Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Did we miss anything?
Clifford: Doesn't look like it, just the handin' out of a few gifts. You gonna be around today dude?
Ryan: I don't think so Cliff, my mom's wanting to do something with me since she's off of work.
Clifford: Oh, great...Do ya think Ed would mind if Camilla and me just gave our presents now since you won't be here?
Ryan: Nah, but Camilla has to go first.
Camilla: Brawk bawk. Bawk, byuck brawk bagawk braw. Brawk bawk baw, brawk bagawk. Bawk brawk byuck bruck bawk. Bawk bragawk! *holds out rubber chicken*
Ryan: Um...I think she said, 'Fozzie, Merry Christmas, here's a rubber chicken so you don't have to use me in you schtick anymore.'
Clifford: Heh heh. Nice. Yo, my turn now. I shopped for Scooter, heh heh. Hey dude, I got ya some light weight dumb bells so you can work on that right hook, or any hooks for that matter. Heh heh, merry Christmas.
Ryan: Yup, and me and the rest of my, and Lisa's, roomies will deliver our presents later. Merry Christmas all!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Hope he kept the receipts...

OK... Looks like this is going, um, somewhat decently I guess.
Will wait for Kyle to get Cookie Monster to hand his Secret Santa their gift before my roomies have a turn. If Christy comes in, she can go ahead and give out her gifts. And if anybody sees Ally, please tell her that Emmett can hand his gift next too.

*Moves off to check on date cakes and refreshments for the rest of the residents weaving their way in and out of the common room, and to larger extent the dormhouse itself as everybody has errands to get done.


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Oct 24, 2003
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Fozzie: Wow--a brand new rubber chicken! Gee, thanks Camilla. (starts to pat Camilla on the head, which morphs into an awkward attempt at a hand shake. Camilla rolls her eyes and pulls Fozzie into her feathery embrace for a nice big bear hug. Fozzie sighs in contentment and returns the friendly hug.) Thanks, Camilla--this is a super gift! Oh! Maybe I'll build a whole routine around it! Oh--I'm so excited! (runs off)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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You know... I'm a bit worried that this isn't going so well or that it's taking a bit too long.
Count: So vhat do you propose?
Well, we'll save our turn for last. All main dorm residents who are here now (Beth, Catherine, Kathy) feel free to hand out all your Secret Santa presents if you want, just take turns and do it in an orderly manner.
Hope this is OK, see you guys later.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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BEAR said:
(Bryan and Big Bird come into the common room)

Bry: Hey! Sorry we're late you guys!
Big Bird: I was at the park playing with Snuffy and then we stopped for an ice cream. Did we miss anything?
Ernie: The B's.
Big Bird: Bees?! Oh good, cuz you know I'm allergic.
Bry: Are you?
Big Bird: I dunno...but stingers hurt!
Bry: Ah.
Ernie: No, I meant the letter B. Your name starts with the letter B.
Big Bird: I know that.
Ernie: No, Big Bird. It's your turn to hand out your Secret Santa gift!
Big Bird: Oh! Well, why didn't you say so? (giggles) Well, I was supposed to give a present to Miss Storyteller Fraggle. I don't really know her very well yet, but I know that she likes to tell stories and I love hearing stories. So, I got her this beautiful journal and a feather quill pen, made from one of my very own yellow feathers, for her to write more beautiful stories and read them to me when she's done. Hope you like it, Storyteller. Oh, and also this little bag of chocolate covered birdseed. I made it myself. Merry Christmas! Storyteller? Hello?
Bry: I think she went to bed, Big Bird. We must have just missed her.
Big Bird: Oh, rats! Now what?
Bry: I guess you'll just have to give the present to her later.
Big Bird: Later? Do I have to do that whole speech again?!
Bry: (laughing and patting him on the beak) Don't worry about it.
Big Bird: Okay...
Bry: Well, my name begins with the letter B too, so I guess I'll just go next. This present goes to one of my best friends at the dorms--Kyle. He's been my buddy here for a long time and we always have fun playing around here together along with our roomies. He's always taking such great care of my roommates when I'm away, just like I always enjoy having the blue monsters over. And Kyle always knows how to handle that Grouch! He's a true Sesame Street fan like me and Ed. Kyle, I'd like to give you 2 DVDs--Don't Eat the Pictures and Sesame Street Celebrates Around the World, and an annual passport to the Sesame Place amusement park. Enjoy, buddy! (gives kyle the present, then goes over and kneels next to Abby) By the way, Abby...I absolutely love the star you made me! It's wonderful! I'll be using it soon! For now, maybe I'll put it on my room door here. Also, I think you're very nice too and you are welcome to our room any time. (gives Abby a hug)
Ernie: Okay,'re next! Bert?!
Bert: (rushes in) Sorry. I was on the phone with my Uncle Louie. He's a talker!
Ernie: It's your turn, Bert.
Bert: Oh! (clears throat) Ahem...I am here to give a present to my friend the Cookie Monster. Now, I realize that he is quite possibly the easiest to shop for because we all know his favorite thing is cookies. However, I have decided to go outside the box, as they say, and get him some things a little different to expand his menu a little. I have made some bran muffins, zuchini bread, and an assortment of deliciously sweet and healthy fruits and vegetables!! (silent pause in the room) ...... (under his breath) and there's cookies in here too. (holds out the big square box) Here you go, Cookie.
MN: Storyteller, get in here, Big Bird's gotten you a present!
Storyteller: A present? For me? (discovers feather pen and journal) Oooh, they're beautiful, beautiful!
Nora: And she's in rapture, rapture.
Storyteller: Oh, this journal is just begging to be filled. I must open a new bottle of ink for this, can't risk spoiling the pages with bits of fiber from old parchment. And would you look at the golden sheen of this quill...and this chocolate-covered birdseed looks delish...oh, thank you, Big Bird! (gives Big Bird a hug)
MN: (chuckle) There goes one really contented Fraggle.
Nora: Hmm, wonder what chocolate-covered birdseed tastes like (picks up a pinch and eats it) Mmm, tastes like my favorite trail mix.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Erin. If you want, you and your roomies can hand out your presents now.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Oh, I'm so glad the Storyteller liked her present!
Bry: Yeah, you did good, Big Bird.
Telly: Wonder who's next.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
All main dorm residents who are here now (Beth, Catherine, Kathy) feel free to hand out all your Secret Santa presents if you want, just take turns and do it in an orderly manner.
Hope this is OK, see you guys later.
Well the Muppet I'm Secret Santa for isn't here with his human. Same with Prairie & Rosita.So should we just put their presents by their doors?And put "Secret Santa"with our name in parentheses?

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Well, as long as we're here, we might as well hand out our presents.
Nora: Problem is, all our recipients don't seem to be here.
MN: Well, we'll just announce them publicly, and if the recipients don't show, we'll drop them off at their door. They're all roommates, so that makes it easier.
Storyteller: Fair enough. I shall start. (clears throat) For Diana, I have a beautiful black and white sweater, knitted in a musical note pattern, complete with clefs, sharps and flats.
Nora: Okay, my turn. For Janice, lead guitarist of the Electric Mayhem, I have a set of original, autographed LPs by Joni Mitchell.
MN: And for Sgt. Floyd Pepper, the hippest of the hip, I have a set of autographed, original LPs by Eric Clapton...and what's this? Looks like one of George Harrison's records made it into the stack. But it too is autographed.
Nora: Well, they did play on each other's songs.
MN: Too true, too true. I think the Mayhem will love these.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Well Red and Wanda, do you want to hand out your gifts?

Wanda: Sure. I know my person is here! I have Kathy. I picked Kathy because I'm a cat and I know how much she loves cats so I knew she'd be easy to shop for! I have given her a cat calendar, three Garfield books because I know he's her favorite, and a gift card to Petco so she can buy treats and food for Gaffer or for the cats that live at her real home. Kathy, I hope you enjoy these, you are a purrfect feline friend!

Red: I've got another resident of room 6, my good buddy Prairie Dawn. For Prairie I got a composition book so she can write more great plays, some fun new hair bows because I know how she likes to look pretty and a framed picture of the two of us from cheerleading. Enjoy my friend!
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