No surprise
I haven't read anything about the proposed film, but I'll post what I think it'll end up being and y'all can check me to see if I get it.
Movie plot:
Gobo stops receiving postcards from his uncle Traveling Matt. He gets worried and mounts an expedition to Outer Space to find him.
Not only do the Fraggle 5 go, but so does Cotterpin Doozer and Junior Gorg (though perhaps not as part of the rescue team). They all eventually meet up in Outer Space and help each other get the job done.
Hilarity ensues as Fraggles, Doozer and Gorg interact with a panoply of cameo guests and the silliness of Outer Space.
It only makes sense. They wouldn't be interested in reconstructing the entirety of the Fraggle Rock puppet sets, so they'll film the majority of the film in "the Real World" to keep production costs low and allow them to go to all sorts of places around the country... it worked well in The Muppet Movie, why not with Fraggles? Writing an adventure that takes place in the Fraggle world would require too much intense studio work. not to mentin they'd have to figure out an even more contrived way to get a guest star down in to Fraggle Rock.
At least that's how I'd write it. Lots of cameos allow you to bring star power to the movie without having to get a star to commit more than one or two days to the shoot. Shooting in the real world cuts your production design costs way down.