Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
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(Must I explose you again, or what? :frown: )
Whaaaaaa?????? Vibs? Beau and again VIBS???? It seems someone just ASKS for being headbutted throughout! :mad:
*confuses and corrects herself* Ah, ah, I see. I simply forgot that you're siblings in TMF! :wink:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(ooc: So are we with the rest of you or are separated?)


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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(Inside Gererd's house)
Gererd: Well, time to make my grand return to Muppet College Roommates.
(All of a sudden, the door smashes open)
Rizzo: Aha another accursed Muppet Fan to take into my site.
Animal: Hey look, this guy even advertizes he's a Muppet Fan on his e-mail.
Gererd: Rizzo? Animal? Are you guys alright?
Rizzo: Oh yes, perfectly fine Gererd, but soon you won't be.
(A portal opens up inside of Gererd's computer depositing him into Muppet Central right in front of the others)
Gererd: Ahhhhhhhh!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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BEAR said:
(ooc: So are we with the rest of you or are separated?)
No we should be with you. All the characters that I mention and you are with you expect for Rizzo and Animal. There under of it. Countrol that is. So I'm with you, Grover, Herry, Cookie, Ruby, Maurice, Big Bird, Dr. Teeth, Lighting the ReinDeer and Elmo are all in the computer. Now were being chased by those viruse bugs things. Go right ahead and start with that.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Erine81981 said:
No we should be with you. All the characters that I mention and you are with you expect for Rizzo and Animal. There under of it. Countrol that is. So I'm with you, Grover, Herry, Cookie, Ruby, Maurice, Big Bird, Dr. Teeth, Lighting the ReinDeer and Elmo are all in the computer. Now were being chased by those viruse bugs things. Go right ahead and start with that.

ooc: Okay, just confused because Lisa, Ryan and Nyssa are all writing for each other and must not have noticed the rest of us there or something.


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Apr 16, 2002
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Bo fell backwards off his chair, and hit his head on the floor. Blackness surounded him. Gold stars blured in his vision.

Whoah, wha? He sat up, resting on his elbows. A whispering voice echoed in his head. "What about all the secrets."

"Shut up," Bo said aloud, grabbing onto the computer chair and pulling himself up. "Go away."

"Ooh, if only I could, but, you created me. And you are me. And, worse, I am you."

Bo stood up, and a headache fired through his head. He'd have to get help. And he knew just where to go...


Vibs frowned at the screen. Ok, so, Bo was always weird, but, not that weird, surely? She flipped open her mobile phone. "Tabi?"


"Tabi, I need a hand. Or a foot, or, whatever."

"What's up?"

"Bo's in some kind of trouble."

Suddenly the phone connection screamed with static, and Vibs threw the phone down. A laughing voice cakled through the phone. "See you there, Vibs. Ahha! K.A."

Vibs screamed.


Bo screamed. But then he did have a perfect reason to. Dan had opened the door with his face painted blue, and yelled, "The lemons are attacking!" in way of greeting.

Bo coughed. "Dan, you gotta learn when to put your AuntDanDan character aside."


"The same. I need some help."


"King Agrippa is back, and I assure you, he is worse than Moppet."


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth and the Fraggles hurried into Doc's workshop.

The Fraggles hopped up on to the workbench where the computer sat.

Gobo: Now how do we turn this intellgent machine on?

Beth: There's a button over there. By the way, it's called a computer.

Mokey: A computer. Hmmm, I like that.

Red: Oh I'll do it, here.

Red flipped on the switch and the computer roared to life.

Wembley: Gosh, what if it trys to attack us?

Beth: I don't think that will happen.

Gobo: Ok, now how do we get to this thing you were talking about?

Beth: Muppet Central?

Gobo: Yeah

Beth: Ok, well we need to sign in to the internet and know what, I'll just do it.

So Beth signed on to the internet and typed in Muppet Central into the browser. Suddenly there was a flash of light and the computer sucked Beth and all the Fraggles inside of it.

Beth: Whoa! What happened here? Is everyone ok?

Boober: I don't know but I hope it's not dirty here.

Red: Where are we?

Gobo: I think we're inside the computer.

As they are trying to become familiar with their new surroundings, it begins to snow, rain and blow wind at the same time.

Beth: I think we're in the "How's the Weather Where You Are Thread."

Wembley: The what???

Beth: Don't ask, but we've got to get out of here.

They start leaving the area they are in and here the voices of Ryan, Nyssa, Lisa and the others and begin to follow them.

Beth: Guys, I think there's someone else in here. Hello???


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Dan lay back on his bed. "How can he have gotten in your head?"

"I don't know. But I'm afraid that something has happened...nd I think he is real."


"Oh yes, very real."

Dan opened his mouth to say something, but was interupted by a knock on the door. He stood up. "Mum, I said I got friends here."

The knock was repeated. Bo stood up. Turned around.

And the door blew open in a gust of frozen wind.


Vibs ran helter-skelter out of her house and to her shed, where she leapt onto her bicycle. Something had happened to Tabi. She cycled fast, her feet pressing the pedels over and over. Whoever this K.A., she knew who he as. It was Bo, but, had he turned evil? How could that have happened? possable. Besides, he was in Engl-aaaaah!

She rode over a bumb, and the bicycle wobbled, and flashed. Then became normal once more. Vibs shook her head. "Whaoh, now my imagination is..." She coughed. her voice sounded...weird. "My Imag-imag-imAg-IMag...." She slowed her bike, and her foot slipped off the pedel. That wasn't right. The bike was gettign bigger. Much bigger. She couldn't reach the...

No! She was getting...

And she fell off the bike, into the street, and a car swerved around her.

Suddenly a moustached kindly face appeared over her. "What are you doing in outer space young fraggle?" asked Uncle Traveling Matt.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(So Bryan, Kyle, Dr. Teeth, Big Bird, Elmo, Lightning, Maurice, Ruby, Cookie, Herry, Grover and Oscar all made it through the computer at the Boarding House on the sleigh)

Bryan: Well, now what?
Kyle: Where are Ryan, Lisa and Nyssa?
Bryan: I dunno, we must have missed them.
Big Bird: Where are we?
Kyle: I think we are actually inside Muppet Central.
Lightning: How can you tell?
Bryan: Easy. Where else would you find a bunch of penguins with cue cards?
(a whole party of Muppet Penguins are running around among an otherwise all blue space holding cuecards with different writings. The strange thing was that whichever cue card a penguin held up in front of the gang, the Muppets would suddenly do whatever it says. If it said "Laugh" they would laugh, if it said applaud, they would, and so on.)
Oscar: Oh brother. A bunch of cute penguins. I think I'm gonna be sick!
(These penguins were cute as always but that was just covering up some kind of evil control they were under)
Elmo: They're everywhere. Haha heeeheee haa haa!!!
Cookie: Elmo? Why you laughing?
(a penguin was holding a cue card in front of Elmo hypnotizing him into a laughing frenzy. This was only the beginning though...)
Teeth: Man, something's not right.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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BEAR said:
ooc: Okay, just confused because Lisa, Ryan and Nyssa are all writing for each other and must not have noticed the rest of us there or something.
OOC: NO, Lisa, Ryan, and I decided to go trough this together because with know eachother so well. They rest of you can be and do whatever(inside the internet that is). The 3 of us are staying together with all the muppets we listed.