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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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(Meanwhile, down at Fraggle Rock...)

Gobo: Come on guys, run faster!

Red: Aaah! He's gaining on us!

Ryan: Zoinks! (Whoops, wrong show!)

Dan: Dee, run behind me!

Dee: No way, no how!

Ryan: Hey, my cell phone is ringing! (Clumsily takes his cell phone from his pocket and flips it open)

(Breathlessly): Hello? (A loud explosion is heard on the other end) Hmmm, Christy must have tried to call me. Snidley must have blown up her phone. Hmmm, curious.

(As the group runs through the maze-like caverns of Fraggle Rock, Ryan slows down and lets his friends pass him as he takes up the rear. He looks back to see King Agrippa gaining ground rapidly.)

Ryan: I hope this works. (Dials the number to the Muppet Boarding House. Instead of a ring on the other end, Ryan heard Snidley's voice.)

Snidley: Hey Ryan, Boom Boom!

(Ryan quickly throws his phone to the ground and sprints away. King Agrippa steps over the phone just as it explodes. The gang hears a loud, painful cry as they see the light at the end of the tunnel...)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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At Jim Henson's office in NYC

Jim: That's some story you got there.
Me: It's been some adventure. However, I'm just amazed and honored to meet you.
Jim: *chuckles* Nice to meet you too. I'm pleased that you like my work.

Just then a crash was heard. We looked up and turned to the doorway. Scooter and I was shocked to see who had crashed though.

Me: Ryan, Dee, Red, Beau, Everyone! Oh no! You can't be here.
Jim: This would mean. That they're trapped along with you.
Scooter: That means Snidley has us all in one place.
Me: Which can't be good.
Jim: I should be writing this down. It'd make a good movie.
Scooter: You'll never know boss.
Me: How on earth did you guys get into cyberspace?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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(Dazed and confused, Ryan, Dee, Dan and the Fraggles look at their surroundings)

Ryan: Hey, Christy...long time no see.

Christy: Hi. Now please answer my question before I get royally freaked out.


Christy: Ryan, Dan and Dee, I'd like you to meet Mr. Jim Henson.

Ryan: (Blubbering like an idiot) I-I-I-I. You-You-You-You. We-We-We-We. Wha-Wha-Wha-Wha? Whoa-Whoa-Whoa-Whoa.

Dee: Lovely to meet you, Mr. Henson.

Dan: It's a real honor.

Jim: These two seem nice. I'm not sure about that guy though.

Christy: Oh, he's mostly harmless.

(Ryan begins running his finger up and down over his lips to make blubbering sounds as the Fraggles converge on Jim and Scooter for a bit of a reunion).

Gobo: Gee, Mr. Henson. I haven't seen you since the Christmas special.

Jim: It's good to see you guys again.

Scooter: Boy oh boy! I really feel as though our coming together is a good thing!

Christy: Don't be so sure, buddy. Remember, we're all inside Snidley's trap.

Ryan: (Finally under control) As I was saying, I don't know how we got here. We were in Fraggle Rock running for the Gorg's garden when we suddenly ended up here.

Christy: How could you guys be hungry for turnips at a time like this?

Dan: We were running from King Agrippa!

Dee: Then Ryan blew him up.

Ryan: Yeah, then we exited Fraggle Rock expecting a big, green garden and instead we ended up here.

Jim: Sounds exciting. I hope you all are okay.

Ryan: (Looks at Jim and faints)

Dee: I think we're fine.

Christy: Now we need to come up with a plan to get ourselves out of here...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The bus pulls up in front of NYJHC........

After eattting a big breakfest and lunch the Mayhem Band thinks it time to go to man himself to have him help them. Who could they be talking about?

Dr. Teeth: We should be able to get help from our friends here.

Me: Where are we?

Floyd: This is our home town.

Janice: Were back. Like this is home to us.

Animal: Home! Home! Home!

Me: You mean this is where you live?

Janice: Like better then that. We were made here.

Ryan 2: You mean this is "The Place!?"

Rowlf: You got it.

Grover: Ahhhhhh this were we were made.

Herry: Oh like its home.

Cookie M: Maybe they have cookies too.

Ryan 2: But what about Christy? Me, Rowlf and Rizzo were going to find her.

Rizzo: Or eat.

Ryan 2: Hush!

Dr. Teeth: Thats why were here. He should be able to help us. He's done it his whole like with friends of all kinds. Come on lets go in.

Everyone walks into the big doors of the workshop of where all puppets come to life

Ryan 2: This is like a dream come true. We're really here at the place.

Me: You and me both. WOW! Look over there! *points to a big Dragon head from the "Story Teller stories" show*

Ryan 2: Look at this! *picks up a anything muppet with no eyes or nose* (in funny voice) I'm Mr. Noeyes or nose. How are you doing today?

Me: Same as always Mr. Noeyes or nose. What about you?

Ryan 2: *funny voice still* Uh well I wished I could see and smell.

Rizzo: You do!

Everyone starts laughing

Me: Good one Rizzo.

Dr. Teeth: Come on guys. Stop horsing around.

Ryan 2: We weren't. He was. *points to a puppetbuilder playing with a muppet horse*

Puppetbuilder: Hello there. What brings ya'll here?

Ryan 2: Uh hidiing from a evil man.

Me: He means Sindley. Hes trying to take over Muppet Central.

Puppetbuilder: What?

Lips: He means a website.

Floyd: Come here guys. I found something.

Dr. Teeth: Thats his office.

All of them go in......


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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(Okay, I finally catched up (sorry I'm so slooooow) and I think I'm with you guys at Jim's office too? I just assume I am anyway, hope you don't mind? I'm sorry, I never really presented myself in this movie, so I'll do that now. I know it's a little late, but better late than never right? :smile: Okay on with the movie...)

Vibs was rather confused. This morning she had woke up, thinking that traveling to England all by herself in the age of 16 was rather unbelieveable itself, (also that her parent actually let her!!). But now she had been rescuring a boy from drouning, been at fraggle rock, traveling via cyperspace AND meet Jim Henson within 7 hours. She looked around at her new friends, all english speaking and muppetsfans. She pinched her left arm (which where sligtly turning into a blue-purple color) for the 36th time that day, and when she once again found that it hurt, she began to believe this was actually happening. She was mumbling some random danish, blaming herself about the pinching, when she realized that everybody was turning around, giving her strange looks because of the foreign language.

Vibs: Latterlige blå mærker det er bare så typisk... *Looking up and facing the rest of the gang*
Vibs: Oh I never really got to intruduce myself did I? Well... Somehow I got drawn into this. First I was on a boat, rescuing Beau and then some moments after I found myself going into a fragglehole and then there was this virus and....

*Everybody's still staring confused at the dane they didn't notice before now*

...and what I was just saying in danish was: "Stupid bruises it is so typical..." and then I stopped because everybody was looking at me, which you still are...

Everybody mumbled some "oh" and "ah!" and "I see" and eventually they all shook hands with the poor confused thing. After Vibs and Ryan had fainted another couple of times, because of meeting Jim Henson, they all settled down and began talking about what to do.

(Okay I'm sorry guys I know that sucked but... Now I'm officially in this, and let's just hope this post will soon be forgotten history!!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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meanwhile at muppet central central. er... yeah

"Hey, if you're not going to listen to the story, then what's the point of me telling it?" I snapped at Snidely.

Finally he turned away from the monitors, where I could see people and muppets in various locations, running from and towards various things. By now I had figured out that the people were members of Muppet Central. They were the ones Snidely had been carefully torturing as I recited every thread I had ever read.

"Alright, my dear, I will listen to your despicable tale!" He spat. "And the point of you telling it is to save yourself from becoming my pet's lunch" He waved towards the dragon-like creature in my cell.

What Snidely didn't know is that when he had left earlier for a bathroom break, I had befriended the dragon. There was no way it would eat me now. The real point of telling the story was my poor attempt at creating a diversion and allowing the muppets, christy, beau, ryan, and everybody else to escape.

I sighed, and silently wished for him to forget about exploding cyberspace for a while. "As I was saying. They looked out at the parking lot, and saw all the muppeteers showing up, looking just sooooooo depressed about the muppets being stolen. So christy turned the bus around, and they went back through the parking lot, and they all reached out, and each of them grabbed a muppeteer and pulled them in. Then they sped off again..."
He looked almost captivated by the raid. I stole a look over his shoulder and was jealous to see my friends meeting Jim Henson. But I had to continue distracting him...
"so the muppeteers weren't exactly pleased to be kidnapped..."


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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(Meanwhile back at "the place")

Me: Kerm, Rowlf, Dr. Teeth are you ok?

Kermit: *Shaking* Yeah I'm ffffinnne.

Rowlf: Never been better.

Dr. Teeth: Oh boy this is gonna be big.

Janice: Like isn't that Christy and Scooter over there?

Floyd: Hey it sure is! And there's the Fraggles, Ryan, Dan, and Dee!

Pepe: Hey Seymour who are dees peoples?

Seymour: I dunno...

Me: It's all the other members from Muppet Central I told you about.

Lips: What are you guys doin' here?

Christy: We should ask you the same thing. But meantime, guys meet Mr. Jim Henson.

Kyle: Oh my gosh!!! Your my idol!!!

Me: Me too!

Jim: It's nice to meet you to.

Me: Me too!

Dr. Teeth: Jim it's been a while my creative friend.

Jim: To long Dr. Teeth.

Rowlf: I can't believe I'm seein' this...

Jim: I could say the same thing Rowlf. *Pats his head*

Kermit: Jim, how is this possible? It can't really be you... Can it?

Jim: It is Kermit. It is. I've missed you all.

Me: Me too!

Kyle: Your Jim Henson!

Floyd: Mr. Henson it is good to see you again.

Janice: Like rully. I've fer surely missed you.

Lips: Hey man how's it hangin'?

Zoot: *Just waking up* What where are we?

Fozzie: We're in Jim Henson's office! Hiya Jim!

Jim: It's great to see all of you again. And meet the shrimp and elephant.

Pepe: I am not a ... Oh forget it.

Kyle: Christy Scooter, what are you doing here? And what about the rest of you, how'd you get here?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That was a nice scene posted by ThePrawnCracker, but there's one flaw with it.

Isn't the group consisting of Ryan (2), Kyle, ThePrawnCracker, Cookie, Grover, Herry and the rest in the real world?
And isn't the group with Christy, Scooter, Ryan, Dan, D, the Fraggles and Jim Henson in cyberspace?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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The Count said:
That was a nice scene posted by ThePrawnCracker, but there's one flaw with it.

Isn't the group consisting of Ryan (2), Kyle, ThePrawnCracker, Cookie, Grover, Herry and the rest in the real world?
And isn't the group with Christy, Scooter, Ryan, Dan, D, the Fraggles and Jim Henson in cyberspace?
I don't know... :cool:

I thought when we got to New York we were in cyberspace.

Someone help:confused:

Oh and theprawncracker is Ryan 2


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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No guys were not in cyberspace were really in the New York Stuido that was used for building Puppets. Thats where we are. Get it now? We are all in the buidling thats everyone has seen in that old Speical where you have Jim talkiog about how puppets are built and performed. That building.