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  1. CensoredAlso

    The New Am I The Only One Thread

    I think you have a very fair outlook on the issue.
  2. CensoredAlso

    The New Weekly Survey Thread

    Favorite of all was Santa Barbara. Hmm, well I might suggest Broadway actor Terrance Mann to play Peck.
  3. CensoredAlso

    The New Weekly Survey Thread

    1. What's your favorite recent Christmas present (it can be from any of the past three years)? A rare copy of a 1989 Soap Opera Digest magazine :flirt: 2. Favorite part of the holidays? The music, the TV commercials, hanging out with loved ones 3. Your #1 New Years resolution? Back to the gym...
  4. CensoredAlso

    Out With the Old, In With the New! The New Year's Thread

    The only choice really. :wisdom:
  5. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    I'm such a geek, lol, one time I actually spent a day in the Village just to find some of the film locations. It's always cool to see how NYC has changed over the years.
  6. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    You know what's an awesome movie, You Can't Stop the Music, starring the Village People. That's what my avatar is from, in case anyone didn't know. It co starred Bruce Jenner, later Caitlyn Jenner. Randy Jones (the VP cowboy) was asked about working with him and about his announcement of being...
  7. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Well yeah social media tends to serve that function for people who want to find their crowd and can't find it on hand in real life.
  8. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Eh Censored and I are just kidding each other. :insatiable:
  9. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Personally I identify as a paper clip. :(
  10. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Well I tried to bring up science, but we fell back on blaming the right. Just saying. ;)
  11. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Not sure how you got threat from what I said.
  12. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    I say political correctness is very much not what allows anyone freedom or respect. I think perhaps you notice that conservatives don't like the term PC, therefore you assume it must be something good.
  13. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Well both of you can stop worrying. We tend to forget, this is a very small section of the population. Do they deserve to be defended against bullying? 100% yes. Should they be allowed to serve their country? Um, duh! Should society be upended for them? That I'm not so sure of.
  14. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    You don't see a similarity there? In both cases the person "knows" they were born with the wrong body? Male and female is not some evil "traditional" value.
  15. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Talk about your first world problems...We aren't living in 1984. We are living in A Brave New World.
  16. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    As always, there's a fine line. I saw a BBC documentary once about people who "knew" they should have been born amputees and were anxious to find a doctor who would remove their hands. Is that freedom, or is that a problem?
  17. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Well here we are again with me saying both conservatives and liberals might be playing fast and loose with science, based entirely on personal bias.
  18. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    In our day to day lives it doesn't matter, I agree with that. But for science and how it's taught it does matter.
  19. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    Again, it's the millennials that trouble me. They don't seem to understand that trans people existed before Tumblr. There were trans people at Stone Wall. Adults already understood the concept without a lot of trendy labels. Or like when millenials put down previous feminist movements as...
  20. CensoredAlso

    Political correctness has gone WAY TO FAR

    That is very true. Just don't demand other people call themselves "cis gendered."