Lisa: We're in Swamp Call! Oh my gosh good golly graciousness! This is so cool!
Floyd: Man, it's awful quiet in here.
Robin: Well that's because it's the swamp. It's almost always quiet.
Ryan: <looking around> So what part is this?
<a dark green female frog (with hair) runs by>
Robin: Hi Aunt Maggie!
Lisa: OH! I know what part this is! This is when the tadpoles hatch!
Nyssa: The tadpoles? You mean us?
Ryan: Cool! Come on, let's watch!
Lisa: But what about.... <sees everyone going over to where tadpoles are about to hatch> ...saving Muppet Central. Nevermind... <follows others>
Ryan: Look look look, there's-
Gonzo: Hey Ryan, how do you do that? It looks fun!
Ryan: How do I do what?
Gonzo: Well all of a sudden you don't have legs or arms, you're getting smaller, and you're turning green!
Ryan: <shrinking> I'm what?
Lisa: Holy mosquitos... you're turning into...
Ryan: <still shrinking> What?
Lisa: <gulp> Your character.
Ryan: <still shrinking> What's my character?
Lisa: A tadpole.
Ryan: <looks down at self> Oh my dear Jim in heaven... I am!
Nyssa: Your egg must be about to hatch or something...
Ryan: I'm... kind of... dizzy...
Robin: You need to be in the water!
Ryan: How do I-
Robin: <picks up tadpole Ryan and puts him into the pond.>
Lisa: Um... Nyssa?
Nyssa: We're going to be tadpoles too, aren't we?
Lisa: Considering my legs have already mysteriously disappeared... yes.
Janice: Like, are all of us gonna be tadpoles?
Lisa: <shrinking> I don't... really know...
Boy: You both look a little green. <points at Lisa> And you're shrinking.
Lisa: <shrinking> And I don't have arms.
Nyssa: Indeed.
Gonzo: <Sigh> You have all the fun!
Rowlf: You're green with envy, Gonzo. I mean it. You're turning green.
Janice: Rully. Like, I think all of us are...
Lisa: Um... guys... water...
Robin: <picks up tadpole Lisa and puts her in the water.>
Tadpole Lisa: <from under water> Wait, Robin! I don't know how to be a tadpole!
Robin: You just swim.
Tadpole Lisa: <from under water> Dang it! I'm not a good swimmer!
Robin: You are now. You're a tadpole.
Nyssa: Water, please!
Robin: <picks up tadpole Nyssa and puts her in the water.>
Boy: Wait a second. We're all turning into tadpoles, and going into the water, and do we have any way to get out?
Rowlf: I have no idea. We might have to wait until we grow into frogs. Wait a second, Robin, why aren't you changing?
Robin: I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm already a frog? Or there's no way that I could have been born as a tadpole in this scene.
Floyd: We might need some help from you in the water, little green stuff.
Robin: I'll come in after all of you.
Gonzo: Hey Robin, I'm ready!
Robin: <picks up tadpole Gonzo and puts him in the water.>
Tadpole Gonzo: <from under water> This is so cool! Wow!
Boy: I think I'm ready, too.
Dr. Teeth: Yeah, me too.
Floyd: And me.
Janice: Fer sure.
Robin: Okay guys. <picks up tadpole Boy, tadpole Dr. Teeth, tadpole Floyd, and tadpole Janice, and puts them in the water.> You ready Rowlf?
Rowlf: I think so. Just watch out for us when you come in.
Robin: Don't worry, I will. <picks up tadpole Rowlf and puts him in the water.> Okay, here I go! <hops into the pond>
(Please take note, the following scene occurs under water. I'm assuming that as tadpoles, we can communicate. For the sake of convenience, I'm going to say that Robin can talk to us too, even though he is completely under water.)
Tadpole Lisa: You know, I've never been in the pond before... <wiggles around> It's kind of nice down here.
Tadpole Floyd: Yeah, but not having any limbs takes some gettin' used to!
Robin: Try getting used to having limbs. That's really confusing.
Tadpole Gonzo: <swimming around in a circle really fast> Hey guys! You've gotta try this, it's really neat!
Tadpole Nyssa: I'll pass, thanks...
Tadpole Ryan: Like this? <swims around in a circle really fast> Woah.... dizzy...
Tadpole Boy: So um... what do we do as tadpoles?
Robin: You just sort of swim around and get to know the pond.
Tadpole Floyd: Hey what's that light over there?
Tadpole Dr. Teeth: Where?
Tadpole Floyd: Over... ah forget it, I can't point.
Robin: <points at strage light coming from the bottom of the pond> That?
Tadpole Floyd: Yeah that!
Robin: I don't know. That's never been there before.
Tadpole Janice: Well like, whatever it is, it's like, definately getting bigger!
Tadpole Dr. Teeth: Whatever it is, it's sucking us into it!
Tadpole Gonzo: Sounds fun!
Tadpole Rowlf: If Gonzo's saying it's fun, it must be dangerous.
Tadpole Lisa: RUN!
Tadpole Ryan: SURF!
Robin: SWIM!
Tadpole Boy: WHATEVER!
Tadpole Gonzo: You called?
Tadpole Nyssa: JUST GO!!!!!
(But all of the mentioned tadpoles, along with Robin, are sucked into the strange light, where they are spun in some sort of whirlpool, all of them screaming the entire time. Well, except for Tadpole Gonzo, who seems to enjoy it. They are eventually dropped in an undisclosed location.)
Rowlf: What an enlightening experience.
Lisa: Oy... hey, we're not tadpoles anymore...
Gonzo: Yeah, and it feels kinda weirrrrd.
Robin: I told you it would.