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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok. Scene number, um.....


Boober had returned with a hack-knife, and B. Regard had found a pocket-calculater mysteriously in his pocket. Somewhere in the distence a creature sniggered.

K.A: They will never stop this now. It is too late, and the virus will continue to spread forward and backward, and up and down and aroudn until the entire Fraggle cave, and Fraggle magic colapses under the strain of it.

He rubbed his hands together in glee.

K.A.: Of course, they think that I am dead, which is to my advantage, realy a chanelled that explosion to open a doorway into the virtual world, and sent them into Snidly's little, ha ha, little trap.

And back across the cave, Boober and B. Regard watched the virus spread.

It was like a foam, yet like a fungi. Green, yet sparkling with red. Furry, yet jagged. Soft, yet firm. It was everything, and nothing. Real, and nonexistent.

Boober: Here's the knife you asked for, Mr Regard, sir. Becarefull of the blade it was shappened just tuesday last.
B. Regard: I'll be careful, of course, but it is teh virus that needs to watch out.
Boober: Correct me if I'm wrong.
B. Regard: You are wroing.
Boober: What?
B. Regard: Just a joke, go on.
Boober: Isn't it true that this is just a visual representation of a computer prgram?
B. Regard: Yes, it is, to some degree.
Booer: Then how can you hope to sut it with a knife?
B. Regard: Not just a knife, a knife and a pocket calculater. A calculator is a program.

And K.A sniggered....

And B. Regard jumped foward at the virus...

And Boober started praying...

And B. Regard slashed a chunk of the foamy-drippy-slimy-fungi...

And K.A. howeled silently in gleeeeee...

B. Regard lept back and a fork of the virus snapped at him.

B. Regard. : I think I've got what I need.

He held up a chunk of the fungi that was wrapped around his calculator.

Boober: Oh, did I hear the telephone. Be right back.
B. Regard: Stay here. You can't just go and leave me.
Boober: But I am no help here.
B. Regard: Well...go and make some radish tea. I'll need sustinence.

Boober hurridly dashed from the computer cave. He walked stiraght into a glittering wall of code and found himself...somwhere else...


King Agrippa stepped from the shadows. "Well, Beauregard, what do you think of my creation?"

B. Reagrd, started up. "I am not Beauregard," he said. "Beauregard is simply the name I choose for Muppet Central."

"And in doing so, a part of you was irrevocably chaged to the character of your friend."

"In a way, yes."

"Then it is also understandable that I to am you."

"Do. That is not, true. Ahhh!"

B. Reagrd lept back, throwing the calculator onto the floor. The surface of the small computer was bubbling and rippling like a live thing. It rived for a moment, then formed into the Fungi.

"What Did you do?" B. Regard asked.

King Agrippa smiled. "It is the program I created to help my bossness. It causes all hardware to self replicate."

"You mean...?"

"That the software downloaded causes a fault in teh real life part of the machine, thus changing it into soething almost iving which self replicates, again, and again..."

"Which is why it is growing out from the internet/virtual connection of Fraggle Rock?"

"Yes, exactly, except this is different. Fraggle Rock has the power to sustain it."

"How is it growing inside the rock? If the Rock is not a computer, or hrdware? Or..."

"If you knew that, you would know be conciderabley more about Fraggle magic than is necessary for you..."

But even as he was talking, B. Regard was thinking....if it replicated programin and hardware, and KA was...

"Mr Agrippa!"

"You are talkign to me?"

"Yes. Did you ever play football/soccer?"

"Sadly, no."

"Good because I have news for you. I did."

And he kicked the pie of fungi that was his calculater, and the green ooze rose into the air, and flung itself toward King Agrippa. KA lept aside, but his crown fell from hsi had, rolling towards the ever-growing piles of virus on the walls. "Nooooooo!"

He grabbed at his crown, but instead of his beloved, KA found his hands clutching the sticky-goo that was the virus. And his skin began to boil, and he scremed as he fell on the floor and became one with the virus, the creator and the created...

Shortly after, Boober arrived with radish tea, and B. Regard drank it while figureing out the next part of his puzzle. If he could reverse the programing....

Ten minutes later the virus was retreating, slowly drying up and dissapearing in glimmers of codeing. Snidly Spyware had failed this first round, and he would not have the power of Fraggle Rock to back his final move...

...whatever that might be...

To be continued


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I'm just saying to Vibs that where we are right now it in Chapman's house hold. As we are in the real world not in a cyberspace place. We are in the real world were Snidley Spyware had you locked up. So you were really in Phillip's lab where all his computer is worked on when he does new stuff for Muppet Central. I'm not trying to make you change anything but you keep saying Cyberspace and its not its the real world in the movie now. Like when the Muppets were out riding bikes in MGC movie. Thats what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Oh! Sorry! Well, then let's just.... assume that Piggy and Lisa are looking for Snidley in the rather big house? Um... who's house was it again!? Oh and sorry about being confusing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Don't worry Vibs. I don't want to be seeming that I'm running this whole thing. I hate to be right when someone else is wrong. It makes me seem rude. Thanks Vibs. Oh and the house is The Chapman's house. Thats Cindy and Phillip Chapman. The monatior of this website. He runs it. You know guys one other person we didn't mention is "Frogboy" he runs the graphics. What would he be doing in this movie.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Remember, we did mention him. In the beginning. I can't remember why he couldn't take over for Phil now. But he has been mentioned. That and kudos to you for running it. We need someone to keep all these crazy details straight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Thanks for clearing up the confusion Erine! :smile: And don't worry, I'm the one who mix things up and can't figure out what happens when or where or why or... okay you get it!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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My group is seen walking through Muppet Central central...

Rowlf: Well, this is exciting.

Dr. Teeth: If I had my keyboard I'd play a little tune for ya'll to get ya' movin'.

Me: Come on guys don't give up yet, we've still got to find Phil.

Pepe: Si, dat we must. But der is still someting I do not understand. Hokay? Who is dis Phillip man?

Fozzie: Ahhh, good question! Phillip Chapman is the one who started Muppet Central. He's the reason we're on this journey.

Pepe: Hokay. So he is why I we have to be walking throgh all dese dark spooky places.

Dr. Teeth: Hey now the prawn's awake!

Zoot: What!? What!? I'm up!

Rowlf: Why'd we bring him along?

Me: Good question.

Fozzie: Hey look up there!

We approach a door with a sign posted on it that says FORUM CONTROL ROOM.

Pepe: Look it's de forum room!

Me: This must be where Phil analyzes all of are posts on the Muppet Central Forum.

Dr. Teeth: Should we go in?

Fozzie: Why shouldn't we?

Me: That's the spirit Fozzie!

Pepe: Si, let us go on in. Hokay?

All: Yeah!

We step to the door and I turn the nob...

Me: It's locked.

Rowlf: I know how we can open it.

Dr. Teeth: How?

Rowlf: (Points to Zoot) Zoot just has to use his head.

Zoot: Huh? What?

We pick up Zoot and run him towards the door, head first. And the door breaks down.

Zoot: Oww that kinda hurt. (Zoot falls asleep at this point)

We enter the Forum Control Room...


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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meanwhile, in another hallway...

me: well, maybe he's behind one of these doors... <opens door> GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Piggy: What?!? What what what what what?

me: <closing door> You don't want to know. Aw man, I'm gonna get nightmares from that...<collapses to floor> oh..... TERRIBLE!

Piggy: Tell moi!

me: absolutely not! oh, man... that was just...

Piggy: Well, if THATS the way vous is going to be about it! <opens door> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! <closes door>

me: <sobbing> isn't it awful?!?

Piggy: ...that ...was ....the most .......HIDEOUS outfit I've ever seen!

me: I told you! ... now lets check some other doors, shall we...<stands up>

Piggy: Oh, man that was disgusting <starts to collapse>

me: <catching Piggy from behind and pushing her to her feet>yeah, well, in the meantime, we've still got a villain to beat up.

Piggy: ok, pizza. LETS FIND THAT SNIDELY! <she walks over to the next door>

me: Moi is right behind vous.

Piggy: Hey. MOI speaks the French around here.

me: sorry.
<we start opening door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door after door...>


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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(Oh you!! What did they see?? :wink: )

...and door after door after door after door after...

Piggy: *Looks up above them* WILL YOU PLEASE GET ON WITH THE MOVIE??

Oh yes I'm sorry, I just like saying "door" and "after" and "door" and "after" and...

Lisa: Cut it out.

Hrmf! - Okay. Well, where was I?

Piggy: We were opening a lot of doors, and we still are.

Oh! YeS! Right...Ahem:

Eventually they came to a door that seemed to be stuck. They both tried hard opening it, pressing, pushing, pulling, nothing seemed to be working.

Lisa: There must be a way to open it! Now we've come this far I don't feel like going all the way back through those doors.

Piggy: I can deal with opening 100 of doors but this does it!! *Looks at the poor door* We tried to be nice... HIIIIYYYAAAAA!!!

Piggy smashed the door which broke into several pieces. Dust and dirt was floating in the air all around them and it was pretty hard spotting anything. Lisa and Piggy coughed out loud. Eventually the worst mist blew away and there was a rather big hole in the wall where the door once had been. And then they spotted something. A bit way (can you say that?) infront of them they could skim an issue of someone. Immediately Piggy and Lisa realized it could be no one but Snidley and they quick hid behind some of the "doorpieces". The person came closer and closer, and they were ready to throw themselves on the poor thing. And so.. they did.



Vibs: ARRRRGGGGGGGHHH!! No no, please don't hurt me, I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I mean I'm.. I wasn't... It wasn't my fault.. um..... Hey why are you doing this anyway?

Piggy and Lisa looked at each other. Then they quick let go of Vibs and made sure they hadn't managed to make any serious damages to her.

Lisa: Oh, I'm so sorry, we thought you were... *Considering Vibs wouldn't be pleased about someone thinking she looked like Snidley, Lisa quick changed the subject* ... Why are you here anyway... um, Who are you anyway?

Vibs: Oh, I'm Vibs! I'm a new MC member and somehow *sigh* I was drawn into all this. And I'm trying to find my suitcase. You see I'm from Denmark and I lost my suitcase in the airport and...

Piggy: *In a "That might be the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone" voice* OH NO!!!!

Vibs: I know, I know. So I was thinking, since this is Cyperspace (Um, I still assume it is?!?!) I might be able to find the airplane websites and somehow ... um.. get it back? I mean this is cyperspace, and within the last couple of hours several things beyond my wildest dreams have happened so why not?

Lisa: Oh... I see... Sort of. But you might go join me and Miss Piggy then? We're trying to find Snidley. You know, the bad guy?

Vibs: . . .

Piggy: Um.. You know, he is the one that caused all this!

Vibs: . . .

Lisa: -That's the guy we're trying to find anyway. No one can ever get away with trying to destroy MC!!

Vibs: OOOOH! So that is what this is all about huh?

*Lisa and Piggy looks into camera*: OH boy...

Vibs: Well, I can do that! I'll join you right away!

And so the three... um, the two girls and the sow...

Piggy: I HEARD THAT!!!!

Um, I meant.. Two girls and SO on, continued searching for Snidley.

Piggy: Oh? So I'm a "so on" now?

Um Piggy, cut it out, we need to get along with the movie.

Piggy: *Gives the above the evil eyes* -I better win that contest, BUDDY!

Um.. well, THEN the searching party went along, hoping that Snidley would soon show up.