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  1. EmmyMik

    Em and J?

    Hey all. I just wanted to stop by really quickly and say "hi" and that I'm not dead, in a coma, hiding in the Alps, lost, or stranded on a deserted island with 7 other strangers. I have been *beyond* busy lately. I just started my classroom observation this quarter. So I'm in an elementary...
  2. EmmyMik

    The Bill Barretta Borrowers is BACK!!!

    Here I am! I've been super busy lately (well, maybe not really. But there are only so many hours in a day!), so I haven't been able to visit MC much. But you can catch me at the BBB (because I have nifty super powers there!)...
  3. EmmyMik

    Harry Potter and the order of the phoniex

    I went to a Midnight Party at my local Barns & Noble bookstore. It was a blast! I actually knew quite a few people there (some were in my classes, and others were my professors!), I loved all of the costumes (someone dressed up as Professor Sprout. Awesome costume), and just the general chatter...
  4. EmmyMik

    Quinnmas Eve Thundercats Massacre

    Oh the humanity!
  5. EmmyMik

    Harry Potter and the order of the phoniex

    I'll be your friend! But since I cannot be there and here at the same time, I must go with you in spirit. Be sure to buy my spirit something. My spirit hates feeling left out... ;)
  6. EmmyMik

    Harry Potter and the order of the phoniex

    My, I'm joining this thread late (although it's been aaaaaaaages since I've had any free time. All thanks to school and work!). I am very excited about Book Five coming out. Yay! I have a copy reserved at my local Barnes & Noble store. There gonna have a midnight party, and like the geek that...
  7. EmmyMik

    Who is going to win "American Idol"?

    Awesome! I do hope it's with a different arrangement than what was on the show (the choir and everything. That was a tad over the top).
  8. EmmyMik

    Who is going to win "American Idol"?

    Ooooooh! I like the sound of that! Seriously, if/when Clay and Kim come out with albums, I'd buy 'em! (and this is coming from a person who did not watch the first season of American Idol. This was because it was on against the Mole 2, which I *loved*)
  9. EmmyMik

    Who is going to win "American Idol"?

    Yaaaaaaaaay! (trademark Ken and Gerard, my all time favoritest TAR team ever) I'm super pumped about next week! But anyway, back to American Idol... I was kind of disappointed that Ruben won (although I'm bitter because I think that he should have gone last week instead of K-Lo, but...
  10. EmmyMik

    Bobby: the 1st addicted Muppet

    Re: Guys, Yeah, it's a shame that there isn't much of an uproar over Henson promoting forced child labor...
  11. EmmyMik

    Who is going to win "American Idol"?

    The funny thing is, earlier in the show I thought, "You know, Clay is really good for ballads. He's kind of like Artie. Maybe he should give BOTW a try." And wouldn't you know it. His very next song, lol. (although I think it would have been better without all of the back-up singers. I...
  12. EmmyMik

    Who is going to win "American Idol"?

    Clay all the way. Earlier in the season I was rooting for K-Lo, but alas she didn't make it to the final 2 (and I thought that she was better than Ruben last week). But then Clay sang BOTW, and you know, singing Simon & Garfunkel is the way to win my heart. And after tonight it will be all...
  13. EmmyMik

    Best TMS guest stars

    I like that episode too, although it's been ages since I've seen it. Actually it's been *AGES* since I've seen anything Muppety (not counting the episode of Sesame Street that I watched today). Stupid work and school... :grouchy:
  14. EmmyMik

    Best TMS guest stars

    Hmmmm... Paul Simon: I love Paul. :flirt: So I guess I'm sort of biased in that respect. Chris Langham: It's just a... weird episode. I love it! Marty Feldman: Again, a wonderfully weird episode. I particularly enjoy the patent office sketch. Steve Martin: Because it's an awesome...
  15. EmmyMik

    The Don Music Appreciation Thread

    **clears throat** :sing: Wistle, whistle, little bird Isn't eating crumbs absurd? Have a ham and cheese on rye And a piece of cherry pie. If those crumbs are all you want Don't come to my restaurant. And I think I might actually sing this song in my music class (when I have to...
  16. EmmyMik

    The Don Music Appreciation Thread

    That's the spirit!
  17. EmmyMik

    The Don Music Appreciation Thread

    I love Don Music. He's funny, and he rocks. Carry on.
  18. EmmyMik

    ...And what are YOU doing this Summer?

    I think the last day of exams are June 13 (although I can't remember when my exams are scheduled). I really have no major plans for the summer, besides work. A lot (5 days a week from 9-5. Ugh). However, on June 20 I'm going to go to my local Barnes & Noble store and wait for the next Harry...
  19. EmmyMik

    EM.TV to Sell Muppets to Jim Henson's Children for $89 Million

    Dude, I did not see this coming. I always kind of figured that 100 years from now I would be dead, and yet Disney would still be "close" to buying the Muppets (and then Megalosoft, a division of Microsoft that was created around the year 2040, would be closer and then Disney would be closer)...
  20. EmmyMik

    Christmas Movie Bloopers on NBC's Funniest Outtakes 2

    The world is FULL (FULL I tell ya!) of Muppet Haters? I'm not so sure about that. Yes, there ARE people out there who don't like the Muppets. To each his own. But I don't think that the Non Rabid Muppet Fan people out there HATE the Muppets. The Muppets aren't as popular as they once were...