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  1. CensoredAlso

    The Nostalgia Critic Thread Lives Again!

    Which is why the Internet is the very last place to take serious issues like this. Because there is no way to control what will happen. I'm personally just tired of so many young people attempting to live on the Internet in place of real life, and then being stunned when it all goes wrong. That...
  2. CensoredAlso

    The Nostalgia Critic Thread Lives Again!

    Yes, they are still second hand accounts, therefore should be treated as such. I really don't care if some random ex-HR person I don't know "says it's true."* And this is CA's fault, and the producers' fault, and the fans' fault for mistaking Internet drama for an actual investigation. The...
  3. CensoredAlso

    The Nostalgia Critic Thread Lives Again!

    I have to say, I don’t know much about that Justin person, never watched the videos, but I’m not comfortable with the way accusations have spread like wild fire. We have no idea who the accusers are. Even if they are telling the truth we only have their side of the story. Plus, it sounds like...
  4. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    He might be nervous that you're better at interacting with customers than him.
  5. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Just unfollowed two different "fan groups" that were nothing but negativity and complaining. It's amazing how vehemently people will defend their right to be miserable, lol.
  6. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    I’ve learned how to stand by my decisions more than I used to, and as to have patience that things will unfold as they should. Like, I’ve been perusing acting as a hobby (I have a professional job that’s more Communications related). And I’ve done well for myself actually building up my resume...
  7. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Eh I will admit, I was disappointed when I thought I’d never get to have one of our famous discussions here again, hehe.
  8. CensoredAlso

    The Nostalgia Critic Thread Lives Again!

    I'm just tired of the outrage culture and how every fandom seems H*** bent on destroying or avenging something. We don't enjoy anything anymore, it's like society has been poisoned.
  9. CensoredAlso

    The Nostalgia Critic Thread Lives Again!

    I think that's a good way to look at it. People can and will disappoint you, but that doesn't have to negate their entire lives and what they've meant to you.
  10. CensoredAlso

    I'm sorry

    It's OK, I could tell you just needed to vent. I can relate. Thanks for the apology, I'm sorry too. :)
  11. CensoredAlso

    The dark day of Valentines Day is upon us...

    Lint, lololol. Like Froggy said it's Lent, but that's funny, lol.
  12. CensoredAlso

    The dark day of Valentines Day is upon us...

    Yeah we Catholics are fond of our strange rituals. ;D
  13. CensoredAlso

    The dark day of Valentines Day is upon us...

    Never had a chance to discuss this before: Catholics are concerned because for the first time, Valentine's Day is falling on the same day as Ash Wednesday. So anyone who typically gives up chocolate for Lent has a problem, lol. Now, personally I say giving up chocolate for Lent is missing the...
  14. CensoredAlso

    The dark day of Valentines Day is upon us...

    I honestly don't mind Valentine's Day too much, because frankly even many couples find it to be a pain in the a**, lol. The needless stress of finding a gift, the hour wait at restaurants. It's all of the stress of Christmas, with none of the holiday cheer, lol.
  15. CensoredAlso

    Film vs. Theatre

    Which I think might be why people don't freak out so much over revivals of plays or musicals, the way they do with movie reboots. We don't have one particular theatre performance set in stone that we all got used to and can't stand to see changed. Well recently it's been because those movies...
  16. CensoredAlso

    Film vs. Theatre

    Well it's somewhat more naturalistic in movies. Theater has to be larger than life by its nature. That's why it's often easy to spot a stage actor in a movie or TV show, they're using a different style.
  17. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Those dirty buggers!
  18. CensoredAlso

    The State of Us & Our Things

    Maybe like this one (the one at the top)?
  19. CensoredAlso

    The State of Us & Our Things

    Thank you. Now, I won't take up more of this thread's time, I encourage everyone else to post here and have a good time. :)
  20. CensoredAlso

    The State of Us & Our Things

    Oi, let's back up. I obviously am glad you got through depression. That's most important. Here's the thing, I was just having a conversation with a friend, who is ironically gay himself. I am not in need of exposure to liberal issues, and I don't appreciate being painted like the evil...