Wait! I thought the monsters were on the ship!
Gonzo's Hobbit: *holding a clipboard* No, I'm looking at the attendance sheet, we've only got Blue Frackle, Thog, The Screaming Thing, Cookie, Grover, Herry, Droop, Telly, Elmo, Zoe, Rosita, Sn--
Whoa, there GH! You don't have to run down the whole sheet!
Gonzo's Hobbit: ...Sorry...
*pan to Telly and Baby Bear*
Telly Monster: Hey, Baby Bear... do you think there'll be any scary creatures in ancient thread territory?!
Baby Bear: Well, I don't know, Telly! But pwabably not!
Telly Monster: Because if there are big, scary, furry, mean monsterous lizard creatures, they might eat us and then we will end up trapped in it's digestive system and the Muppet Central Revival will be ruined! Ruined I say, RUINED!
Baby Bear: ...Telly, has it occured to you that you weally exaggewate things sometimes?
Telly Monster: Me, exaggerate? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard!
*Robin enters*
Robin the Frog: Oh, he--
Telly Monster: Ahhhh!!!! Monsterous lizard creature!!! ...wait, it's just you, Robin...
Baby Bear: See!
*pan to Red*
Red Fraggle: This'll be real fun guys! We can pass through all of the great threads, like the Muppet Central Awards thread, the Muppet Central: The Movie thread, that thread that... I can't remember the name of...
Lew Zealand: It says here on this map, Red, that the next thread we shall encounter is "Boy, this forum is dead" thread!
Red Fraggle: Hey, that rhymed! But back to the topic itself, I think we need to go farther! That's where all the ancient threads are!
Telly Monster: Wait, will there be creepy creatures in the ancient thread territory?
Baby Bear: I thought we went over, Telly!
Red Fraggle: No, Telly Monster! But we will see the archived writing of many historic members, theprawncracker, Beauregard, Mr. Penguin, and many others!
Telly Monster: That sounds cool!