Muppet Central: The Movie: Revisted


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May 21, 2005
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(Flying through the night sky in the sleigh are Bryan BEAR and Elmo pulled by Lightning)

Bryan: Wow, this really is fast! Who needs a carpool lane, huh?
Elmo: Not Elmo! Haha!
Lightning: Coming up on Sesame Street! Prepare for landing!
Bryan: Hey, wait! About that landing...
Elmo: Oh, don't worry, Bryan. Lightning's gotten better.
Lightning: Yeah, I took a whole summer's worth of training this year! Here we come!
Elmo: Weeee!!!
(The sleigh descends into the Arbor area outside Hooper's Store and land...**CRASH**)

Elmo: (getting up and shaking himself off) Oh boy.
Bryan: Ugh..Lightning...
Lightning: (hanging his head) Aww, gee.
Bryan: i thought you said you took classes.
Lightning: Well, it was a crash course.
Bryan: Hmm...Well, atleast we made good time. We need to get as many of our friends as we can to meet at Hooper's Store. Hurry.
Elmo: Okay!
Lightning: You got it!


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Mar 11, 2003
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Coming out from Hooper's store.....

(Grover, Herry, Cookie Monster and Alan see Bryan and Elmo)

Alan: You ok Elmo?
Elmo: Elmo ok.
Grover: Who is that boy?
Elmo: That Bryan. He's cool.
Herry: What is wrong?
Bryan: We got this weird email about someone taking over Muppet Central.
Grover: You mean that website?
Bryan: Yep.
Cookie M: Any cookies abord that sleigh?

Grover: We was wondering if we could hitch a ride.
Herry: We got this call from our friend Kyle.
Bryan: I don't see why not.
Cookie M: Me hope he has cookies.
Bryan: We need to get the rest of our friends as well. Round them up as possible as we can.
Everyone: Alright! *splits up*


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Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <whispers to Ryan> You know something's wrong when Animal is using complete sentences.

Animal: I am taking over the Muppets!

Miss Piggy: Each and every one of you will be under my control!

Kermit: Piggy, what are you-

Fozzie: And Muppet Central will be destroyed!

Kermit: Fozzie?

Sam: Because the Muppets have been ruining the public for too long! I shall-

Chef: Rule the world, with only a mouse by my side!

Nyssa: Wait a second, that was English!

Ryan: From the Chef!

Rowlf: Something's definately wrong....

Pepe: And there's nothing that any of you can do to stop me!

Beaker: No matter how hard you try!

Robin: Beaker?

Floyd: Hey, the squeaker's talkin'!

Rizzo: See the whole reason I'm doing this is that when I was a young boy-

Gonzo: Rizzo! Not you too!

Scooter: -The Muppets ruined everything for me, and-

Clifford: Yo, dude, whoever's doin' this better stop! You hear me? Stop controlling us!

Kermit: DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!!

<hushed silence>


<continued hushed silence>

Robin: Uncle Kermit?

Lisa: <hugs Robin>

Rowlf: Kermit?

Gonzo: Oh, no! They're all under this guy's control!

Janice: Rully, like, what do we do Now?


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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: What the hey?! The Muppets have all gone insane!

Nyssa: And this is different how?

Gonzo: Good question.

Lisa: Ker...Ker...Kermit*winces*

Kermit: Mwa ha ha! I do suppose it would intrest you three to know that Muppet Central has been taken under my control. And if you don't believe me, *snaps fingers* take a look for yourselves! *the computer screen opens and begins sucking things in*

Lisa*grasping chair*: Robin hold onto the chair!

Robin: But Lisa, this is a rolling chair!

Rowlf:*grabs the chair* I got ya!

*the three of them get sucked into the computer*

Gonzo: Hey no fair! I wanna go too! *jumps in the computer screen*

Ryan: Gonzo?! Hey! Come back here! *gets sucked in*

Floyd: Janice baby we're goin in!

Janice: Fer sure!! *the two of them get sucked in*

Hoggle: Come Ambrosus and Didymus, we must help Nyssa! *they jump in*

Nyssa: Guys! I'm right here! *starts getting sucked in* CURSE YOU AQUA SCUM!! *gets sucked in*

*after Nyssa gets sucked in the screen closes*

Kermit: Hahaha! Now, the rest of my slaves grab the others and bring them to me!


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Mar 11, 2003
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A sleigh crashes throught the window in the Muppets Bording House.......

Bryan: Watch where your going Lighting!
Lighing: Sorry.
Elmo: Elmo save!
Grover: Grab on.
Herry: We need to go lower!
Lighting: Gotcha!
Big Bird: *grabs Animal*
Animal: Big Bird! Big Bird!
Big Bird: Same to you.
Grover: Form a chain monsters. *sesame monsters start a chain*
Maurice Monster: We will get them Grover.
Ruby Monster: I don't see why we can't just call Super Grover.
Oscar: Because we hate that guy.
Everyone: OSCAR!
Big Bird: I didn't know you were with us Oscar.
Oscar: Couldn't miss out being in a movie and chase scenes are my favorites.

Super Grover comes out of know where "I Suuuuuuuuuuu....per Grover
will save ya'll." *flies around crashing into stuff*

Walking outside of the Muppet's Bording House was me. I was around this neigborhood when I heard all the cumostion coming from inside the Muppet house. What could be happening? So I took a look.

Me: *opens door* What in the world is happening?
Herry: *spots me* Hey guys. It's Kyle. Let's get him before they do.
Bryan: Lighting! Towards Kyle.
Lighting: You got it boss! *flies down*
Bryan: Hop on. We're in a big hurry.
Me: What's going on? I called Grover and all the monsters about Muppet Central but couldn't get through.
Bryan: They said you called and got throught to them.
Me & Bryan:*looks at camera* Spyware!
Kermit: WE'LL GET YOU!
Fozzie Bear: COMING FOR YOU!
Bryan: HURRRRRRRIEEEEEE.....*pulls on reins*
Me: Wait for meeeeeeeeeee....*grabs on to sleigh's runners*

Elmo: Elmo not want to see frog bad.
Bryan: I know Elmo. We all don't want to.
Dr. Teeth: Hey man. You don't want to leave the painist man.
Me: Grab on to my hand!
Dr. Teeth: Alright! *jumps up and grabs my hand*
Rizzo: Your not leaving me! *runs and jumps on to Dr. Teeth's boot*

Bryan: Hang on everybody! This is going to be a bumpy ride! *pulls reins towards the computer screen*
Lighting: MOMMMMMMIEEEEE........
Super Grover: I hear you Lighting.
Cookie M: Me better get some cookies! *folds hands*

Everyone shrinks into the comptuer screen and gets away with almost everyone. Seems that others were captured. Stayed tuned.......


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Ow! My back!

My legs!

My nose!

My goldfish!!!

Lisa: Is everyone alright?

*groans in response*

Lisa: Good!

Nyssa: Goldfish? <looks at Ryan who is holding a bag with a sickly looking goldfish in it>

Ryan: Aqua scum? <both shrug> Where are we?

<lights come up, And the letters SWAEHB could be read above their heads. There were large statues of Rizzo, Wembley, Ernie, Beaker, Kermit, and all the other Steve Muppets. And a video of Steve Whitmire dressed as a bad biker dude was playing over and over again>

Lisa: Nice bike. And I love that leather jacket, I need to get me one of those.

Nyssa: Indeed <whistles> Look at that behind...I


Nyssa: Thank you Captain Obvious. I'm going to help the others, Lisa. Lisa! Planet Earth to Lisa. LISA! SNAP OUT OF IT!

Lisa: What? Huh? Oh right <We all go over to help the Muppets up>

Robin: Uncle Kermit! *crys* <Lisa hugs him>

Sir Didymus: What do we do now fair maiden?

Janice: Yeah, like rully...

Nyssa: I don't know *don dont da(dramatic music)* What was that?

Gonzo: Sorry <puts away portable keyboard>

All: GONZO!!!


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Dec 14, 2004
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(OOC: Hey Kyle, Rizzo and Animal are under Spyware's control too not just Kermit)

*back Muppet Central*

Floyd: Well what in the name of Fats Waller are we supposed to do now?

Ryan: Well, we're here, in Muppet Central, so I say we go surf the threads!

Lisa: No way! We've gotta go run through the threads!

Ryan: Surf!

Lisa: Run!

Ryan: Surf!

Lisa: Run!

Nyssa: this is what I deal with...

Ryan: Surf!

Rowlf: Run!

Lisa: Aw thanks Rowlf, I knew you'd be on my side!

Rowlf: No! Run, as in away from those things! *points to small yellow bugs that come crawling toward us*

Ryan: What are those things?!

Nyssa: Pickles?

Lisa: *blinks* This is really not the time.

Gonzo: Right, the time is about 10:15.

Ryan: To literal again Gonzo.

Floyd: Sorry to break up this laugh fest, but those things are still coming toward us!

*The yellow bug like things advance*


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Mar 11, 2003
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(OOC: Just thought that Rizzo and Animal fazed out of it and came to just saying just go with what you said)


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Apr 12, 2005
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(Well, I was sort of thinking that they would stay under Snidely's control until we somehow forced him to... un-control them, I guess? So... yeah.)

Lisa: Um... y'know guys, maybe this isn't the best time, but... I kind of... have a fear of bugs?

Nyssa: You spent a month outside and you're afraid of bugs?

Lisa: Well it's not as bad when they're outside, but-

Ryan: Whatever!

Gonzo: Yes?

Ryan: Um, not what I meant.


Robin: Which way?

Lisa: <grabs Robin> This way! <starts running away from bug-like-things>

Ryan: You crazy girl, it's the internet! We SURF!

<Ryan and everyone else surfs past Lisa and Robin>

Lisa: I hate it when he wins... <surfs to catch up with others while still holding Robin>

Ryan: Glad you finally caught on.

Lisa: Oh hush. I still say running's better!

Nyssa: <glances over shoulder> Guys, those bug things are catching up!

(Sure enough, the yellow bug things are closer to the group)


(All but bugs go through strange vortex and crash in another thread)

All but Gonzo: OWWWWWWWW!

Gonzo: Hey, that was neat! Can we do that again?

Janice: Like, I rully hope we don't, fer sure....

Ryan: Actually... I think we should...

Rowlf: Dare I ask why?

Lisa: Um... I think I know why....

Floyd: Well are you gonna tell us?

Ryan: How about because we've landed in Revenge of Elmo....

Lisa: In the middle of the fight scene....

Ryan: And we're surrounded by killer Elmo clones!

(Indeed, we are surrounded by crayon drawings of Elmo, straight out of Ryan's fanfic...)

Nyssa: So we have to go through another crazy vortex thing?

Ryan: I've got a better idea. RUN!

(Ryan runs away from the fight scene, with the others running after him.)


Ryan: JUST WITHIN THE THREAD! HERE... <slows to a stop> We should be safe here.

Lisa: <looks around> Oh yeah, I liked this scene.

Ryan: ...You liked ALL the scenes!

Lisa: ...yeah... your point?

Gonzo: Where are we?

Ryan: The beginning of the story.

Lisa: On the way to Sesame Street.

(We see a green SUV drive by with Sweetums sitting in the trunk)

Robin: <pointing to SUV> Hey look, it's us!

Lisa: Well, you, yes.

Gonzo: Hey, is this the one where I get locked in a barrel going over Niagra Falls?

Ryan: Uh, yeah, later in the story.

Gonzo: Can we go to that part?

Lisa: Oy....


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*In Muppet Central Headquarters*

Snidley: Mwa ha ha ha! It's all coming into play now! Those three rebelious teens from Illinois are trapped inside the internet and should be being attacked by my deadly viruses! Now, all I must do is wait for that bumbling idiot Chapman to return so I can capture him, and then Muppet Central and the Muppets will truly be mine!