(OOC: Penguins! Slaves of Snidley! That's great!)
Ryan: Hey guys, is that Big Bird?
Lisa: No, that's Gobo!
Nyssa: Actually it's alot of people...
Gonzo: How do we know they're not more of those fake pop-up Muppets?!
Ryan: *frowns* Gee, Gonzo might be right!
Lisa: Big surprise seeing you agree with him...
Robin: Lisa, do you think they could be?
Lisa: *thinks* I dunno. But I think we should go check it out don't you guys?
*we all nod*
Nyssa: But we better be careful, if they are pop-ups, they won't be very nice.
Floyd: Man that's so right!
Janice: Fer sure! We should like totally approach with caution!
*we approach with caution*
Ryan: Ah hem...um...hi, I'm Ryan, and this is Lisa and Nyssa. Um...who are you?
Gonzo: Hiya! *jumps forward* I've been trained in the super secret samuri art of tongue karate!
Bryan: Ryan? Hey! Are you guys from Muppet Central?
Ryan: Well, technically we're all from Illinois...
Nyssa: Yes, we're from Muppet Central! I'm RedDragon, that's theprawncracker and TogetherAgain over there.
Kyle: Funny, I never pictured TogetherAgain as a dog.
Lisa: *headslap*
Rowlf: I beg your pardon?
Big Bird: No, I think that's Rowlf, he is begging after all.
Floyd: Dr. Teeth man, is that you?
Dr. Teeth: Absotivley possilutely!
Janice: It's so groovy to see you again!
Ryan: So anyway, Bryan, Kyle, G-MAN, Beth, how'd you guys get here?
Gererd: First off, it's Gererd. And second, I bet we got here the same way you guys did.
Beth: Well, the Fraggles and I were sucked in through Doc's computer.
Mokey: I still like that name.
Kyle: Yeah, and me Bry and the others came in through the Muppet's computer at the boarding house.
Gererd: And I got attacked by Rizzo and Animal and sucked into mine.
Gererd: Oh yeah, like that's not the weirdest thing we've seen at Muppet Central...
Ryan: Speaking of which...*A giant Z flies by throwing Mufffins*