*would not be surprised to see Ernie in shades, bling, and a Bentley*
Long weekend, though not the lost kind, unfortunately. Work work work. At least it's hours, which means pay.
Rhonda: Good. Does this mean you're buying the cheese tonight?
Since when are we having cheese tonight?
Rhonda: Did I say 'we'? Did you hear the word 'we' come outta this mouth?

Ahem...I thought we were having veggieburgers and other healthy things.
Rhonda: Cheese IS healthy! Calcium! Protein! *pokes Newsie's leg* Stuff ta build actual muscle, like you'd have a clue about those!

Er...uh...I work out! I run every evening!
Rhonda: Running from falling cows or rampaging monsters doesn't count.

It does too! Especially when the monster is faster...ulp.
Hey you guys, both of you eat one of these clementines. I hear Robin is ill, and we don't want to catch anything. In fact, I'm gonna take a bag of 'em over to Kathy's.

Okayyy...um...I wasn't aware that an old western folk tune had preventative properties...
Rhonda *facepaw*