Yes, so Vibs, Miss Piggy and I open a door and...
<We walk through the door>
Lisa:'s so quiet...
Vibs: ....and dark...
Miss Piggy: Moi can not even see the ground in front of moi!
Lisa: Me either. Come on, maybe we'll find a light switch or something.
Vibs: What?
Miss Piggy: <getting farther away> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh.... splash
Lisa: Miss Piggy?
Lisa: Miss Piggy?!?
Vibs: Where'd she go?
Lisa: How should I know? I can't see anything!
Vibs: Well, I can't, either!
Lisa: Great. Now we're seperated from the rest of the group, we can't find Snidely, we have no idea what's going on, Muppet Central is in huge trouble, AND we lost Miss Piggy.
Vibs: This couldn't possibly get worse.
Lisa: Don't say that!
Vibs: Why?
Lisa: Because it will make things get worse! That always happens in movies!
Vibs: Sorry.
Lisa: <sigh> It's alright... come on, let's see if we can find... Miss Piggy/ Snidely/ the rest of the group.
Vibs: Alright. I think Miss Piggy went this way.
Lisa: Which way?
Vibs: <pulling me forward> This way.
Lisa: Oh.
Vibs: <cough cough cough>
Lisa: <cough cough cough>
Vibs: You... <cough cough> ...ok? ...
Lisa: <cough> Yeah... <cough> you?
Vibs: Yeah <cough> but I think I swallowed a lot of water.
Lisa: Me too. Hey um... where are we?
Vibs: I don't know, but where ever it is, it's wet.
Lisa: No kidding. Ew, and it smells like a swamp...
Vibs: ...
Lisa and Vibs: ... a SWAMP?...
Lisa: How the heck did we get to a SWAMP?
Vibs: We fell through a hole?
Lisa: Well... yeah, but that was pitch dark somewhere in whatever building Muppet Central is housed in, and this is the middle of the day is some swamp with no building in sight!
Vibs: Well, we might have gone through cyber space again...
Lisa: Oy... So, um... any idea how we could get back to... um... where we were?
Vibs: No. But we could probably ask some one for help.
Lisa: Like who?
Vibs: How about the frog that's right behind you.
Frog: Ribbit. <hops into water>.
Vibs: Or not.
Lisa: Wait a second...
Vibs: Uh, could we get out of the water before we wait?
Lisa: Oh, yeah, sure.
<we get out of the water>
Vibs: You were saying.
Lisa: Swamp. Frogs. Muppets. Combine.
Vibs: <blink>
Lisa: <looks around swamp> Um... excuse me? Frogs?
Random frogs: Ribbit? Ribbit ribbit?
Lisa: Do any of you happen to know Kermit the Frog?
Robin: You mean my uncle?
Vibs: <to Lisa> How'd you know...
Lisa: I didn't. That's either movie magic or a whole lot of luck. <to Robin> Robin, do you think you could give us a hand?
Robin: No, but I could give you a flipper!