Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Meanwhile down in Fraggle Rock, Beth (aka redBoobergurl) wandered through the caverns hoping to find her Fraggle friends.

Suddenly, she heard some music in the distance.

Beth: I must be close!

She followed the sound of where the music was and found her way to the heart of Fraggle Rock where everyone was singing the song "Hip Hip Hooray"

Red, Mokey, Boober, Wembley and Gobo were all there. Since she was most aquainted with Red and Mokey, Beth went over and tapped them both on the shoulder. They ducked away from all the celebration.

Beth: I hate to interrupt the party, but there's a problem in Outer Space with Muppet Central!

Red: What is Muppet Central again?

Mokey: It's that place where all the Silly Creatures go on their intellegent machines to talk to one another about us Red!

Red: Oh yeah!

Beth: Anyway, I can't get in touch with any of my friends! We need your help!

Mokey: Oh let's go get the others! Gobo will know what to do!

And with that they quickly hurried back to where the others were celebrating to stop the party and deliver the bad news.


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Apr 16, 2002
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Bo Regard frowned at the screen. Man, what was this place! It seemed to crash more often than a taxi driving on a tightrope over the niagra falls in a thunderstorm. Sheesh.

Bo thumped the screen, and clicked back to MSN.

- The following conversation was recorded from MSN -

Bo: Vibs, MC crashed again.
Vibs: I'm doing homework! Shh!!!
Bo: So am I. Ish. Well, not, but...
Vibs: Shh!
Bo: MC crashed again.
Vibs: You told me. I've not been there much.
Bo: Go now.
Vibs: Ja, ja, ja.
Bo: *clicks refresh*
vibs: Weird.
Bo: Yes. hey, a message...
Vibs: What the...
Bo: Something's wrong..MSN is crashing...
Vibs: Why don't you sign out and-
Bo: brb
administrator: Bo has signed out of MSN.

-end conversation-

Bo scratched his head, and tried to sign back into MSN. "Announcment:" flashed the screen. "Your MSN is in use on another computer."


He tried again, and got the same responce.

"Maybe I should switch off the computer and try again..." Bo said, and his finger hovered over the off-switch. He pressed it. Nothing happened. He pressed it again.

Suddenly his screen flashed. "Good morning B. Regard."

Bo sat back up. A curser blinked on the screen. He typed quickly. "Who is this. Oh, and it's evening." He hit Return, and a new message flashed up.

"Not here it isn't. You know who I am. And you know what I am about to do. Some secrets, Bo, are best untold."

"Secrets..." Bo muttered.

"Yes, secerts," flashed the screen. "All of them. Good night. K.A."

Bo's eyes widened, but, KA is...he stumbled back from the computer. This couldnt be happening....


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Dec 14, 2004
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*Still in the helicopter*




*The Chef lands the helicopter in the front yard of the Muppet Boarding House*

Ryan: Finally, I can hear again...

*Meanwhile in the boarding house*

Gonzo: It's about time those two got here!

Clifford: Hey man, with the Chef driving it's a wonder they got here at all!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Deep inside the mechanical depthes of Muppet Central Control, a dark haired, tight fisted man ground his teeth. "For the next part of my plan..." he said, but said no more. Perhaps afraid that even the walls could listen, and speak, which, concidering it was Muppet Central sould not be supriseing.

Snidley swiveled a chair towards a elegant desk, and tapped a keyboard control with one manicured fingernail. The computer screen shimmered, and then flashed as if touched with lightning. A spark emitted from the screen. In the far corner of the room, a security-camera-like device whired to life, and a stream of letter-code spewed into the room before twisting in a twirl of colors into a hologram computer.

Snidely grinned, his white teeth reflecting the green screen. "And now..." he said. "Access." he walked towards the holographic computer. "Open website, WWW dot Muppets dot Com," he said slowly. Then added a feirce, "Now."

The holgraphic computer shimmered, and then the site opened. "Hello, Muppetland," Snidley murmered. He picked up the phone, and dialed quickly. "Is everything in place? They will be released tonight? Oh yes. Hahaha. Good night."

That night at 8 o'clock, fully finished fully rendered digital muppets would be released onto the net. A fabulous new marketting campain from designers who only cared for dollars, the new dinigital muppets could skim through the net appearing on random websites to promote disney offers...and were conneted by a small chip to each and every muppet in the land.

"Which is what the Muppets don't know," Snidley sniggered. "But I do. And when those digital mupepts are released...every Mupept will be in my own personal control." And he laughed. And laughed. And laughed.


Vibs was just thinking, "I will now kill my homework," (only in Danish), when Bo signed back into MSN. She grinned, and clicked the window open. "Back so soon?"



"Oh, no. I never crash, young lady."

"Heh. Welcome back."

"I am welcome indeed. And I am back. But where, I ask, are you."


"Pity not, for I know exactly where. Now it's just a question of...Vibs, darling, there is no need to look over your shoulder like that. I am not typing from inside your closet. Or under that homework you just picked up."

Vibs froze, and pu teh paper down. "What the..."

"We'll talk later. I have things to do. Good Night Vibs. *smugs*"

"Smugs? What the...Bo?"


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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<Nyssa looks at the message> What the...? <Turns monitor off, then back on> Still there, something must be wrong. What I'm I going to do?

Whisper: Should you need us...


Hoggle: Well, why didn't you say so?

I just did.

Hoggle: Oh.

Ludo: Nysssssa, Frieeeeend!

Sir Didymus: What do you need fair maiden?

Something is wrong with MC. We need to tell the Muppets.

Sir Didymus: Never fear, my Lady! We will...we will...what will we do?

Hoggle: Urgh! Follow me <Hoggle picks up random door from the floor of my bedroom and pushes it up against the wall firmly>

Hey! I was wondering where that went <Hoggle opens door, pots and pans fall to the floor> I've been look for those too. How'd they get in the wall?

Hoggle: Oops, wrong door <closes it and opens it from other side> There!

Sir Didymus: I'll lead the way. Come on Ambrosius! Come on, charge! We must lead the way for the fair maiden! Ambrosius!

Ambrosius: *whimpers*

I'll go first <walks into the dark tunnel, and continues for several meters. She could hear the others following> Were you born in a barn? Close the door back there! <Hears door close and starts walking again. After a few minutes she feels a large gust of air. She steps out of the side of the boarding house and sees Lisa, Ryan, and Chef climbing out of a helicopter> Hey guys!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Meanwhile on the roof of the brownstone building of 123 Sesame Street, Bert was tending to his pigeon coop. Bert is talking to his feathered pals.)

Bert: What's that, Bernice? (Bernice coos) You want to tell me a joke? Okay, go ahead.
Bernice: Coo coo.
Bert: Knock knock? Umm...well, okay. Who's there?
Bernice: Coo.
Bert: Paperclip who?
Bernice: Coo coo coo.
Bert: Oh! I get it! (laughs) That's very funny. (suddenly sees the camera) Oh, hello. Welcome to Sesame Street. I was just about to read a book to the pigeons. It's called (he holds up book) "Snow Grey and the Seven Bowls of Oatmeal." Oh, I am so excited! You're ready, guys? This is gonna be so kicky! (laughs) Okay...
(as he starts to open the book a pigeon flies down and lands on his arm. The bird had a message in his beak. The same one that was at Bryan the BEAR's window.)
Bert: Melvin, what are you doing? What is that in your beak? (Bert takes the note and reads it. He raises his brow and says..) Uh oh.

(BEAR is still at his house waiting for a response)

BEAR: Man, I hope someone responds soon. If only my car wasn't at the body shop.

(Within seconds there was the sound of jingling bells on the front lawn.)

BEAR: Is it...? Nah, it can't be. It's not even December yet.

(BEAR opened his front door and there was a familiar little face with a miniature sleigh behind it.)

BEAR: Lightning?

(sure enough it was Lightning the Reindeer and Elmo was sitting in the sleigh)

Lightning: (with a big smile) Hi!

Elmo: Hi, Bryan!

BEAR: What are you doing here, shouldn't you be at the North Pole?

Lightning: No, I'm not officially on duty until November is over. So I was visitting Sesame Street when your message arrived. We came out here to pick you up.

Elmo: Yeah!

BEAR: That's great, but will it take long to get there?

Elmo: Are you kidding? Lightning is the fastest reindeer Santa's got, remember? He can fly to the moon and back in half a night if he wanted to.

Lightning: Besides, this will be good practice for my first year pulling Santa on Christmas!

BEAR: Oh, okay!

Lightning: Hop in and we can be on Sesame Street before you know it.

BEAR: Oh great! (jumps into the sleigh)

Lightning: By the way can you remind me?

BEAR: (blinks) Remind you what?

Lightning: How to get to Sesame Street? Hehe. Just kidding!

Elmo: (Laughs) Haha hee hee hee hee!!!

BEAR: (sigh) If there is one joke older than dirt, it's that one.

Lightning: Hold on!

BEAR & Elmo: Whooaah!!!

(They take off for Sesame Street)

Stinky: (watching out the window) Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!! GoodlucK!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: Nyssa? Nyssa! <runs over to Nyssa> Oh my gosh, did you get that crazy message thing on MC and-

Nyssa: Naw, I just thought I'd grab some Labyrinth characters and pop out of a house for no reason.

Lisa: <blink>

Nyssa: Of course I got it!

Lisa: Oh good. I mean not good, it's bad, it's terrible! But-

Nyssa: Lisa, I got it. Come on, let's go inside and see if we can fix it.


Nyssa: Male species?

Lisa: Trust me.

Nyssa: Indeed.

(Ryan and Chef come running)

Ryan: Sorry, my shoe lace got stuck on one of the propellers.

Lisa: Pardon?

Ryan: <points to shoe> My shoe lace, got stuck, <points at helicopter> on one of the propellers.

Lisa: <blink> I won't ask.

Nyssa: Ryan, I think you've been spending too much time with Gonzo.

Lisa: Indeed.

Ryan: What's wrong with that?

(Lisa, Nyssa, Ryan, Chef, Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and Ludo go into the Muppet Boarding House.)


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*we walk in and are greeted by all the Muppets*

Ryan: Hey guys, guys, GUYS! *they silence* Thanks, so, is everyone ok?

Floyd: Well man, I think Piggy ate all the food, but other than that we're all fine!

Piggy: I'm gonna chop you so hard-

Lisa: Guys...

Nyssa: Yeah, we are here for a reason.

Ryan: Yeah, Gonzo, show me your computer!

Gonzo: Right!

*Gonzo, Nyssa, Lisa, and I (accompinied by many others) go up to the computer room*

Gonzo: Alright, here it is.

Ryan: Lisa you wanna do it?

Lisa: Do what?

Ryan: Go onto Muppet Central of course!

Lisa: Shouldn't you? After all, you are the big strong man.

Ryan: You enjoy this don't you?

Lisa: Just making an observation...

Nyssa: I'll do it! *Nyssa goes onto the computer and opens the internet* Hey, what's that? *an electronic Animal pops-up on the computer screen*

Animal Pop-up: BUY MICKEY! BUY MICKEY! *it leaves*

Ryan: That was weird.

Gonzo: No that's me-

*From outside a rustling and crash are heard*

Floyd*out of sight*: Animal dude what are you doing?

Animal*out of sight*: Shut up you simpleton! *another crash*

*Animal runs into the room*

Animal: You there! *points at the three of us* You are the ones from Muppet Central!

Ryan*whispering to Lisa*: Wow, we've been writing him all wrong in our fan-fics.

Lisa: Animal? Are you feeling okay?

Animal: Animal is no more. Alow me to introduce myself. I am Snidley Spyware. And the Muppets, are mine!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Back down in Fraggle Rock, Beth, Red and Mokey ran up to where the other Fraggles were celebrating.

Red: Stop the music! Stop the party!

Gobo: What's going on Red?

Red: Mokey's and my friend Beth here has just informed us that there is some trouble in Outer Space!

Wembley: Trouble? Oh no, that's not good, trouble, oh gosh...

Mokey: Wembley, stop wembling. Anyway, you guys know about the intellegent machines that silly creatures use?

Gobo: Yeah

Mokey: Well, there's this thing that they use to talk to each other about us and something has happened to it!

Beth: I thought maybe you guys could help

Gobo: Of course we can! It's an adventure! Doc has one of those intellegent machines you speak of, let's go and see what we can find out!

Boober: Oh man, then we have to go see that germy hairy creature

Gobo: No, Doc's out of town right now and he took Sprocket with him! Come on to the workshop!

So, Beth, Gobo, Wembley, Boober, Mokey and Red hurried through the caverns up to Doc's workshop to see what his computer could tell them.