Ellie: And that's how you make Pizza Mac and Cheese! *shows her roomies the finished product*
Bert: You didn't actually cook anything, you just microwaved some Easy Mac and added pepperoni and pizza sauce.
Ellie: That's the point

Ernie: *laughs and then tries some* I like it!
Ellie: Your turn Bert!
Bert: Alright, I'll try it. *has some* It's not bad.
Ellie: Where's Susie? She needs to have some too!
Susie: *in her room trying to hang a poster of Johnny Fiama and is so far unsuccessful*
a few minutes pass
Susie: *yells from her room* Ellie, Bert, Ernie, could I have some help in here? I think I got glue in my hair....
Bert: That sounds urgent!
Ernie: Let's go Bert!
Ellie: Right behind you guys!