Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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redBoobergurl said:
Beth: Well Red and Wanda, do you want to hand out your gifts?

Wanda: Sure. I know my person is here! I have Kathy. I picked Kathy because I'm a cat and I know how much she loves cats so I knew she'd be easy to shop for! I have given her a cat calendar, three Garfield books because I know he's her favorite, and a gift card to Petco so she can buy treats and food for Gaffer or for the cats that live at her real home. Kathy, I hope you enjoy these, you are a purrfect feline friend!

Red: I've got another resident of room 6, my good buddy Prairie Dawn. For Prairie I got a composition book so she can write more great plays, some fun new hair bows because I know how she likes to look pretty and a framed picture of the two of us from cheerleading. Enjoy my friend!
Prairie & I run to Beth,Red & Wanda's room
Wanda!Thank you so much for these purrfect presents!I LOVE them!hugging her
Prairie:Oh Red...thank you so much for these presents.You sure know me pretty well!giggle!And this picture of us is wonderful!hugging Red


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Lou, *standing on a chair* I see your recipient over there. Do you want to give your gift to him now?
Well gee, I'm not sure if I should just yet. I don't see any of the others here right.
Gobo: Aw go ahead!
I'll tell you what. I've just gotta step out for a minute, and if he's still here when I get back, I'll give it to him, and just leave the others with notes.
Gobo: Sure, that works.
Wembly: Yeah, that works.
Alright, I'll be right back.


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Feb 8, 2006
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Ally: Allright, allright we're here. I guess we forgot and overslept.. sorry, but we are here now. *to Emmet* You can go ahead and go now, buddy.

Emmet: Well, I chose to give gifts to Wembly, so I'll give them to him now. *He grabbs the two packages and hands them to Wembly. In the first box is a deep-green colored 'magic eight ball'.* Here you go, hopefully making some decisions will be abit easier for you! * in the next box, is a t-shirt (small enough to fit his size!) that sais on the front, "I know what I'm doing!.. I think." * Here you go! Hope you enjoy it Wembly!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Much better, looks like things are movin' right along.

Count: There are some who are a smidge confused.
Yes, well... There've been a few good suggestions.

*To residents of the dorms: If your Secret Santas aren't present at the moment:
a. You can just leave their gifts with a note so they can pick up the gifts later.
b. Go ahead and leave them with a "Secret Santa" tag identifying who it's from and who it's for at their rooms' doorsteps.
c. Just hand them to your Secret Santas using oversweeping narration, like when there's an opportunity for direct indirect interaction between dorm dwellers who are present and non-present.
Hope this makes some small jot of sense. And if not, well, it's always more profitable to make dollars anyway.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Have they gotten to the E's yet?
Bry: I don't think we're going alphabetically anymore.
Big Bird: Why not? It's fun!
Bry: Yeah, but when not everyone is here at the same time, it doesn't work out as well. Do you have your gift ready, Ern?
Ernie: Not quite. I have to do a couple things first.
Bry: Okay.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Lookie at what I got from Bryan. He was my Secret Santa. Two dvds. Thanks Bryan!

Cookie M: *eatting everything in box as well as the box* GOOD! URP! Excuse me.

Grover: I can not wait to give mine away.

Maurice: I know I can't. I want to give it now!

Herry: Don't worry guys. They'll give us a change.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Let's see who's here... Kyle and the Monsters, you guys can go next if you want. Bry, when Ernie and Telly are ready, they can hand out their gifts too. Gotta talk to Peter and Ryan. Be back in a few.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Oh good! We can give out our Secret Santa gifts now. Who wants to start?
Gonzo: Oh I do! Bert, I shopped for you ya stick in the mud! I thought a present from me would liven you up a bit! So here! A set of super composite exploding argyle socks! Put 'em to good use!
Uncle Deadly: Frightning. Anyway, I shopped for that bundle of horror Bean. I know that he's a cute little demon, so I decided to shut him off with this, Uncle Deadly's Spooktacular Jack-in-the-Box. Go ahead bunny, open it. *Bean turns the Jack-in-the-Box and a creepy jack-o-lantern pops out* Bwa ha ha ha! Merry Christmas you cute thing!
Rowlf: Nice Uncle D., real nice. Anyhoo, I bought for the Storyteller's Dog. A nice pooch like that deserves a nice gift from another pooch. So here ya go SD, a nice shiny new bowl and some holiday doggy biscuits. Eat up, not down! Just a little joke there. Merry Christmas.
Swedish Chef: Und I mede-a a fegetereeun suooffle-a fur Kendra! Injuy! Und du heet it oonce-a oor tveece-a veet a meet cleefer, yuoo knoo, joost tu be-a seffe-a.
Ryan: Translation? This is one gift you'll definitely want to take back.
Robin: I bought Zoot a knitted cover for his saxophone! And some new red sunglasses!
Ryan: Heh, he'll be seein' the world through ruby shades now. Anyway, I shopped for Hilda, I bought her this lovely satin evening gown that I swear I didn't steal from Miss Piggy. Hilda, I hope this gown will be enough to scare you away from me. Merry Christmas!
All: Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bean: *stares in fascination at the Jack-in-the-box* For's for's for...*box pops open*
Bobo: *runs away*


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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(Well, I'm gonna go ahead and be presumptuous here and get this exchange done... we're not far from the L's after all. My apologies if this causes problems.)

Leyla: Alright, in you go everyone. If they're not here, we'll just drop them off at their rooms later. Good! So, my gift is for Catherine, also known as Ru, when I am not too busy squealing in delight at her stories. (What can I say, it’s an addiction.) It’s a book, “101 Great recipes for Bears and Chickens and Things” which I thought would come in handy given her roommates, as well as a leather bound binder with a lock for her ushy gushy stories, which I suspect will also come in handy. Merry Christmas, Ru! Jimmy, you’re up!

Jimmy: Well, mah present here is fer Mr. Beauregard, it is, and seein’ as how he’s such a fashionable young feller, ah thought I’d give him mah favourite pair a overalls, right from home! You'll look spankin' good in 'em out on the town!

Wanda: Me next, me next!! Okay, so, yay, lucky me, I got the dog’s name, Sprocket…. But that’s okay! Thanks to Wayne, I know a lot about keeping dogs happy, so here you go! A basket of doggy biscuits and a copy of my album, “Wayne and Wanda’s Greatest Hits… and Misses.” I’m sure you know who’s responsible for what.

Hilda: <dryly> It works great as a dog whistle. Oh, is it my turn? Great! Well, as much as I was hoping to draw thePrawncracker…ooh, he’s so cute!...ahem… I instead drew his roommate, Gonzo the Great. Don’t ask me what he’s great at. No, no, I don’t mean that… just a little Hilda ha-ha! For Gonzo, I pulled out my sewing needle for a little friend of a friend of yours! A teddy bear, to keep your moldy old thing company.

Leyla: I guess you’re the last, Robot Kermit, since Robot Piggy wasn’t around for the exchange… um… if you could just pry yourself away from her for a minute?

RK: <sigh> Coming, coming. Whatever it is, is for Camilla. Here you go, chickita. Merry Christmas.

<Camilla opens it quickly… and is stunned to find a silk nighty with a note attached. Gonzo reads it over her shoulder.>

Leyla: <shocked> If you ever want to model this, my closet is always open?!

Robot Kermit: <somewhat abashed> Oh, yeah… I forgot about-
<He catches sight of the look on Robot Piggy’s face> Uh oh. Honey, I didn’t mean-

Robot Piggy: You robotic cretin! Hiiiii-yah! <she sends him flying into a nearby wall before storming off.>

Leyla: Oh dear. Well, uh, merry Christmas everyone! We’d better get out of here. Uh, Hilda, you’ll stay with Robot Kermit for a while? At least until Robot Piggy calms down? Don’t’ let him back to the room for a while… I have too many knickknacks out right now.

Hilda: I’ll look after him. Maybe we can visit Catherine for while if we need to. Ah, it never rains but it pours.

Jimmy: Eh?

Leyla: The other shoe dropped, Jimmy.

Jimmy: Where?

Leyla: Oh never mind. Let’s just get out of here. Cheers, everyone!
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