The more I think about it the worse it gets: the translation is basically "let people die so I can do stuff in public"... ***? Dude should be charged for manslaughter.
So... I'm not saying for sure that the protester is fake.... but... it seems awfully strange for a real protester to make a sign like this, proudly show it on TV, and wear giant sunglasses and cover their entire face. Even a crazy person would know this sign is counter productive to what they want. It is a vile sign though, especially if the person genuinely believe it.
I do not hope he is charged with manslaughter... cause you know... free speech, even if you disagree with it, must be protected and all....
Anyhoo, I think that some of the protesters were there because they are dumb and do not understand the point of the protest or are terrible people, some are there to pose as real protesters with awful signs, and some are there because of genuine concerns of over reaching government and/or people genuinely facing the inability to provide for their families. It is really easy for celebrities, late night hosts, and the upper class in general to tell people to just stay home and watch Netflix. Unfortunately, not everyone can do their job from home and not everyone can afford to just stay in for a few months. We need some way to balance public health safety with public financial safety.
The problem with that? Simple. The American public as a whole has no self control. We do not like being told we can't do things. So, no one will socially distance on their own. No one will avoid going to a crowded public place if they want to go. No one will wear a mask to protect others, they will only do it to protect themselves. The whole reason these lock downs became mandatory and the whole reason governors are over reaching is because people wouldn't do things voluntarily, which is exactly what I said weeks ago.