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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Erine81981 said:
No guys were not in cyberspace were really in the New York Stuido that was used for building Puppets. Thats where we are. Get it now? We are all in the buidling thats everyone has seen in that old Speical where you have Jim talkiog about how puppets are built and performed. That building.
Actually, you are wrong. The rest are in a cyberspace version of the building. We have not traveled through time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok. Let's get this sorted: Ryan (2), Kyle, ThePrawnCracker, Cookie, Grover, Herry were in the real world, and Troup with Christy, Scooter, Ryan, Dan, D, the Fraggles and Jim Henson were in cyberspace, while B. Regard (me) and Boober were in Fraggle Rock.

So, here's a scene explaining TPC's post and all that.


Scene whatever:


The Muppet turned at the sound of breaking glass. A TV screne on one of teh wall, smashed at Kyle, Ryan, Grover, Cokie, etc burst out into Jim's office.

Kyle: How did we get here? Last I knew we were in a hotel!
Grover: I don't know anything what's going on here at all.

Christy: Um, ya'all, this here is Jim Henson.

Grover: Oh! I knew that!
Kyle: *gulp* Wow.
Ryan2: How is this possibe?

Christy: I don't...think...it's entirely real.

Kermit: That would, er, makes sence, er, Christy, I think I have to agree.

*TPC's scene here*

So, EVERYONE (except ME, BOOBER, LISA, and SNIDLEY) is now in Cyber Stick with Christy and Jim, in Christy's world. If someone wants to explain that, do so, if not, we'll put it down to "movie magic"


Meanwhile, down in Fraggle Rock Boober and B. Regard were having a little difficulty....

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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And at the same time in Snidley's controlroom...

Snidley was still listening to poor Lisa, telling like mad. She had told and told and told and was getting a bit tired if not a lot. But she knew she had to keep going so her fellow muppetfans hopefully could plan something to stop Snidley. However, a knock on the door was heard all of a sudden, and Snidley looked up startled. Lisa stopped talking and looked just as confused out from her cell. Snidley looked grining at Lisa,

Snidley: I don't know how you did it, but don't expect them to come inhere and free you!

Lisa looked, still confused, at Snidley. She really had no idea what he was talking about. The knock was heard once more and Snidley looked at the door. Even though he tried to hide it, Lisa could sense a bit apprehension upon his face. The silence was uproarious. The third knock was heard and Snidley gulped. Lisa hold her breath. And so did Snidley.



A loud bang following a crash and a wham was heard. And there, in the door, or what once was a door with an "Exit" sign on, stood a fair young lady with blonde locks hanging down in her face. She weared a nice purple dress mathcing her purple gloves and a little handbag in her hand.

Miss Piggy: Uuuuum... eehehehe! well, there might be some problem with the door.

Snidley and Lisa looked at each other, didn't know what to say. But there she was, Miss Piggy, in Snidley's controlroom, in Cyperspace.

Miss Piggy: This is *Looking at a little paper* S-n-i-dley Spyware right?

Snidley breathed out, and nodded, didn't know what to say. There was no way she would possibly be able to get inthere, but there she was.

Snidley: And who are ... you??

Miss Piggy: I am *shoving her hair out of the face* Miss Piggy. I saw your advert in the paper this morning, that said you needed a fair young secretary. You see, moi am going to win a beautycontest in Paris, but I have...umm... not so much money at the time and I need the money to get there... and win!! And the advert said this was a well paid job so I thought I'd take it!

Before Snidley had said anything, Miss Piggy sat her bag down and began to have a look around.

Piggy: UUuuuuum, *smacking her lips* Where is my table? And all the papers and the typewriter or computer and the coffeemashine...

Snidley finally pulled himself together.

Snidley: umm, my dear pig, I think there might be a misunderstanding. Why would I want any secretary? - To tidy my labratory perhaps? *grining* Or to bring me coffee, to cook me dinner, to wash my evil looking clothes, to rub my bag... and my feet in the end of the day... to be my own personal servant... *thinking for a second*


You're hired right away! Welcome to Snidley's Miss Piggy!

Snidely rub his hands and looked smugging at Lisa before he closed her cell so Miss Piggy couldn't hear her shouting "No!! Miss Piggy!! He's evil, don't, no, noooo-oooo-oooo!!"...

... to be continued...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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In cyber space version of JHC in NYC....

After, the occaisional swoon and fawning over our hero, we settled down to discuss a plan. Through out the chatter a constant pounding could be heard. I motioned for everyone to keep completely quiet. Ryan and I got up and walked over to a corner where it seemed to be some miscellaneous foam piled up. I reached my hand down to press against it.

Foam: *muffled* ouch.
Me: Uh...Jim, since when did your foam speak without a puppeteer?
Jim: About a half hour ago.
Me: Not funny. Anyone got a pocket knife. I think we may have just found someone.

Dan stepped forward to reval his Swiss Army knife. The cut away at the bindings and Cindy came tumbling out. We quickly untied her and check to be sure she was ok. Cindy in turned explained to us what had happened.

Scooter: I hate to break this to everyone, but we only have two hours before this whole thing comes crashing down.
Ryan: That's right, let's go guys! Christy you remember how to get to that entry way into Muppet Central central?
Me: Yes I do.
Ryan: Ok, then, let's move it!

We bid Jim goodbye and everyone exits to the grid that was waiting outside. Before exiting myself I paused for a moment.

Me: Umm...Jim?
Jim: Yes?
Me: Was there ever a time where you almost gave up on all this. I know you were interested in TV and film. The Muppets just kind of fell into your lap.
Jim: There was. Don't give up. If it's meant to be you'll make it too.
Me: How did you?
Jim: Not everything in here is an illusion.
Me: Thank you, for everything.

*closes the door and the scene ends and fades into the next one.*


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Which happens to be at Fraggle Rock...

...where King Agrippa was stalking his prey.

B. Regard: This is terable.
Boober: This is terable....
B. Regard: What are we going to do?
Boober: What are we Going to Do!
B. Regard: Will you cut that out?
Boober: Hey, it's my job to be doom and gloom. So, you cut it out.

B. Regard: That's it! Cut it out!
Boober: If you are going to be like that...
B. Regard: No! Not, cut it out, Cut it out!
Boober: Would you mind runing that by me again?
B. Regard: Do you have a knife in this rock?

And King Agrippa slowly watched, blending like a shadow into the cave walls and piles of fungi grew through the virtual entrance and slurped up walls, across celings, growing faster than could be stopped.

B. Regard: I need a knife, and a pocket calculater.



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Meanwhile at Snidley's controlroom...

Snidley rubbed his hands once more, as Piggy came running with a cup of hot coffee next to some freshly baked buisquits on a silver dish. He sat smugging and comfortable in his majestically sofa.

Snidley: C'mon cute stuff, hurry up I haven't ate something for 3 minutes!

Miss Piggy: *to herself* I'm doing this so I can get to Paris and win the contest, I'm doing this so I can get to Paris and win the contest, I'm doing this...

Snidley: And while you're inhere, go rub my shoulders.

Miss Piggy: *Looks crossed into camera* I can't believe moi is doing is.

Snidley: Get to work, I didn't hire you just to stand there. No actually, go give me some zone therapy instead. *Strectes* I could use that.

Miss Piggy: If you think that moi am going to rub any smelly feet...

Snidley mumbled something about a contest in Paris

Miss Piggy ... you are absolutly right, eeheheheheee! *smiles fake*

So there she was, rubbing Snidley's feet while repeating the words "Miss Piggy - The prettiest lady in Paris". However Snidley soon got bored again. Then he got to think of Lisa's story that she never finished. He got awefully curious to find out what would happen next and he really wanted Lisa to tell more. But he figured that if Lisa told Piggy what he was up to, he'd probably lose his servant and he didn't want that. Eventually he said,

Snidley: Well, Miss Pig, knocking off time for you. See you tomorrow at.. um... 5 am!

Miss Piggy: 5 am? 5 am?? 5 AM!?!?!!!!!

Snidley mumbled another thing about money and airplanes to Paris...

Miss Piggy: 5 am sure heheheh!!!!

Then she graped her bag and raced out the door, while saying something about French Hairstyle.

Snidley made sure she had left. However he had no clue how she got out from his Cyperspace world, or how she got in. But he had other things on his mind. It was storytime again...

(If somebody doesn't like the thing about Miss Piggy rubbing his smelly feet, you gotta tell me and I'l go edit right away!)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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8*Uh, Bo... King Agrippa got blown up rull good.
He dun got blown up when Ryan threw his phone on the ground, just before KA stepped on it. Rully funny bit that lot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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back at muppet central central

How long had it been... a few hours? Felt more like years.
But there was no doubt in my mind- that had been miss piggy standing there, asking about a job as Snidelys secretary.
My plan had been working so well, too! Snidely had completely forgotten about torturing the muppets and their fans. He had been completely lost in the magic of muppet central, the threads, the insanity of it all... it was working!
At a cost, of course. I was running out of stories, getting tired... my mouth had gone dry, and I had sincerely hoped that he would need a bathroom break soon. And then Piggy came.
Well, hopefully she would distract him as well. She was usually pretty good about keeping everyone's attention focused on her. And anyway, it was giving me a break.
And a chance to get to know the dragon-looking thing I was sharing my cell with. Apparently his name was Blog.
while I rested my voice, Blog had been telling me of any weaknesses he could think of in the cell, or any other part of Snidely's system. Not that it did either of us a lot of good- there were plenty of ways to break in, but not out. And neither of us had any way to tell anyone else about how to save us.

Suddenly the cell door opened. The bars were still in place, but now I could see into the control room, where snidely was standing.
"I want the rest of the story." He said very simply.
I looked around the control room. "where's miss piggy?"
"she went home for the evening. now tell." he pointed to Blog. "Or be lunch. your choice."

as if Blog would eat me. He was on my side now, not that Snidely knew that. well, the good news was that he liked the story enough that he still hadn't remembered.... I glanced at the monitors and saw that the members and muppets were no longer with jim henson. but they seemed to be with another woman who I didn't recognize. I'd have to pay attention to that, and stretch my story out a little more.

"where was I?" I asked, pretending to have genuinely forgotten.
"You were under a seat of the electric mayhem bus".
"oh yes, that. tied in a knot of myself, that's right." that was a whole three seconds of stretch I'd managed. Well, it was a start.
"So then Beau and Christy started arguing over what colored squiggley line we were on. On the map, that is. Beau thought we were on the blue one, but christy said we were on the black one, but we had been on the green one. Beau was convinced we were on the red one until he realized we were no longer on any line, we were in a field..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Good stuff, Vibs, and KA is going to explain that he wasn't killed in my next post. Becuase he wasnt.But I promise I'll explain. Also, i have a rather fitting end for him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Meanwhile back in cyberspace...

Dr.Teeth: Okay so where to know?

Floyd: Yeah Christy lead the way!

Christy: Okay we're off to Muppet Central central.

Fozzie: Man that sounds weird.

Me: So how do we get there?

Ryan: The same way we got there before.

Kyle: Yeah aren't you paying attention to the story?

Zoot: What?! Of course I'm payin' attention.

Janice: Like not you silly.

Cookie: Do they have food there?

Grover: How can you think of food at a time like this?

Herry: Hey, when ya gotta eat ya gotta eat.

Pepe: Si, dis is true.

Kermit: Let's try and stay focused guys.

Rowlf: Kermit's right, hey Christy are we there yet?

Christy: We'll get there when we get there.

Scooter: Yeah guys try and be patient.

Christy: Alright we're here!

Me: Well what are we waiting for? Let's go in!

To be continued...