* a pair of furry hands comes up behind Beth *
Beth: What the?
A voice: Guess who?
Beth *turning around*: Rowlf! You're back! *hugs him*
Rowlf: Sure am! Been fun stuff promoting this movie, but man, it's exhausting
Beth: I'm so happy to see you. The SNL stuff was awesome!
Rowlf: It was fun, haven't stayed up that late in quite some time though!
Beth: I bet. I'm so excited to see the movie this week.
Rowlf: Me too, I mean sure I've seen it, but it'll be fun to see it with everyone who hasn't been able to yet.
Beth: Definitely. Well you must be tired after your travels. How about a nap and then we'll grab Red and Cookie and go have lunch?
Rowlf: Sounds fantastic.