Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Oct 24, 2003
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A disguised voice, mumbling: Um, the occupants of room 20 would like to know when the actual present exchange/party is going to take place.
A different voice: I'm so embarrassed.
A third voice: You're embarrassed? Moi has to live with you!
The final voice: Come one, guys--don't bicker. Everybody here is going to come, so somebody will tell us, right?
The second voice: Um, right?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Christmas Announcement.

OK... That's two victims on the Week 16 death chart taken care of. Now if Denver can win their game...

Oh, sorry. OK, so this message is to help you breathe a small sigh of seasonal relief. Tomorrow's Christmas Day... So that means...
*Sing: There's only one more sleep till Christmas.
Anyway, regarding the dormwide Secret Santa exchange... You can go ahead and give the gifts you want, between roommates or from you to everybody you shopped for. But the exchange itself will take place on Wednesday the 27th of December 2006. There are two residents Meow.I.A. at the moment, and I think it best to wait until Christy and Kathy return. Plus, that'll give the last group of residents who haven't reported yet a chance to maybe get their Secret Santa picks and shopping done.
Hope this helps alleviate some tension, and I'm rully hoping for some fanfic presents under the tree or mistletoe maybe.
And don't forget, there's Christmas Eve Dinner in a couple of hours, see you there.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Here we are, gathered comfy cozy at the MC Dorms. A blanket of snow has paved the sidewalk outside and the town's alit with Christmas bulbs in all the streetlights. Couldn't be more beautiful if the town tried. And here's the topper...
Christmas dinner with all of our friends.

Count: Velcome, please draw up a chair and sit down for the feast!

For your dining pleasure we have...
Fluffy rice served with warm Boston baked beans.
Potato latkies drizzled in golden butter.
Potato salad merged with mayonnaise and cut pieces of Christmassey red and green apples.
Glazed ham with delectable pieces of pineapple and rosey red cherries.
Candied yams and good time garbanzo soup.

And what Christmas dinner would be complete without desserts?
7-Layer Squares.
Rugula crescent-shaped cream cheese cookies filled with raisins and spices.
Delicious little date cakes blended with toasted almonds.
Rice pudding with plenty of raisins from my native home.
And cookies... Check 'em out and count 'em up.
Monster cookies basically filled with peanut butter, oatmeal raisins, chocolate chips, and rainbow-colored M&M chocolates.
Gingerbread alphabet cookies, classic chocolate chips, ooey gooey peanut butter cookies, and double fudge brownie cookie cakes.
Add a pumpkin pie, holiday cherry pie, and a Christmas plum pie, and we're waiting on all of you to show up so we can break bread to begin eating.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Did you get Robin all tucked in Rowlf?
Rowlf: Yup. Little guy was so excited he could barely contain himself.
Ryan: Does that surprise you?
Rowlf: Not at all. Well, I'm off to bed, g'night gang.
Clifford: I'm comin' with ya dude. Night all.
Gonzo: Well Ryan, are you going to bed too?
Ryan: Nah, Christmas Eve wouldn't be the same if I didn't watch MCC. You in?
Gonzo: Sure! I'm great in that one!
Camilla: Brawk bagawk!
Uncle Deadly: Me too, not that I have much choice, you'll be watching it in my room anyway.
Ryan: What about you Chef?
Swedish Chef: I'm steyeeng up tu prepere-a Chreestmes deenner fur tumurroo neeght!
Ryan: Translation Rowlf?
Rowlf: You may wanna get the Pepto Bismol!
Ryan: Sheesh...*puts DVD in* Merry Christmas you guys.
Rowlf: Merry Christmas Ryan.
Uncle D.: A frightfully Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my fiends.
Camilla: Bragawk bawk byuck!
Gonzo: Merry Christmas to all! And to all, good health insurance!
Clifford: Night all, Merry Christmas!
Swedish Chef: Merry Chreestmes!
Ryan: Shh! The movie's starting!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: You're all tucked in, Guys, Night, guys and I hope my secret santas liked what you gave them

ZOE: Yeah, Merry XMAS and Good Night Peter and Little Bird and Baby Bear

BABY BEAR: Merry XMAS and Good Night Zoe, Peter and Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Everybody

PETER: Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night!!! and I hope Maurice Monster likes that muppet poster tha you got him Baby Bear

BABY BEAR: I Hope he likes it


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla, visibly nervous, is perched on a sofa watching VMC with Jimmy and Robot Kermit. No one the girls are nowhere to be seen.>

RK: <quietly> Oh, there she is.
Leyla: Yep. This is one of the saddest scenes in any muppet movie, or at least I think so. I never would have thought she'd be caught dead getting into that outfit.
Jimmy: Ah think it's a safe bet that somebody DID get caught dead getting her into that there outfit.
Leyla: <after sticking her tongue out at Jimmy> Still, even in that get up, Piggy looks beautiful.
RK: <very quietly> Yep. Other Kermit is right... she's always beautiful.
<Leyla lips twitch in a faint smile, but she manages to look sympathetic.>
Leyla: Is she still trying to brand you?
RK: <Sheepishly> Um... not anymore.
<At Leyla's raised eyebrow, Robot Kermit stands and turns his back to her... more specifically, his backside.>
Leyla: Ah, I see.
RK: Yeah... but I think she's calming down a bit.
Leyla: <thoughtfully> Well... there is that huge winder stuck out of your back... I mean, it would probably have been more useful to brand you in the front somewhere. Really, if she can see that mark, she can't have missed the winder...
RK: Maybe so... but I was not about to suggest that to her.
Leyla: <awkwardly> Ah, yes... I understand.
Jimmy: <in a rare moment of impeccable logic> Ah know why that purty little sow gal got 'im where she did. So's she could have a good excuse to check out the other frog's keister.

<Leyla and RK stare at him for a moment>

Leyla: Well, I woudn't put it pa-
Jimmy: That's why I brand the ladies.

<Leyla and RK stare at him for a much longer moment>

Jimmy: Heh, that were a joke.

<Leyla and RK sigh in relief>

Jimmy: <shifty-eyed> The gal's are usually too quick for me ta-

Leyla: <very quickly> Moving on! Uh, well, what with the season and all I'm sure Piggy will forg- <there is a soft, almost inaudible tap on the door> <switching tracks> Uh, gee! Look at the time! Boy, is it late! What say we all hit the hay, eh? <For emphasis, she yawns aggresively>

Jimmy: <not helping at all> But the movie ain't over yet... and ah wanted to stay up for when Robot Pi-

Leyla: <coughs loudly> Oh! See how I'm coughing... Jimmy? That's what happens when you don't get to bed early enough on Christmas Eve! Now, let's all head to bed, then, right, Jimmy? Cause it will NOT be good if we don't all go to sleep right away, and stay in our rooms for the rest of the night... no matter what curious things we might hear.

RK: <peering suspiciously into her glass> What's in that egg nog you're drinking?

Leyla: <dragging them out of the living room> BEDTIME! NOW! <she shoves Jimmy into his room and shuts the door firmly, then more gently escorts Robot Kermit to his closet.> Sweet dreams, Kermit dear.

RK: Merry Christmas, Leyla, and sweet dreams.
<He heads into the cosey little closet nook and shuts the door. Very, very quietly, Leyla locks it>

Leyla: <whispered to herself> A VERY merry Christmas, R.K., and a sweet dream come true tomorrow.

<Leyla makes her way to the door and opens it, ushering in Hilda, Wanda... and Robot Piggy>
Leyla: Welcome to your new home, Miss Piggy! Er... Miss Robot Piggy... er... Robot Miss Piggy, well...

RP: <archly> Don't hurt yourself, sweetie. Where is this person vous want moi to meet?

Leyla: Oh! Um... not now, Piggy... in the morning... on Christmas morning. Oh, this will be such a nice surprise for him!

RP: <unimpressed> I beg your pardon? Moi am NO object to be.... surprising people with...

Leyla: <backpeddalling> Oh, uh, no, no.. that's not what I meant... it's..he's... you're...<sigh> Listen... I promise you, you'll be happy about this too, and no one, but no one, thinks you're an object. <Wanda opens her mouth and points to the winder in Robot Piggy's back, but Hilda swats her arm down>

RP: Well... I suppose...

Leyla: Really, it'll be great! But... for now, let's just get you settled in. I cleaned out my closet... it's the biggest one we have. It's very comfortable in there... <she trails off under Robot Piggy's haughty stare>

Robot Piggy: <a little too brightly> Well! Moi am SO glad that vous enjoys sleeping in your little closet thing. Now, where will moi be sleeping?

<A sudden, massive rearrangement in the sleeping arrangements puts Leyla in the closet, Hilda in Leyla's hammock, Wanda in Hilda's cot and Robot Piggy, naturallement in Wanda's expansive bed.>

Robot Piggy: <pleased> Well, that was not so difficult, was it?

<There is no response... the other girls have all fallen asleep, dotted over the room.>


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(small pouches of chocolate covered birdseed for each dorm friend have been left on the doorknobs throughout the house, each with a tag reading "Merry Christmas with love, from Big Bird.")

(In bedroom of room 29...)
Telly: Bryan?
Bry: Yes, Telly?
Telly: I can't sleep. It will be Christmas Day in the morning and I still don't have a gift for my Secret Santa exchange.
Bry: Oh, Telly...
Telly: I've tried everything. Painting a picture, baking cookies...I even bought a bunch of Easter eggs! Nothing worked out right. I'm a failure!
Bry: Now, Telly, you are not a failure! You are one of the most thoughtful and caring Monsters I know! So what if those things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to? Atleast you had the heart to go through all that trouble to do it. Some people would have given up after the first try.
Telly: Eh...
Bry: You know...I've been thinking a lot about all this and I have something I want to show you.
Telly: You do?
Bry: Uh huh. (pulls out a small modest package from the nightstand drawer)
Telly: What is it?
Bry: (sings a gently ballad)
I have a special gift, I've wrapped so carefully.
The reason that it's special is it's just for you from me.
The ribbon isn't fancy and the paper's rather plain.
It didn't cost a penny and it's easy to maintain.
There's no need to unwrap it.
You can leave the ribbon tied.
Though you may think it's empty, it's filled with love inside.
So anytime you're lonely, anytime you're blue,
Anytime you need a friend, this box of love is for you.
It'll help you face the world, 'cause nothing else compares
To the feeling that comes over you, when you know somebody cares.
So anytime you're frightened, or feeling insecure,
Just hold this box close to your heart and feel it's love so pure.
A smile, a hand, a warm embrace, they're all wrapped up in here.
The love that's in this Christmas box will last year after year.
So anytime you're lonely, anytime you're blue,
Anytime you need a friend, this Christmas box is for you.
It'll help you face the world, unafraid because I swear,
There's no one can hurt you.
When you know somebody loves you.________________
(end of song)

Bry: You see? It's not the gift itself that matters. It's the love behind it.
Telly: You're right. I do feel a little better.
Bry: Good.
Telly: But I still don't know what I'm gonna do.
Bry: I think I'd like you to have this box now, Telly.
Telly: You're giving this Christmas box to me?
Bry: Yep. I think it will help you.
Telly: Gee...Thanks, Bryan.
Bry: You're welcome, Telly.
Telly: By the way...sorry about the guacamole.
Bry: Haha! That's okay. Merry Christmas, Telly.
Telly: Merry Christmas, Bryan.
(both drift off to a peaceful Christmas Eve sleep)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Little do they know that it's already Christmas morning, waining darkness outside, windows closed providing all the shadows necessary for bats to leave a few last presents.
Baggies of sesame seed cubes are left on the doorknobs of all the rooms. The baggies also have small Snicker Bite chocolates, a handful of chocolate chip crushed-nut cookies, and are sealed with a candy cane tied to a card that says Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from MC Dorms.

As if by some sort of magic, the bats work furiously to get all the presents that are meant for the residents under the Christmas trees, with the gifts for the Secret Santa tucked away in hiding until Wednesday.
Oh, it's gonna be a great Christmas. Wonder if anybody's awake yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Morning girls!
Red: It's Christmas!
Abby: YEA!
Wanda: Merry Christmas
Beth: So, do you wanna eat breakfast, watch t.v. or open presents?
Roomies: PRESENTS!!!
Beth: I thought so
*they sit around their little tree and exchange gifts to each other*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Been mewing Garfield's Christmas again Beth? Anyway... Made out like a Jack Bandit.
Count: Yes, and I had a lovely few presents from back home as vell.
Got meself a lot of DVD's and if you don't hear from me it's cause I'm watching all my Muppet movies and specials and the triumvirate of Old School SS, Electric Company and FR.
Count: That's a lot of Muppet viewing time.
Yeah, I guess... But it's Christmas!
Count: That it is... And my mom sent me a delightful book of recipes from my native Transylwanian cuisine. Not to mention a delightful set of numerical portraits from Countess Dahling von Dahling.

Sure is great... Come on, let's see if the rest of the residents are having fun opening their presents.
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