Fragglemuppet said:
Actually, his name is Marty, but perhaps we can start a petition to get him to change his name? I love the name Bill!
Ah. You can call me Bill if you want to Kate. After all I'm such a sweet, evil Billy-goat.
I've started reading the book "I Kissed Dating Good-bye" by Joshua Harris on which those three video messages presented by him is based.
My lady friend is very pleased that I'm reading it as she says like the videos it presents God's plan for romance in its perfect context.
Let me say first of all that I know from the Bible that we human beings are designed by God to naturally pair ourselves up into couples of the opposite gender. But not all of us will necessarily marry. I do believe that if we are honest with ourselves all of us have had dreams of marriage and producing offspring at some times of our lives. God realized back in Genesis that it wasn't good for Adam to be alone so He gave him Eve officiating over the very first marriage. But Jesus says in Matthew 19:12 there are people destined not to marry from birth, others who have been made to stay single by others and some who have chosen to suppress the desire to marry for the sake of the service of the heavenly kingdom.
So God has realized that marriage may not fit some people when they are born because they may have some personal problem like being born with a mental disease that will make them unable to function as a marriage partner and as a parent. Some may be unable to marry for circumstances placed upon them by other people they're committed to and others like priests in the Catholic Church volunteer to live without the special relationship they have been built for because our Church still currently makes it compulsory for clergy to stay single.
Taking this into account Mr. Harris makes one thing so far in his book more clear to me that wasn't fully obvious when watching the videos. That there is no passage of Scripture you can turn to in order to show somebody that going out on dates is sinful in itself. But so many dating relationships are not being led by God's guidance today. If a couple who are dating have no intention of eventually getting married then the relationship is essentially empty and pointless. And Mr. Harris testifies to his own empty life of just seeking temporary romance which leaves men and women feeling empty and hurt until God showed him the better way.
He says he chose to stop dating not because he wasn't interested in marriage but because he wanted to do the right thing and wait for God to lead him to the right woman, if or when it was ever meant to be. In his case it turned out to be when for he is in a happy Christian marriage today.
I'm not saying this to be critical of anybody but I now realize how fortunate I am never to have experienced a date while I had voluntarily suppressed my longing for a wife and children in order to stay and live with my mother helping her in Biblical studies. For me it would have been very wrong for I would have been pledging false love to any girl I really did not intend to spend all my life serious with. I've told this to my special lady on the telephone saying even my desire to seek out a wife may have had a tinge of selfishness in itself. For when Mum and I had our falling out when we had conflicts with our other relatives who we had moved in with I just felt I needed the female companionship because my family were driving me crazy.
But God blessed me in meeting her and she's happy I've made peace with my relatives and also that I understand that the best way I can express my genuine love for her at the moment is to respect her desire to keep pursuing to develop her relationship with God as a single woman with self-control and patience leaving the final outcome up to God. And I promised her I will finish that book and strive to nurture my own singleness with God as well.
That's my two cents worth. I hope I haven't sounded out of place but that is my personal testimony.