Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry it took me sooooo long to get back here Count. Wasn't able to get much to eat at the party back home, only some of my mom's great garbanzo soup.
Count: That's all fright Ed, I understand.
Yeah well... Looks like we'll have to leave the commentary for tomorrow. If we even get here, since we have all our Muppet videos to watch.
Count: Ah, how I count the moments to sitting down and vatching some good old home movies. Oh, did you check that stocking hung next to the furnace mouths?
Me: What furnace?
Count: The one that's fright next to the vindows, between the microwave cauldron containment unit and the skellevision entertainment center.
Me: Nope, wasn't even aware there was a stocking hanging there.
Count: Vell, I'd adwise you check there tomorrow morning, might be a gift left there you haven't found yet.

Oh OK... Pleasant screams and happy Christmas.
Count: Thank you Edvard and merry Christmas to you too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(Fozzie Bear comes running down the hall, flings open the door to room 20 and dashes inside. He leans, panting, against the door, in obvious terror. Catherine walks over to put a hand on his arm.)
Fozzie: Ahhhhh! Oh--it's you. (nervously) Um--it is you, right, Ru, um, Catherine?
Catherine: It's me, Fozzie. What's the matter?
Fozzie: (whispering) Um, I think I've slipped into some sort of alternate universe. Did you fall through the opening, too?
Catherine: Um, is someone serving, um, grown-up eggnog here in the dorms?
Fozzie: No--it's just--ahhh! (pointing and staring over Catherine's shoulder) Ahhhh!
(Catherine looks around and sees Piggy and Kermit behind her. Fozzie continues to look frightened.)
Catherine: Honey, it's just Piggy and Kermit. What's wrong?
Fozzie: But, but I--I just SAW them--right across the hall--in Layla's room. They were, um, (indistinct mumble).
Kermit: What?
Piggy: Who?
Fozzie: Um, you guys. You were, um, kissing. But--but now you're here, and there, and I don't even know if I'm me.
Catherine: (With a oopsie-face at Kermit and Piggy) Um, Fozzie, it's okay. That wasn't our Kermit and Piggy. This is our Kermit and Piggy.
Fozzie: No? (whispering) Then who were they?
Catherine: Um, do you remember Robot Kermit?
Fozzie: Yesssss.
Catherine: Well, um, you know about the recent unpleasantness in our room because of what happened when Robot Kermit tried to take Kermit's place here?
Fozzie: (hat over face) I remember.
Catherine: Um, so we wanted to do something that might prevent that sort of thing from happening again so, well, we, um, had Dr. Honeydew and Beaker put together a Robot Piggy. Now Robot Kermit has-- (breaks off at a hard look from Piggy) --has a friend, that is, another robot friend who seems well-suited to.... (trails off in surprise, and then a big goofy smile breaks across her face) And they were kissing?!
Fozzie: Uh hum.
(Immediately, Fozzie has to flatten himself against the wall as three excited bodies hurl themselves out the door to peek around the doorframe diagonally across the hall. Everybody says "ahhh" and then trails back to room 20.)
Catherine: Wow--that worked a lot better than I hoped.
Piggy: (eying Kermit with something akin to dissatisfaction) That happened a lot faster than I expected.
Kermit: (indignantly) Hey--what's that supposed to mean?
Piggy: (sailing past him toward the tree with an impish look) All I'm saying is that somebody seems to have all of his circuits firing--and somebody doesn't.
Kermit: Oh yeah? Well come over here and I'll show you a thing or two.
(Laughing, they proceed to chase each other around the tree for some moments. This argument has a forgone conclusion, and while they are getting to the part where they stand with their arms around each other under the mistletoe and kiss, Catherine takes Fozzie over to the kitchen and pours them each a cup of cocoa.
Catherine: So, you feeling better now that classes are over?
Fozzie: Yes! I was so worried about my final in Advanced Heckler Defense Strategy, but it actually seemed to go okay.
Catherine: (looking quickly away) Do tell?
Fozzie: (sitting at the table) Well, you know how nervous I was about my routine, right?
Catherine: (sympathetically) I remember.
Fozzie: And I was so worried that I was going to get nervous and be terrible. But when I came out to do my exam routine, all of my classmates were there in the auditorium, too. I thought it was just going to be me and the professors, but everyone was there to support me. And everybody got a chance to vote on how I did.
Catherine: And you did okay?
Fozzie: (looking down for a moment) Well, they laughed at some of my jokes, and they clapped when it was over. And half of our grade is based on how much we had improved. (whispering) I think I improved a lot.
Catherine: Of course you did! Fozzie, I'm so proud of you!
Fozzie: Gee, thanks. You know, there's just one thing that seemed funny to me.
Catherine: (nervously) Um, what was that?
Fozzie: I was really nervous about these professors, but it's almost like there were different people in the sound booth that day.
Catherine: (choking on her hot chocolate) *coff* *coff* Oh! *coff* I'm sure it was just because you were nervous. I'm sure they weren't, you know, tied up in their office or anything.
Fozzie: Aaaahhhh! Good one! Wocka wocka! You know, I guess Christmas wishes do sometimes come true.
Catherine: (looking toward the living area, where all sounds of fighting have ceased) Yeah. It sure looks that way. So--you want some more tofu and stuffing? I made gravy!
Fozzie: Definitely!
Catherine: (bending to plant a kiss on Fozzie's fuzzy head) Merry Christmas, Fozzie.
Fozzie: Merry Christmas, Catherine.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well guys. Did ya'll have a wonderful christmas?

Grover: I know I did.

Herry: I just couldn't get enough of those wonderful food!

Cookie M: As well as those yummy presents too! URP! Excuse me.

Mauirce: I'm glad to have spent it with you guys.
I'm always glad to spend it with everyone here at the Muppet Dorms.

Grover: Me too. Ooooh by the way. My mommy sent these to us. *grabs some boxes with our names on them*

Herry: Another present? *opens it* Did your mom makes these?

Grover: Yep. They are so adorable.

Thanks. *puts on the knited scarf*

Maurice: New mittens! Tell your mom thanks.

Cookie M: Me been needing a new winter hat. *puts it on* Me look snazzy!

Grover: You are all so welcome. *hugs everyone*

Outside in a certain trashcan.......

Oscar: Did you see what I got Fluffy? An old run down soggy full of holes sweater. What did you get?

Fluffy: *trumpets really loud which shakes the whole trashcan*

Oscar: You got it? Really? Well I'm surprised but still grouchy. I just would like to wonder who threw out all those other things? Oh well time for a christmas swim with Kipper.

Outside the trashcan you hear a big splash from the hallway

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Downstairs, in Room #1, the Count von Count is fast asleep wearing his bat-print pajamas, dreaming of all the numbers he's counted as they dance in his head past happier visions of sugar plums and blood oranges.

Meanwhile, in the other bed in Room #1...
Hmmm, sounds like those new robot romantics were occupied in one of the yet vacant rooms. Guess they wanted some privacy.

The thoughts of the owner of this room turn back to what his vampire bunkmate said as to a certain stocking.
Furnace? The Count must be dream projecting again, there's no furnace here... Much less a Christmas stocking.

Ed's ruminations turn to the poster of Autumn up on the wall next to his bed, longing for the day they shall meet in Vegas making it a very merry Christmas indeed. His hands swing out slowly, as if in a move of resignment and find placed there on the wall...
Hullo? What's this? Hmmm, this must be the stocking he was talking about.

Eduardo takes the stocking off of its secured spot to inspect the calcetin's contents.
Never noticed that there before. Someone must've...
His hands trace along the top furrysome fringe of white, finding a message in stitched lettering jutting out ever so slightly from the stocking's body. The cryptic clue reads "Santa Baby".
Now why would that...

At that moment, two enchanting eyes awaken, a tuft of perfectly coiffed blonde hair rising from within the stocking. The full female figure of one of those little batty ornament pushes itself upwards seeking the refreshing nourishment of renewed air, her wings pinned back and prominent physique adding to her innate alluring qualities. She starts to sing softly in a voice matching her hairstyle and her tantalizing talents, the satin of her gloves plainly popping the two top buttons of the master's nightshirt.

Bat-girl, singing: ...
Santa Baby.
Slip me something under the tree.

*Cooingly spoken: I've been an awful good girl.
*Sung once again, in a low quiet chancion: ...
So come on Santa Baby.
And hurry *down* the chimney tonight.

At this point, the beautiful batty baubble has snuggled herself inside Ed's sleeping suit, cozied up against his chest, the sheerness of her negligee and the roundness of her chest palpable against his own beating body. Her wings calmly flap a few times, whether she's cooling things down or gently warming his heart is open to debate.
Finally, she tilts her head upwards fixing him with a coquettish knowing look, whispering...
The visitor then glances sideways briefly without taking her peepers off of the main occupant living in the first room of the dormhouse and finishes the thought.
"Tonight", she utters in her vamp voice as she then leaves her receiver breathless with a well-won kiss before nestling her head down against his pounting blood pumper. The two fall into a most desirable blissful slumbering state.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: Muppet College Dorms were brought to you this Christmas Day by the letter J and the number 3. Happy Holidays, Everybody! (plays True Blue Miracle on the sax)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Good morning girls! Get up!
Red: *groans* And who's idea was it to get her that espresso machine again?
Wanda *who has also had coffee*: Mine! Isn't it great?
Red: Not for those who want to sleep.
Abby: I'm going to get up. Can I have coffee too?
Beth: *laughs* Sorry dear, maybe when you're older, but I don't think your mom and dad would be happy with me if I let you have some. Tell you what, I'll make you some chocolate milk
Abby: Ok!
Red: Hey! I'll take some of that too
Beth: I thought you wanted to sleep
Red: I changed my mind, I can do that
Wanda: It is a woman's perogative
Red: Huh?
Wanda: Never mind


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bear: *sniffing the air* hey, do i smell something?
Bobo: Not me.
Bear: No, not that...though i can smell that...
Beau: Burnt turkey remains?
Bear: Nope. Bo, wanna guess?
Bo: You smell...the end of a great few monthes holiday?
Bear: 'fraid so.
Bo: We're going to miss you. *hugs*
Beau: But we don't really miss Bean...
Bobo: True.
Bo: ok, maybe we won't miss you.
Bear: *blink*
Bo: Just kidding.
Bobo: *hugs for Bear*
Bear: *hugs for Bobo*
Beau: *hugs for Bear*
Bear: *hugs for Beau*
Bo: *hugs for Bear*
Bear: *hugs for Bo, Beau, and Bobo* I'll miss you guys!...though I won't miss the smell.
Bo: *carries bags out to a taxi* You know you are always welcome here?
Bear: Oh, I sure do. See you soon. Bye!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Already up, been so for a while now, the stocking and it's bat comfortably resting up on the wall where they were both found last night.

So Bear's gone back to Woodland Valley. Well, was nice having him around for the time he was here. Wonder when Kathy and Sis will be back, should be here by tomorrow for the exchange. *Sighs, OK, off to do some commentary in the reading room. Count, would you like to join me?
Count: I vas counting the seconds until you asked!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hey girls!I'm home!
Prairie:Hi Kathy! big hug!
Rosita:Kathy!How was your flight?big hug!
hugs for both the girls and picking up Gafferwho's pawing at me for attention and meowing My trip to New York was very nice thanks. Seeing my family was wonderful & I got great presents.Which reminds me ...handing both Prairie & Rosita 2 packages I got something extra for you guys. Go change into them.
the three of us head into our respectable rooms and change
Prairie: Kathy! Matching pajamas!
Rosita: For the 3 of us!Que buena!:excited:
Glad you approve!My mom,my sister and her friend have PJs that match too!
Prairie:They're very toasty.Thanks Kath!
(OOC:I actually did get the identical PJs as my mom and the others did.:smile: )
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