Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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All: La de da de dum
La de da de dum
Robin: Something shining above!
All: La de da de dum
La de da de dum
Ryan: La de da de da love!
All: We can't stop singing la de da de dum
Loud and clear and strong
So la de da de dum...
La de da de dum...
La de da de dum
La de da de dum

Gonzo: What's the name of that song?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Awsome! Thanks for join us Ryan and company. Glad to always have some other sing along with us. High Five Robin!

Grover: Always a good one to sing too.

Herry: Always.

Maurice: I'll try to join in on one the versus next time.

Cookie M: Me always loved that one.

From down the hall we hear, "Not me!"

We all laugh and go back into our rooms


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(It is early morning and things are grumpy in Room 20. Catherine is herding her roomies around like a drill sargeant while everyone pretty much whines and grumbles.)
Catherine: That is IT! No more late night movies! And if I have any more grumblings about how early morning comes, I'm going to cancel everybody's subscription to MSN! Do I make myself clear?
(There is a startled silence, and everyone begins to move more energetically toward getting to class.)
Piggy: (frantically) I can't find my boot! I can't find my other boot and I'm going to be late for class!
Catherine: (placatingly) Okay, calm down. Go eat your waffles and I'll go look for it. What does it look like?
Piggy: It's black.
(Catherine sighs. Piggy has no less than 13 pairs of black boots. She bends down and slips the one boot off Piggy's foot and heads off to do battle with Piggy's closet.)
Fozzie: Catherine! Catherine--I can't find my textbook!
Kermit: Which one is it, Fozzie? I'll help you look until Catherine comes back.
Fozzie: It's--it's orange. It's my ear-wiggling textbook.
(There is a sudden silence in the room, then Kermit shakes himself.)
Kermit: Um--ear-wiggling? You're taking a class in ear-wiggling?
Fozzie: (proudly) Advanced Ear-Wiggling. I clepped out of the basic class easy.
Kermit: Oh, well, er, that's great, Fozzie. Wait--I think I found it! Is this it?
Fozzie: (rapturously) Yes! Oh, thank you Kermit! (hugs book)
(Catherine re-emerges at this point, triumphant. She has a pink feather boa around her neck and something that might be a garter belt has its hooks in her sweater, but she is clutching the boots tightly. She kneels down and helps Piggy put her boots on while Piggy gulps the last of her tea.)
Piggy: Oh, thank you Catherine! Kissy kissy! (runs for the door) Kissy kissy Kermie--see you after class!
Kermit: Bye Piggy--see you after class!
(Fozzie has his mouth full of honey and waffles so he waves. Catherine leans forward desperately and snatches his tie before it can fall in the honey.)
Fozzie: (swallowing) What's Piggy taking this semester?
Kermit: Um, Torch Songs 303, and um, Karate for Stage and Screen and, and....
Catherine: (distractedly) Accounting.
(Another dead silence.)
Kermit: Accounting? Piggy's taking accounting?
Catherine: (clearing dishes) Uh huh. It's called Accounting for Divas. It's supposed to help you figure out whether the offers you get are a good deal or not. Something about figuring royalties and residuals.
Kermit: (making a scrunchy face) I thought Marty took care of all that? Isn't that what you have an agent for?
Catherine: (grinning) Actually, Marty suggested she take it. He's one smart cookie, but there are times where your agent isn't there. I'll bet you she gets an "A." Any takers?
(Kermit and Fozzie both hold up their hands in surrender.)
Kermit: No way. I never bet against a sure thing. Okay Fozzie--you ready?
Fozzie: (mumbling around a huge mouthful of waffle) Almost.
Catherine: Um, Kermit--didn't you want any pancakes?
Kermit: (a little uncomfortably) Um, not this morning. Too sweet for me this early in the day.
Catherine: Oh--sorry. (She scrunches her face up in a fair imitation of Kermit, then smiles.) Wait a minute, though--I have something else that might do the trick. (She opens the pantry and pulls out a protien bar.) Try this.
(Kermit looks at it, reading the label.)
Kermit: "Each bar is chock full of natural protein." (He looks at the ingredients list, reading it out loud) dragonfly, millipeeds, carob, natural fruit fiber, fortified with vitamins B and C... Thanks, Catherine. THis looks great. Where'd you get this?
Catherine: Little shop near the waterfront. (A bait shop.) Thought you might like them. Let me know, okay? They have peanut-butter, too.
(Kermit nods and waves, munching happily as he starts out the door. Fozzie gets up, finishes his milk and dashes to catch up with Kermit.)
(After the door shuts, Catherine heaves a sigh of relief and whips the feather boa off, blowing little pieces of feather fluff out of her eyes. The garter belt is more stubborn, and takes some effort to remove from her sweater. She gulps her own tea--cold now--and dashes for the door. Sewing for Inanimate Objects isn't going to hold up for anyone!)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Candle light flickers in Room #1 as a drowsy darkling slowly opens his eyes, to find that his roommate is stuck again at the computer tarrying over the tedium of his task.
Count: Still avake Ed?
Yes... Have to get this finished...
Count: Must it be tonight? The others von't mind...
Trust me, it's better this get done now since it's taken so much of my time. Besides, last day of freedom before turning my attention to other errands that must get done.
Count: Vell... Just make sure you get some rest vhen you finally complete your counting.
Sure thing buddy... Night.
Count: Good night... And don't let the batty bats bite.

The light is quickly snuffed out, as the numerian night stalker returns to the realm welcoming all weary travelers in its wobegon dream dimension.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Big Bird: Boy it sure has been quiet around here lately
Beth: You can say that again
Big Bird: Boy it sure has been quiet around here lately
Beth: *chuckles* Well I suppose alot of our friends have gotten busy witht stuff for school and other projects
Big Bird: Yeah, I bet you're right
Beth: On a bright note, Bryan will be back soon
Big Bird: I know! I'm so excited to see him. I have had alot of fun with you and Red and Abby and Wanda though. I think Ernie, Bert and Telly did too
Beth: Good, we have enjoyed having you guys! I wonder where they all are right now
Big Bird: I don't know. Oh well. Want to go look for winter birds with me?
Beth: Sure, I have some time, let's go


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: If I had a nickel for every time I had a crush on a girl that didn't like me back...
Rowlf: Could ya buy us some edible dinner?
Ryan: ...Yeah.
Rowlf: It'll all end up okay Ry, don't worry.
Ryan: I know I know, but it just won't happen soon enough.
Rowlf: Piano playin' requires patience kid, most things in life do. So just be patient.
Ryan: It's not easy Rowlf...
Rowlf: Yeah well, it's not easy bein' green either, and you don't see Kermit complainin'.
Ryan: *smiles* Not about being green anyway... About being with a certain pig, maybe.
Rowlf: We all complain about that Ryan.
Ryan: 'Cept Leyla.
Rowlf: And Bo, when she's seen from the waist up.
Ryan: Who? Leyla or Piggy?
Rowlf: ...Leyla I hope, it'd sure get her mind offa me.
Ryan: Aw, c'mon Rowlf, Leyla's a great gal.
Rowlf: Not for this bachelor. I'd like to stay just that, a bachelor.
Ryan: Heh, the good life, eh?
Rowlf: From what I've learned, you bet.
Ryan: *sigh* Wish I had that mindset.
Rowlf: You don't have a mind, how can you be set with it?
Ryan: Nice, nice pun.
Rowlf: I try.
Ryan: As do I, a little too hard if you ask me.
Rowlf: Whatever you say Ry.
Ryan: When did I say Gonzo?
Gonzo: Did somebody say Gonzo?!
Ryan: Good grief...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth posts a memo on bulletin board*
Attention all dorm members:
Since it is a new term, we are asking that you let us know if you intend to stay here at the dorms and if your roommates are staying as well. We will be opening the dorms up for new residents in the coming weeks once we establish who is and who isn't staying. You will also be receiving this message via PM. You can let Beth know if you're staying, she's helping out Ed right now while he is working on projects. Please let Beth know via PM as soon as possible if you and your roommates plan to stay for the next term. Thank you and have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Beau: *sighs*
Bo: *sighs*
Bobo: *sighs*
Bean: *bounces*
Beau: *sighs again*
Bo: *sighs again*
Bobo: *stares*
Bean: *bounces*
Beau: *stares*
Bo: *stares*
Bobo: *sighs again*
Bean: *bouces*
Bo: Ok...Bean...if you could stop bouncing on Bobo's stomache, we'd appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Good Morning, guys

BABY BEAR: Morning, Peter

ZOE: Morning, Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Good Morning, Peter!!!

PETER: Guess what i got in Boston Public Library yesterday

ZOE: Old-School TV Schedules

PETER: Yep!!!, this is from the Providence Journal in Rhode Island from 1963-71 and 1974-88.

BABY BEAR: Cooooll!!!, that is impressive, Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Can I look at one, Peter?

PETER: Sure Little Bird, this is from April 28, 1986, and it was on a Monday

ZOE: Whoa, Sesame Street was shown 4 times on WGBH Ch.2 back then

PETER: They had airings at 7am, 8:30am, noon and 4pm and WSBE Ch. 36 signed on at 9am with Sesame Street

LITTLE BIRD: Man that is old!!!

PETER: Why don't we go to Everybody Eats for Breakfast!!! and then head to class!!!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Well, guys, are we all staying on?
Storyteller: Why, yes, it's good fun being here.
Nora: I suppose so. My brother's gotten even worse lately.
MN: Okay, then, we're settled.
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