Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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RedDragon said:
OOC: NO, Lisa, Ryan, and I decided to go trough this together because with know eachother so well. They rest of you can be and do whatever(inside the internet that is). The 3 of us are staying together with all the muppets we listed.

(ooc: So we never linked up at all then? Hmm...alrighty)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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OOC: Do I go with anyone or am I a loner..?

Sorry for the delay....

* Nick had jumped in the portal along with Ernie *
N: Woah!! AAAHH!
* Nick and Ernie fall on ground*
N: Ack...well, where are we..? And do you know where the others are Ern?
:stick_out_tongue:: No I dont. Looks like we'll have to do this together, you and I. Oh, and Rubber Duckie! * squeak*
* Wander into bushes*
N: Well, Looks like we'll just have to spend the night here...
*Hears peculiar sound from a distance*
Nick ( startled) What was THAT?
:stick_out_tongue:: Sounds like...something ripping..?
Nick: No....NO....
Ernie: What!? What is it?!
Ernie: Are you quite alright..?
*anvil falls*
Nick: I thought this only happened in MC!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Meanwhile in a small house in england...

The door blew open in a breath of frozen wind, slamming hard against the jazzy wall paper. Dan froze. Bo stopped, half standing. "Who's there?" one of the, Dan or Bo, who can tell, called.

There was no reply. And a horrable feeling hit Bo, his fingers began to tremble.

Disney has always been the forefront of the industry, but it had taken it too far. Directly connecting the net to the outside world had opens worm-holes of possability no one could have dreamed. Except, perhaps Snidley.

Dan turned from the door. "Bo, I...BO!"

Bo threw himself back against the wall. A blue glow surounded his body, and then...a white light. Dan closed his eyes against the glare. Opened them. Bo was gone.

Dan opened his mouth to speak. And then saw a message on his computer screen...


Vibs sat up. And screamed. Then realised that it was not a huge hairy gorg, it was a small hairy fraggle. Wait, wait, wait. it was a fraggle???

"Are you ok young fraggle?" Uncle Matt said. "Is it a trandition to lay in the road in Denmark? In the same way that puppies say oink, and Hevej means..."

Vibs cleared her throat, and spoke in a weird voice she did not recognise. "Matt...who am I?"

"You are a...fraggle? Who am I?"

"You are a travelling Matt."


Suddenly a sound made them both turn. "Kccch!!! Vibs! Help me!" said a tiny doozer, running as fast as her legs could take her down the streat.

"Minidoozer?!" Vibs said. "Tabi?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Me: Ok, this is wierd, where am I and how did I get here?
(All of a sudden I see Ernie with a human (Nick))
Me: Ernie?, and some guy I've never seen before, I wonder if they have any idea, of what I'm doing here.
Voice: If you want to know where you are, follow the sound of my voice.
Me: (Turning around) Finally some answers. (And so I head off with no idea that I'm setting foot into a trap)


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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*Spots G-Man*
Nick: Hey! Hey there! I'm not harmed. Thats just a stupid rubber anvil * hits himself with it*
* Turns around *
Nick: Ernie! Say Ern, where are you!?
*Hears Duckie*
N: Thats his duckie!
*follows duckie sound*
N ( to himself): Boy, its so dark out--
*Ernie's Voice is heard--:stick_out_tongue:: Welcome to Journey to Ernie!*
N: Ernie, do I look like Big Bird to you..?
:stick_out_tongue:: Try and find me--if you can survive! Bwehehehehheh!
N: ERNIE!! Cut that out!!!
* dunh dunh dunh--it dawns on Nick that Ernie was captured by a penguin, the slaves of Snidly*
N: How could Ernie be so silly as to trust a penguin with red eyes? Anything with red eyes and an ominous voice has got to be evil...

I'll post more later..


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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(OOC: Penguins! Slaves of Snidley! That's great!)

Ryan: Hey guys, is that Big Bird?

Lisa: No, that's Gobo!

Nyssa: Actually it's alot of people...

Gonzo: How do we know they're not more of those fake pop-up Muppets?!

Ryan: *frowns* Gee, Gonzo might be right!

Lisa: Big surprise seeing you agree with him...

Robin: Lisa, do you think they could be?

Lisa: *thinks* I dunno. But I think we should go check it out don't you guys?

*we all nod*

Nyssa: But we better be careful, if they are pop-ups, they won't be very nice.

Floyd: Man that's so right!

Janice: Fer sure! We should like totally approach with caution!

*we approach with caution*

Ryan: Ah, I'm Ryan, and this is Lisa and Nyssa. Um...who are you?

Gonzo: Hiya! *jumps forward* I've been trained in the super secret samuri art of tongue karate!

Bryan: Ryan? Hey! Are you guys from Muppet Central?

Ryan: Well, technically we're all from Illinois...

Nyssa: Yes, we're from Muppet Central! I'm RedDragon, that's theprawncracker and TogetherAgain over there.

Kyle: Funny, I never pictured TogetherAgain as a dog.

Lisa: *headslap*

Rowlf: I beg your pardon?

Big Bird: No, I think that's Rowlf, he is begging after all.

Floyd: Dr. Teeth man, is that you?

Dr. Teeth: Absotivley possilutely!

Janice: It's so groovy to see you again!

Ryan: So anyway, Bryan, Kyle, G-MAN, Beth, how'd you guys get here?

Gererd: First off, it's Gererd. And second, I bet we got here the same way you guys did.

Beth: Well, the Fraggles and I were sucked in through Doc's computer.

Mokey: I still like that name.

Kyle: Yeah, and me Bry and the others came in through the Muppet's computer at the boarding house.

Gererd: And I got attacked by Rizzo and Animal and sucked into mine.


Gererd: Oh yeah, like that's not the weirdest thing we've seen at Muppet Central...

Ryan: Speaking of which...*A giant Z flies by throwing Mufffins*


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Nyssa: MUFFINS!!!!

Lisa: Yummy! Is there any peanut butter?

Ryan: Not now guys.

Rowlf: There's muffin wrong here.

Nyssa: I'm not a guy <hears clicking noise and sees the yellow bugs> The Pickles are back!

Beth: The what?

Lisa: RUN!

Ryan: No surf!

Nyssa: Come on! <Lisa, Ryan, Nyssa, and their Muppets run one way, the others go another>

Hoggle: Not again!

Sir Didymus: I'll save you fair maiden!

All: NOOOO!!!!

Sir Didymus: Well...alright...

Nyssa: Where are we going to go? <A portal opens in front of them>

Ryan: Jump in! <They do, then the portal closes>

Lisa: Where are we now?

Gonzo: Ow! My nose! <everyone looks at him> A brick just hit me in the nose.

Ryan: I don't get it...

Nyssa: No, look <points at a brick that was lying on the ground. She looks around and sees fireflies, a fort made of pillows and sheets, a fairyland, and a very cute boy> We're in my poem thread!

Boy: Hey sweety <he walks over and kisses Nyssa on the cheek. Nyssa blushes>

Lisa: *gives Nyssa a questioning look* What's this about?

Nyssa: Don't ask...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(ooc: Okay, so we're separated again. Let's say that Dr. Teeth went with you because it makes sense for him to be with the rest of the EM, okay.)

Elmo: Ha ha heeheeHA HA HAAAHEEE!!!
Grover: Elmo, why are you laughing? This is really not the time.
Kyle: It's the Penguins. Their cue cards are controlling Elmo into doing whatever it says.
Big Bird: I don't understand. These penguins used to be so cute.
Grover: Well, obviously not cute enough, huh?
Beth: Well, so what do we do?
Mokey: Oh, look what I found?
Cookie: Cookie?
Mokey: No, its a pebble. A Fraggle pebble, but I've never seen one glow this much.
Boober: It probably has hazardous radio-active chemicles in it. I'd put in down if I were you.
Beth: Wait! This sounds way too familiar.

(In the distance appears a small door drawn out of crayon, but the penguins are blocking its way)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: There is only one thing to do.
Cookie M: Uh order some cookies?
Grover: No, write cue card that says....
Big Bird: That says what, Grover?
Me: Uh guys. I think something has happend to Grover. Look!
Bryan: Uh oh. He's been Hyotized.
Me: You mean pinqitzed! Lighting get us out of here.
Lighting: Uh we don't have the sleigh.
Herry: I say we surf.

*a surfer chip comes up* "If you want to surf like us CC's then come along with me."

Maurice: Well I've never been surfing.
Ruby: Thats fine. I taught myself. Come on I'll show you.
Cookie M: Me thinks we should get going.
Me: Me thinks your right. Come on! *surfs off*
Elmo: *still laughing* Surfs up!
Bryan: I don't know why we have to...
Big Bird: *grabs Bryan* Come on Bry. Let's surf!

*the song "Let's go surfing" starts to play in the background*


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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(Arg! You have no idea how much I just want to join this and post RIGHT now! But, school comes first and I'm leaving in about... let's see it's 06:59 so that'll have to be in 5 min! But! Keep posting I love reading it and I may join (if people don't mind) later... :smile:)