Lisa ever coming back?
Ryan: I'm sure she will eventually.
Robin: But I can't wait that long!
Ryan: But you don't even know how long that is! It could be a day, it could be three, it could be a week-
Gonzo: It could be forty-seven hours, eighty-eight minutes, ninety-three seconds and twelve-hundred and seventy-three miliseconds!
Ryan: ...Yes, it could be that long too.
Robin: I prefer the shortest option.
Ryan: Me too.
Clifford: Yo Ry-guy, what do we got planned for today?
Ryan: No idea.
Gonzo: I love days like that!
Rowlf: That's how all your days are Gonzo.
Camilla: Bawk brawk, bagawk.
Ryan: Hmm... Robin, what do you want to do today?
Robin: I want to... Um... I dunno.
Ryan: Sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys before Cookie has to leave tell him that Ernie's Rubber Duckie is having it's birthday.

Grover: You got it Kyle. *rushes out the door to the front door* Wait COOKIE!

Cookie M: What?

Grover: *huffing and puffing* Ernie's...(huffing)....Rubber Duckie..(puffing) having...(huffing)*falls over*

Cookie M: You alright Grover? *picks Grover up*

Grover: *still out of breath* Ya...

Cookie M: Birthday today?

Grover: *stands back up* Do not worry. I am fine now Cookie. Yes. Today is a birthday for Rubber Duckie. We want you to stay.

Cookie M: But me have to go.

Grover: Come on. Stay for brithday then you can leave.

Cookie M: Welll....

Grover: There will be cookies.

Cookie M: Cookies?

Grover: And cake.

Cookie M: Cake?

Grover: And other goodies you like.

Cookie M: Why you not say so! COWABUNGA! *runs back to our room*

Grover: *still a little tired* Wait up for me. *walks off*


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: I'm the worst roommate ever.
Wanda: Why?
Beth: I've been so busy helping Ed and taking care of Bryan's roomies that I forgot Red's birthday
Wanda: Uh-oh
Beth: Yeah. Life's just gotten crazy you know?
Wanda: Well, there's a party for all the birthdays today, we can make it up to her
Beth: You're right
Wanda: Come on, let's go shopping for a gift, Red's out with Abby so she'll never know why we're gone
Beth: Ok


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Til then Cookie your going to stay until we find out more about moving out.

Cookie M: Ok. Me stay til we find out.

Good. Let's all go to the store and look for two presents for Red and Rubber Duckie.

Grover: Sounds good.

Maurice: Me and Herry will fix something for the party.

Good idea. Come on.

Cookie, Grover and Me head out to the car and drive off to the store

Herry: Alright Maurice, what are we going to fix?

Maurice: Anything you think would be good.

Herry: How about Monster Mash Soup?

Maurice: Sounds good to me. *gets the recipe out*


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Here's an update on who's leaving and what roomies are now available:

Diana and Nyssa have chosen to leave the dorms for now. Therefore room 23 and 33 are now available. The following roomies are also now available:

Dr. Teeth
The Jabberwock

Abby Cadabby has enjoyed her stay but has decided to move out of room 3 (OOC: I just haven't had enough exposure to her so I've decided to let her go, anyone else wants to try it, go for it)

Cookie Monster has decided after a long stay to move on from Kyle's room and he will now be living with Beth, Red, and Wanda the Cat in room 3 (OOC: If anyone wants to take him though I'm willing to discuss that, but when Kyle said Cookie was leaving I just really wanted to take him in, but seeing as I'm helping organize and it might not seem fair, it's totally cool if someone else wants him, but for now, that's the plan)

If you have not let Beth or Ed know your intentions of staying or leaving and which roommates are, please let them know ASAP. We'd like to open the dorm to other potential residents sometime this week as the term is already underway.

Thanks everyone!
Dorms Management


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: I'm gonna go set up the pool house for the party.
Bry: Okay, Ernie. We'll gather everyone here to work on the surprise for Rubber Duckie.
Ernie: Sounds good! Bye!
Bry: Bye! Now let's see...we need to get the monsters from Kyle's room.
Big Bird: I'll get them. (goes)
Bry: And Prairie and Rosita...
Bert:, no.
Bry: What?
Bert: They went home to Sesame Street for a while.
Bry: Oh.
Telly: But we need Prairie! Who else is gonna play the piano for the song?!
Bry: It's no problem. I think a certain canine I know can handle it.
Bert: Perfect! I'll go get him! (runs to Ryan's room)
Bry: And grab anyone else in your path that you think might want to participate in this! Telly, you wanna go downstairs and get the Count?
Telly: Yes sir! (salutes and goes)
Bry: The little Duckie's gonna love this!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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After talking to Telly from inside our room...
We'll be there in a minute or two...
Count: Or three or four or five... Ah-ha-ha!

Just have to finish getting something ready I hope everybody will like.

Hey Beth, when you've gotten replies from everyone, I'll hexpect a report in my PM inbox so we can go over all the responses from our forum friends, hope that's OK with you though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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(Yep, no problem Ed!)

Beth: Red? I'm so sorry about your birthday. Will you ever forgive me?
Red: It's ok, I know things got crazy this week.
Beth: I got you something though
Red: Oh yeah? Really? What is it? *getting really excited*
Beth: Here, open it
Red *opens gift* Wow! Rollerblades?! I can rollerblade all over the dorm!

Beth: Well, I knew how much you liked mine
Red: Thank you so much, this totally makes up for you forgetting me
Beth: Well, I'll keep doing nice things cause I'll be feeling guilty for awhile
Red: Hmm, this could be fun
*they laugh*
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