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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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inside muppet central central:

"...so rubber duckie and I went out to sleep inside of the EM bus." I paused, and gave the appearance of gazing off into space. I was really gazing at the monitors, watching the giant group of people and muppets traveling through cyberspace.

Snidely was intently listening. "and then what?" he asked, anxious to hear every detail I could tell. He was entirely wrapped up in the world of muppet central, and had apparently forgotten that he was trying to destroy it.

"hm? oh. well then..." I leaned forward, like I was about to deliver an unbelievable, cliff-hanger plot twist, and said, "we moved on to other threads!"

Snidely didn't seem to notice that I wasn't adding to the story at all. "really?" I nodded, hoping he would continue not noticing.

Suddenly there was a loud *BANG*

And I was out of luck. Snidely snapped out of the peculiar trance my "story" had put him in. He stood up, and glared at me angrily.
"you... you... you little WITCH!" He shouted. he leaned through the bars of my cell.

"I see what you've been doing, fool, you've been trying to create a pathetic diversion, haven't you? Well, it won't work for another second!" He pointed to the monitors and the controls. "I have total control, dear, and I'll use it! You're friends won't survive another minute in cyberspace. Not that you'll live to see their demise!"

He turned to Blog. "EAT HER!"

But Blog was no longer under his command. Instead of eating me, he charged at the iron bars of my cell, and with a single snap of his jaw... well let's just say the bars were no longer an obstacle in any sense of the word.

Before Snidely could even react, Blog was chasing him out of the control room, leaving me by myself.

I ran out of what had been my cell. I looked at the monitors, then the controls, then the monitors, then the controls. I hit a button. One of the monitors lit up with a message.

Delete web site Muppet Central?

Enter= ok Backspace= cancel
I hit backspace.
Then I looked up at the monitors that were still following everybody else.

"Guys, can you hear me?" I called. "Hello? HELLO? GUYS?"
It occured to me that even if they could hear me, they had no way of knowing who I was. one bite at a time, Lisa, one bite at a time! I thought to myself. "HEY! HEY GUYS, CAN YOU HEAR ME? HELLO?"

to be continued....


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Everyone sneaks into PC's Muppet Central lab......

Cindy: Since I know my way around (I live here) this is what were going to do.

Fozzie: *bumps into a lamp* CRASH! Woops.

Kermit: Shhhhh Fozzie. Be more careful. Ok Cindy go on.

Cindy: Dr. Teeth ya'll are going to play some sleeply time music. That should put old Snidely to sleep. Then Me, Ryan, Ryan 2 and Christy are going to find away to get Lisa out of that cage.

Dr. Teeth: You got it.

Floyd: Lets get set up.

The Mayhem band sets up there insterments

Lips: Wake up Zoot.

Zoot: *wakes up* Uh oh yea.

Fozzie: What about me?

Me: Uh I kind of think me, you Kermit, Rowlf and the others are going to be a look out for any of Snidely's henchmen.

Fozzie: Thats fine by me. *slutes*

Cindy: Ok guys. Break!

Animal: *chomps down on the lamp* CRUNCH!

Me: Shhhhh!

Animal: Sha-ree....

Me: Its ok. Just be quite.

Animal: Ok.

Dr. Teeth: Hit it.

The Mayhem band starts playing "Twinkle Twinkle little star"

Lisa: So then *yawns* Kermit goes flying over the seats and hits the windsheild. *sees Cindy, Christy, Ryan and Ryan 2* So then we find ourself a motel to eat and sleep. We were really tired (like I am now) and hungry.

Snidley: *yawns* Keep going.

The music makes everyone start to fall asleep but Animal seems that he wants the faster versiona and starts playing a very fast version which all the others have to join in (knowing that it would be off sounding if they didn't) That makes everyone wake up even Snidley which he then sees Cindy, Christy, Ryan and Ryan 2.

Snidley: Stop them! *a bunch of drangon like creatures start flying around in the room*

Lisa: Come on Blog! We have to save my friends.

Blog begins to breath fire on the cage door and it melts to hot steel

Lisa: Good boy. *pats Blog on head*

Fozzie: Uh oh! RUN! Its a dragon!!

Me: Shhhhhh!! Snidley is goi...

Snidley: I have already spotted you. Now you won't ecaspe me.

Me: Thats what you think. *being that I was on the ground so I tripped him*

Snidley: Why you little....

Me: Uh I'm not really little. I'm pretty big. So I wouldn't mess with me.

Snidley: *glup*

Christy: Come on guys. Lisa is free.

Lisa: Thanks to my new freind Blog. Thanks. *kisses him*

Blog: :embarrassed:

Everyone runs out the door of the Chapman's house



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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? now Im confused. there's two versions of me getting out of the cell. somebody pick one?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Sorry about that. I started writing and then I fisnished and you had posted before I could. I like both versions. Maybe we could comebine them together to make both work. I love your idea too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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ok how bout this- the still unexplained bang I heard was one of your crashes, the EM's music makes Snidely and Blog fall asleep mid-chase, and everybody runs in to find me shouting at the monitors? just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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I can dig it...

As we burst into the control room we hear someone screaming.

Fozzie: What is that noise?

Kyle: I dunno let's go find out.

We approach the screen to find Lisa screeming at the screens.

Christy: Um, hi.

Lisa stops sceaming and sees us.

Lisa: Hey! How'd you guys get in here?

Dr. Teeth: We knew Snidley was keepin' you trapped in here so we burst into save you after our sweet sweet melodies took Snidley and his dragon pet to dreamland.

Lisa: You put them both to sleep?

Rowlf: Yeah but not for long. Cindy where do we need to go now?

Cindy: Well now that we're in the control room we need to see if we can over ride Snidley's virus.

Scooter: I can handle that.

Ryan: Good, the rest of us will split up to see if we can find Phillip.

Me: Cool, Pepe, Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Fozzie, Zoot, and I will go one way.

Kyle: Grover, Herry, Cookie, Animal, Lips, and I will go another.

Christy: Janice, Floyd, Kermit, Seymour, Rizzo and I will go the other.

Ryan: Alright, Lisa and I will take the Fraggles.

Lisa: Sorry guys, I gotta go see if Blog is OK.

Janice: Like who's Blog?

Lisa: He's the dragon you guys put to sleep.

Red: You can't go buy yourself!

Gobo: Yeah, Snidley's over there too!

From offscreen...

Piggy: Moi shall go with vous dear.

Kermit: Piggy what are you doing here?

Piggy: Moi came to give that jerk Spyware a piece of my mind.

Kermit: Then you heard about what happened to Muppet Central.

Piggy: Muppet what?

Kermit: Sheesh. If you haven't heard about Muppet Central then what how did you meet Snidley?

Piggy: It's a long story, moi was his maid and he worked me to hard so I came to set the record straight.

Fozzie: Theat wasn't long at all.

Piggy: Oh, yeah. Well anyway, moi shall go with vous, um what was your name dear?

Lisa: Lisa.

Piggy: Right, right, come on Pizza let us move on.

Me: Everybody ready?

Everybody: Yeah!

We all move in seperate directions to search for Phillip.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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me: Piggy?

Piggy: yes?

me: I was just wondering. Why in the world did you put up with the way Snidely was treating you for so long?

Piggy: And what do vous know about THAT?

me: Well, I was sort of locked up in a cell inside of the control room while he was pushing you around.

Piggy: oh.

me: So why'd you put up with it?

Piggy: Because, he was SUPPOSED to pay moi for moi's services! And he didn't. Now can we go find that jerk so I can teach him not to mess with a lady?

me: absolutely. <we head off down a hallway> And when we find him, um-

Piggy: yes?

me: Well I didn't exactly enjoy being locked up, so... mind if I hold him down while you beat him?

Piggy: Pizza, I like the way you talk... although your name's a little strange... Now let's get him!

me: uh, we have to find him first.

Piggy: whatever.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Me: Ok guys.

Cookie M: Me Monster.

Me: Me know. (LOL)

Me: Were going to find Phillip.

Grover: What does this phill guy look like?

Me: You know I've never seen what he looks like.

Herry: I guess we'll just have to find a guy tied up or where ever he is.

Lips: Uh would that be him?

Me: Nope. Thats *double takes* UH OH!!! Thats Sindley! RUN!!!

Animal: *runs after Sindley*

Me: Animal?! NO!!

Cookie M: Me thinks we need more help. *whisles*

A bunch of anything muppets come running our of nowhere after Animal.

Cookie M: Me take care of it.

Me: Good thinking Cookie. Lets go. *keeps looking for Phillip*


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok. I'm going to post later and take care of the bulk of the vius. I love this movie, it's so funny! and great.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Piggy and Lisa had been wandering around the strange Muppet Central central cyperspace-place for a while, trying to find that coward of a Sniedley Spyware. Appearantly he had totally dismissed. Eventually, after wandering up and down the long cyperspace corridors, Lisa said that they'd better settle down and proceed more systematic. So they did...

Lisa: Okay, if we wanna find him and beat him...

Piggy: ...and knock him out, thrash him, whack him, flog him, make him cry for mercy...

Lisa: Piggy may I proceed my sentence?

Piggy: Oh sure Pizza dear.

Lisa: um, for the 10th time, it's Lisa, not Piz...

Piggy: I know, I know, you already told me 10 times, Pizza dear.

Lisa: *sigh* What's the point? Anyway, if we wanna find Snidley who we wanna beat, knock out, etc., we need to think like the guy. So where would we hide if we were Snidley?

Piggy: Uuuuum... Somewhere!

Lisa: Well, we might need to be a little more exact.

Piggy: Right. *Stands up and begins walking around in a Sherlock Holmes -ish way.* okay, let's assume he is a dangerous hacker that want to destroy um.. what was it again?

Lisa: Muppet Central.

Piggy: YES!! Whatever that might be. But then his plans seem to fail and he sees no other way out than fleeing and hiding somewhere. Then let's assume we don't know where that is, and we need to find out, by pretenting we are him and think the way he does.

Lisa: Piggy, why did we need to assume all that?

Piggy: *grins* Pizza dear, that's what detectives do, assume things.

Lisa: weeell... Then let's assume we need to find a way to find Snidley without assuming anything, cause if we just assume everything, we won't get anywhere.

Piggy: okay, we assume that.

To be continued...