Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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Erine81981 said:
Grover: An atlas! Wow! Thank you Prairie. *hugs her* My old one was falling apart. Thank you so very much.

Herry: That's cool Grover. *waits for her to open it*
Rosita:You're my secret Santa Herry?What did you get me?
Prairie:I'm glad you like the atlas Grover!*hugging him*


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Oct 24, 2003
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Fozzie: Um, Mr. Count, um, von Count. I’m your secret Santa! I hope you like my present, um, sir.
Count von Count: Why, thank you Fozzie! That’s one! One wrapped present!
Fozzie: Um, yes. One wrapped present!
(The package falls open to reveal a box with an intricate tower of wooden rectangles on the front. Count von Count looks at with interest.)
Count von Count: Ah--one thousand pieces!
Fozzie: That’s right! And it’s sort of a game, sort of a work of art. You take each of the pieces, one at a time--
Count von Count: That’s one! One game! And one! One work of art!
Fozzie: That’s right. And you can make all of these different shapes, using as many of the pieces as you want.
Count von Count: Or you could make lots of different things at the same time, each with a different number of pieces!
Fozzie: Um, yes--I think there are supposed to an infinite number of combinations.
Count von Count: (staggering just a little) Infinite? You mean, you mean I could count forever?
Fozzie: Well, theoretically, I guess. I hope you like it! Um, Happy Holiday!


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *holds O* Oh. How ostentatious of you Ernie to think of me and give me this O. I'm overly excited to have this O.
Gonzo: Don't you think you're over doing this?
Ryan: Nope, I think it's going over well.
Gonzo: Oy...
Ryan: Watch it Gonz, don't let the other half hear ya. Speaking of which, Robin, why don't you run up to Kathy's room, she said she had a gift for you!
Robin: Oh boy! I can't wait! *runs up to Kathy's room*


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Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita:Hi Robin!Feliz Navidad a bit late!Here's your present.handing him a book called "Famous Frogs I Have Known"
Hiya Robin!Hope Santa was good to you! Do me a favor & send the Swedish Chef this way please.Thanks!*kissing the top of his little froggie head*


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Dec 14, 2004
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Robin: Oh wow! Thanks Rosita! And you got it Kathy, I'll hop right down and send him up! *does so* Hey Chef! Kathy wants to see ya! I think she has a present for you!
Swedish Chef: Ooh! Dee preesent! *runs to Kathy's room*


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Jun 13, 2002
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theprawncracker said:
Robin: Oh wow! Thanks Rosita! And you got it Kathy, I'll hop right down and send him up! *does so* Hey Chef! Kathy wants to see ya! I think she has a present for you!
Swedish Chef: Ooh! Dee preesent! *runs to Kathy's room*
God Jul (Merry Christmas in Swedish ) Chef! Here's my present to you.It's a Fry Daddy to fry food! And I stress food pal.NO using it to fry dormmates.Got it,Chefaroo? *giving him a kiss on the cheek*


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Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: Kermie—before we go, a little bird told me that you were buying a present for Moi.
Kermit: (indignant) How did you know I was your Secret Santa?
Piggy: (smugly) I didn’t--until just now! Ha!
Kermit: (exasperated) Piggy!
Piggy: Besides, I figured you would want to buy Moi a present for Christmas.
(Kermit mutteres something under his breath.)
Piggy: What was that, dear?
Kermit: Um, nothing. Nothing at all. Anyway, I did actually buy you something a while ago, but when we startedd doing the secret Santa thing, I told Ed I wanted your name.
Piggy: Oh, Kermie--that’s so sweet. Since we are confessing things, Moi must confess that she is your secret Santa as well.
Kermit: The heck you say!
Piggy: The heck I do, Kermie. Here--open it up.
(Kermit looks at the package, which is pristinely wrapped. He hands Piggy his present, which can only be described as somewhat lumpy. They begin to open their respective packages. Kermit opens his box and pulls out a beautifully hand-knit sweater. It is a soft yellow-green, only slightly lighter than Kermit himself. Instead of a little alligator emblem, there is a small representation of Kermit’s face worked into the actual weave of the sweater. He puts it on.)
Kermit: Wow, Piggy--this is beautiful. It’s so soft, and warm. (He leans forward and plants a little kiss on her cheek.) Thanks, Piggy.
Piggy: (blushing a little) I’m glad you like it, Kermie. It’s hand-made.
Kermit: (looking slightly puzzled and suspicious) I didn’t know you could knit.
Piggy: (looking flustered) Oh no--I didn’t, I can’t, I can’t knit or sew or any of those things. I’m not really very domestic. (earnestly) But I know people who can do those things.
Kermit: Domestic is sometimes over-rated. (Eyeing Piggy’s difficulty opening the present) Need a little help, there?
Piggy: (ruefully) You used a lot of tape.
Kermit: Um, yeah. Maybe too much. But I didn’t want you to--
(The paper tape pulls loose at last. Inside, there are layers and layers of tissue paper protecting the actual present. Piggy sifts through the layers carefully, then lets out a little cry of delight.)
Piggy: (very softly) Oh. Oh, Kermit--you, you found one!
Kermit: Yeah--on ebay. I heard you mention that yours had been lost by the airline. I thought that you, of all people, ought to have one of these.
(Piggy is touching the doll’s face, smoothing the white satin skirt of the bridal gown. She touches the little pearls and there are tears in her eyes.)
Piggy: Oh, Kermit--she’s, you’re wonderful. (She hugs the bride doll tightly to her chest with one hand and puts her other arm around Kermit, hugging him tight.) This is so sweet of you.
Kermit: (smiling and putting his arms around her) Well, if anyone deserves one of these dolls, it’s you. (He looks at her awkwardly when she steps back, but there is an appealing shyness on his face.) You make a beautiful bride, Piggy.
Piggy: (laughing a little, wiping her eyes) You are very sweet to say so. Oh, Kermit--this one was so fun to pose for! When I was a little girl, my mother had a bride doll that always sat on her bed. I wasn’t allowed to touch it, but I loved to look at it. It was so delicate and lovely. When they asked me to pose for this one, I was thrilled. And it turned out so beautiful. But my doll, the one they gave me, was lost the last time we flew back from London. I shouldn’t have traveled with it, I know, but I liked to see it sitting on my bed when I was on the road. (She touches the doll’s blonde curls again, then hugs the doll to her chest.) Thank you, Kermit. This means the world to me. (She leans forward and kisses him where his ear would be, if frogs had ears.)
Kermit: Ah, thanks Piggy. Are you, um, ready to go to the party now? I look pretty spiffy in this sweater, huh?
Piggy: Very spiffy. Just let me leave me doll safe on my bed, okay? And then I’ll be ready to do.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Kathy's room is downstairs. Up, down... Down, up... Fear they'll never get it.
Watching roomie with his present... You got that from Fozzie?
Count: Yes, and I thanked him fright avay.
Good. *Inspecting the parcel... Hey, I know what that is! It's a Jenga game.
Count: Jenga you say?
Yes... You stack all the blocks into a tower... And then take turns picking one of the blocks out from the tower, trying not to pick a block that will make the tower fall over.
Count: Rully?
Yep. If your piece leaves the tower standing, it's the other person's turn to pick out a brick.
Count: And then?
Well, if the twoer collapses, you shout "Jenga!" Of course, I know you'll get more fun out of counting the bricks.
If only I knew how you do it though.
Count: It's wery simple. You just start counting 1, 2, 3...

No, it's not that... Just that I keep wembling so.
Count: It's not healthy.
Tell me about it. So many ideas, and so much frustration at not being able to get them jotted down or any satisfaction from sticking with the plan. Guess the loss of being able to draw sucked that certainty out of me. Oh well.
Count: You know vhat you need?
No, what?
Count: Some new fanfic updates... And a good hug.
*Hugs me, making things feel just a little bit better.
Thanks, needed that.

Count: Thought so.
OK guys, keep handing out presents to your Secret Santas... Have fun.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Unbeknownst to Catherine and more importantly Piggy... One of the messenger bats donning a green elf's cap leaves a parcel on Room #20's doorstep... The little packet is just as intricately wrapped as Kermit's present to the diva, but this one has just a simple ribbon wrapping the tissue paper. Three pieces that complete the bridal doll Piggy received are caringly capped within the sheer sheets. The first, an oval figure stand, rests at the bottom giving the bag it's flattened shape. The second is a wedding cake, mounted on it's cake stand and topped with a loving heart ornament. The third, the final piece, is a handsome green-skinned groom, his head intact and his wardrobe matching the pristine perfect coloring of his bride-to-be in figure form.

Happy holidays.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Catherine: Oh look! How very beautiful! Is this--is this for me? Or Piggy? Oh--it's so lovely! Thank you for the wedding cake topper--I hope we'll have a use for it sometime!
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