Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Hey everybodieeeeeee!

Herry: What is it Grover?

Grover: Santa Cluas has been here. Look. *points to the tree*

Herry: Whoa! He has been.

Cookie M: Oh boy oh boy!

Maurice: This is going to be the best day ever.

*waking up* Good morning guys. *streaches*

Monster: Good morning Kyle.

Cookie M: Sandy Claus came.

Yep he sure did Cookie. I'll be right back. *opens door to find several candy bags* Wonder who brought all of these. *looks on the bags* Big Bird and Ed and the Count made some goodies guy.

Cookie M: Any cookies?

Yep from Ed and the Count.

Herry: When are we going to open some of ur presents?

Right now. *hands Herry and santa hat* Your going to be Santa Claus and hand out the presents.

Herry: Alright. *starts handing out the presents*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(In room 29...)
Ernie: Merry Christmas, Rubber Duckie! Do you think Santa left us anything under the tree?
Rubber Duckie: *squeak squeak sqeak*
Ernie: Khekhekhe! Bert? Bert? It's Christmas morning, Bert?
Bert: (sits up from bed) Huh?
Ernie: It's Christmas. Merry Christmas, old buddy!!
Bert: Oh, Merry Christmas, Ernie. Eh-eh-eh-eh!
Ernie: Hey, let's go see if anyone else is up.
Bert: Okay!
(Bryan and Telly are already in the livingroom as Bert and Ernie come in and Big Bird comes inside from his nest)
Bry: Merry Christmas, you two!
Telly: Yeah, merry Christmas!
Bert: Merry Christmas to you too!
Ernie: Yeah!
Big Bird: Hey, did Santa come?
Bry: He sure did! Come on in!
Big Bird: (sees all the beautiful gifts under the tree) Wow! Well, if that isn't a true blue miracle...
Ernie: What are we waiting for? Let's dig in!
(the roomies in 29 are joyously opening presents, eating breakfast, including the delicious goodies from Ed, and enjoying the morning)


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Gonzo!
Gonzo: *sigh* What?!
Ryan: Say cheese! *takes picture*
Clifford: WHO got 'im that new camera?
Rowlf: Grandma did. I think I prefer the computer desk he got last year.
Uncle Deadly: Don't we all?
Robin: Ryan! Ryan! Take my picture!
Ryan: Okay! *stands next to Robin and takes picture*
Robin: Can we give out presents now?
Ryan: Well I don't see why-
Robin: Whoopie! Okay, c'mon!!
Ryan: *walks down to the lobby* Hey everybody! Can we have your attention?!
Robin: Please?
Ryan: Thank you. Now, as you all know, Robin and I have been hard at work wrapping presents for all of you.
Robin: Yup! And we had a great time!
Ryan: That we did. Anyway, for each and every one of you, we constructed a photo frame with something that represents each and every one of you!
Robin: Each of your individual personalities, and your room mates' personalities!
Ryan: Merry Christmas gang!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Nice! Thanks, Ryan and Robin!
Bert: Hunky dory!
Bry: Hey, Big Bird! I think there's a special present outside for ya.
Big Bird: Outside?
Bry: Well, it's too big to be wrapped, let's put it that way.
Ernie: Maybe it's a truck!
Telly: Or a dinosaur!
Ernie: Khekhekhe!
Big Bird: I guess there's only one way to find out. Gee, I wonder what it could be. (opens door to find a familiar figure) Snuffy!!!
Snuffy: Hey, Bird! Did I miss anything?!
Big Bird: Oh, Snuffy! I can't believe you're here!
Snuffy: I couldn't have a Christmas without seeing my best friend.
Big Bird: You're right about that!
Snuffy: Merry Christmas, Bird!
Big Bird: Aww...Merry Christmas, Snuff.
(the pals hug)
Ernie: It's so nice to see everyone together.
Bert: Yeeah. Eh-eh-eh-eh!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *looks up from whisking cream* Hey, has anyone seen Bean?
Bear: Ooh, a rhyme. And, man does this Christmas food smell good! Mind if I take a nip?
Bo: *frowns* Has anyone seen Bean since we put the turkey in the oven?
Bobo: Nope.
Beau: No-ope.
Bo: *yanks oven open and drags turkey out* BEAN!???


Meanwhile...outside Layla's room, a small adorable cute cute cute bunny stands with a green bow behind his back.

Bean: I know that secret santa's are meant to wait until Wednesday, but this present is TOO cute to wait until everything is priced down to 40%. 40% the cuteness just wouldn't do for this...*rings bell* *nothing* *leans on bell* Oh! Layla, hi, there? *waits, then* Hi Jimmy. *giggle* Listen, I know that you are an old, lonely, loony, sad man with no friends and not an ounce of niceness in I thought that I should share the true spirit of Christmas with you by giving a gift unsurpassed! *turns around and ties ribbon around ears* Tah-DAH! Merry Chrsitmas from a cute widdle bunny rabbit, here to teach you what it means to be merry and cheerfull. For a month, you get ME ME ME ME ME to be right at your side, always ready to guide you. *HUGE cute eyes and HUGE cute ribbon around ears* Merry Christmas from your secret, me!, what do you say?


Back at Bo's place...

Bo: *has ripped turkey apart* Bean?
Bear: He's not there.
Bo: Thanks...
Bobo: Hey, but these look nice. *helps self to crisps*
Beau: Merry Christy-mess.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bert: (linking some paperclips to put around the tree, singing) 4 calling birds, 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves... (Bernice flies in and perches on a branch) and a pigeon in a pine tree!! (laughs at his own clever joke) Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Merry Christmas! Guys

ZOE: Merry Christmas Peter!!!!


LITTLE BIRD: Merry Christmas!!!

PETER: Why don't we open presents and watch TV, okay

ZOE: Okay!!!

BABY BEAR: present time!!!!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(gang has been out celebrating with respective families; now all are back in room 7)

Nora: So you've got a new laptop? Sweet...
MN: Yeah, my old one's been having difficulties lately, so I get to start the semester off with a new one. I just never realized that Bluetooth was so picky...
Nora: To err is human, to really foul things up takes a computer.
MN: I also got some books, some nice-smelling shower gel and a shoulder bag with a map of the London Underground on it.
Storyteller: Well! I spent a glorious three-day weekend down by the Whistling Caverns with my for presents, I have a lovely new Nirvana tree fiber cape, some new shower gel from the Squeaky Caverns...and look here, I received this beautiful pendant, taken from the Bluerock.
Nora: Wow. Bluetooth, grandmother gave me a blue sweater. And my dad's been teaching me to play chess, so he gave me a computer chess game.
MN: Lemme guess. It's called Deep Blue.
Nora: Uh-huh.
Storyteller: And Richard got his AIDS quilt...which reminds me, Erin, have you...
MN: I'll get to it soon, I promise!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Leyla: Whew! Alright, everyone ready?

<They are gathered around the little Christmas tree, all of them... except Robot Kermit. All are dressed in their holiday best, with Robot Piggy particularly resplendant in a bright red, V-neck, knee length dress, embroidered with golden thread. It was borrowed from Miss Piggy. Her hair is pinned back, loosely draped over her shoulders and there is a sprig of mistletoe tucked beside her left ear. Robot Piggy remains entirely unaware that she has a winder sticking out of her back. Miss Piggy remains entirely unaware of the accommdating hole Leyla cut in the dress to allow Robot Piggy to wear it. She is not looking forward to either of them discovering these facts.>

Wanda: Oh yes, we're ready.

Hilda: <dryly> As ready as we'll ever be.

Robot Piggy: Moi looks stunning...let's get the show on the road already!

Robot Kermit: <faintly, pathetically, from his closet> Is it morning yet? Can I come out now? Please? I promise I'll be good.

Leyla: <apologetically> Oh, yes, Kermit dear... I'm sorry to keep you in there so long... we have a surprise for you, though!

RK: <giving new dimensions to the word pathetic> Is the surprise that you're not going to let me out, or that you are?

Leyla: Neither, neither! I mean, yes, I'm going to let you out, right this very-

<She is interrupted by a knock at the door>

Leyla: Oh dear... just another minute dear... <she answers the door, then calls out to Jimmy.> It's Bean, looking for you, Jimmy. Make it quick please... poor Kermit's been stuck in there for way too long as it is.

Hilda: <petulantly> well, if it hadn't taken soooo long for her royal highness here to get ready...

Robot Piggy: <coolly> Some of us believe in doing more than just throwing on any old thing.

Leyla: That's enough of that, ladies. Besides... it's not Robot Piggy's fault that it took so long. We needed to cut- <she breaks off abruptly, flushing pink>

Wanda: Yeah, of course it's gonna take forever if you have to maneuver all that fabric over that big, wide-

<Robot Piggy takes this as you might expect>

RP: Hiiiii-yah! <She sends Wanda to the floor in a classily attired heap>

Hilda: <sotto voce to Jimmy> Wanda, before the end of the first day... who won the pool?

Jimmy: <turning from the door and pulling out a notebook> Ah, let's see here...hmm...we've got...looks like it were that Swedish fellow who does all that gobbledy gook with the cookin' called it. Women's work if you ask me-

Hilda: <firmly> I didn't.

Wanda: <groggily> Did I win the pool?

Hilda: No.

Wanda: Rats.

Hilda: Not them either. Chef won.

Robot Kermit: <hopefully> I think there's an air vent in here, maybe I can-

Leyla: No! No, no, I'm coming! <she gives up waiting for Jimmy to finish his conversation and races to the closet door, unlocking it and sliding it open.> There you go, Robot Kermit, free at last! Now, come and meet our new roommate,-

Jimmy: <triumphantly> Bean Bunny! Fer a whole month!

<Everyone in the room spins around to stare at Jimmy, who has tucked the notebook away and has a friendly armed draped over Bean>

Robot Kermit: <uncertainly> Well, this is ah... this is certainly a... surprise.

Leyla: <pale faced> Uh... <laughs nervously> Yes... a... surprise, heh.

Bean: Oh, isn't this SO cute! A surprise party to welcome my surprise! ME!Yippee! <He launches into the most painfully saccharine version of "All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" imaginable.>

Robot Piggy: <having exhausted her tolerance for this about thirty seconds before it started.> If that thing is staying, then moi am leaving!

Leyla: <hurriedly> He's not, he's not! I'm sorry, Bean I appreciate the offer but-

<Robot Kermit has caught sight of Robot Piggy>

RK: <quietly> Oh, hey there, Miss Piggy... uh... it sure is nice to... um... see you're feeling better enough to visit us.

Robot Piggy: <staring at him like he might vanish> Oh... it's you again... <wistfully> Still taken?

RK: <confused> <He steps forward, then stops>

RK:<brightly> Don't worry, I uh... there's no mistletoe, this time. I promise, I'll keep my hands to myself.

Robot Piggy: <sighs> Of course.

<Leyla and all the others are distracted with trying to part Jimmy and Bean... both are near tears at the thought of being separated.>

RK: Am... am I allowed to tell you, you look nice?

Robot Piggy: <brightening> Yes, if that's the best vous have got.

RK: <cautiously hopeful> You, uh... you look look wonderful.

Robot Piggy: <preening> Why thank you, Kermie... vous look very handsome.

Robot Kermit: <clearly perplexed by her flirting> Uh, I- <he pauses, a light bulb coming on (for the record... not literally)> Oh... um, Miss Piggy, I'm not Kermit, I'm Robot Kermit. <wistfully> See? I'm not trying to trick you anymore.

Robot Piggy: <tilting her head> Robot Kermit? You're not the Kermit who belongs to Miss Piggy?

RK: <ruefully> Nope... I... I'm not yours...wish I were...<quickly> but I'm not!

Robot Piggy: <smiling very slowly> So, vous are Robot Kermie. Well, Robot Kermie... moi am Robot Piggy, and moi belongs to no one... and no one belongs to moi... yet.

RK: <processes that for a second> <excessively casually> Oh, really?

Robot Piggy: <not remotely casual> Oh... really.

Leyla: Jimmy, Bean... please, please stop crying. Listen, it's not that we don't like the idea of having you around, but there's only so much closet space and with Robot Piggy getting settled that's... that's not going to last long and- <They wail even louder>

Hilda: <firmly> Bean Bunny, stop that caterwauling this instant. It's not cute at all!

Bean: <startled> It's not?

Hilda: And Jimmy, settle down and I'll make you some hot chocolate.

Jimmy: <sniffling> With the little marshmellows?

Hilda: Yes... in fact, why don't we all have some hot chocolate. You can't live here, Bean, but perhaps you can visit.

Bean: Really?

Hilda: Maybe... we'll talk. Now into the kitchen, both of you. Wanda, will you grab a few mugs?

<Wanda leads the boys into the kitchen, Hilda and Leyla hang back for a second>

Leyla: <gratefully> Oh, bless you Hilda.

Hilda: Call it a Christmas present, why don't you?

Leyla:<visibly weary> Now I can finally introduce Robot-

<Hilda stops her with a gentle tug on her sleeve and nods towards where Robots Kermit and Piggy are talking. He reaches up suddenly and gives her mistletoe a playful little tweak.>

Robot Piggy: <smiling> Watch the hair, frog.

Hilda: They seemed to have introduced themselves.

Leyla: <slowly cheering up> So they have. I'll have to let Ru know how it went. I think... I think it's-

Hilda: It's a very merry Christmas day.

Leyla: Yeah... it sure is.

Hilda: <looking into the kitchen> Jimmy! You get away from that turkey! Back to work then.

Leyla: <eyeing the two lovebirds... though neither of them are, in fact, birds> Yep... they've got things well in hand out here. <They head into the kitchen>

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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*In Room 19 Boober, Betty Lou and Tosh are all in bed already*
Kim: Wow, I can't believe it. They're all in bed already.
Gillis: Well, we've all had a long day; they're tired. And they are just kids, after all.
Kim: Well, fuddy-duddy, what does that make us? You're definately not qualified to be the World's Oldest Fraggle.
Gillis: *flattered* Thank you.
Kim: *chuckling* You ham. Well, since they've already exchanged their gifts, I guess its time for us to do the same. *hands him a package* Merry Christmas, Gil.
Gillis: Merry Christmas, Kim. *opens his gift* Oh, my goodness...a carrying case for my baton! This is wonderful!
Kim: Thought you'd like that. *opens her present* Oh, Gillis you didn't have to do this! *pulls out several pieces of sheet music for clarinet*
Gillis: Well, I know how much you like to play...I just thought you'd want something to play other than scales all the time. Merry Christmas, Kim.
Kim: Merry Christmas, Maestro.

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