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  1. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    For the record, I don’t see any of you as problem people. ;)
  2. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Nevermind, I see this country is determined to fight.
  3. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    People, I wasn't aware of the other thread. Please do not put another fight on my already fragile conscience. Thank you.
  4. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    No I was not aware. Kinda hard to keep track after awhile. ;)
  5. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    So, I tried watching the Michigan rally, but all the mean spirited booing directed toward the "liberal media" got me down, so I switched to the White House Correspondents Dinner. The opening remarks were excellent and I was all set to have a good time...then came an abortion joke. Many people in...
  6. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Happy Birthday to your Mum! And thanks, everybody, truly, I'm overwhelmed. I really appreciate all your kind words and patience with me at my craziest. :insatiable: My birthday is early next month so don't worry, nobody missed it. But I do kinda like the idea of merging it with Earth Day. :flirt:
  7. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Sorry, guys, I know this thread is supposed to be about triumphs. I'm not really feeling that as you can see. My birthday's coming up soon too, as if I needed more reminders of the future. And that a**hole knew it.
  8. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Right that's what I said. And like I said, breaking down those societal norms isn't going to help anything. It is what it is, and what it is sucks.
  9. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    No, it's fear of being alone. It's fear of feeling like unattractive crap day in and day out. I don't think I can live the best I can be, single for the rest of my life. Maybe other people can, that's fine. It's not something I can reconcile. This was a major blow this week and I don't know...
  10. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Well that's the kind of thing I still wrestle with. I hear people talk about "making peace" with the idea that you might always be single. I feel like they're not being honest, especially for women. I can't see myself making peace with becoming the 50 year old cat lady (except with a dog)...
  11. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    I think all of those are great values. It's sort of Vulcan philosophy for humans, learning to harness emotions so they don't control you. ;)
  12. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Thank you, I truly appreciate that. :halo: I feel a little less hysterical now, just wish I knew for sure what was going on. I just hate the way he handled this, especially how it just came out of nowhere when I had been looking forward to talking to him for a week. If it's not meant to be, part...
  13. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    I mean, there's no healing. Because there's never been anything but hurting. When I say embarrassing, I just meant I'd end up crying. I hate and despise where I am in life. I pretty much always have, like we're talking Pre-K, and now it's just gotten worse. Or things never really did get better...
  14. CensoredAlso

    RIP Barbara Bush

    That's really cool, you have connections! ;) Yeah I mean, while I wasn't thrilled with the family becoming a political dynasty, there's no question they have done service to the country in a variety of ways.
  15. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    I don't want to come off as too much of a pity party, I do have friends, I shouldn't take them for granted. I just really feel hurt right now. I mean there's nothing wrong with thinking of the long term, it's not like I don't do that, it's not like I don't have doubts. It's just all I could hear...
  16. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Heh, advice I've been getting my whole life, believe me. And yup, I've done plenty of classes and meetups. Always have that same feeling of not quite being on the same planet as everyone else. But thanks. Wish I wasn't at work right now so I could scream and smash things....I should have just...
  17. CensoredAlso

    RIP Barbara Bush

    I know we're not talking about him right now, but all I can think of is Nostalgia Critic's, "Blah blah, I'm an old person, blah blah, I'm keeping you from your cartoon." Lol. To be fair, I think that was directed more at George than Barbara. ;)
  18. CensoredAlso

    RIP Barbara Bush

    I primarily remember Barbara Bush for her appearances on the Disney Channel's "Salute to the American Teacher." A great message and one we need now more than ever.
  19. CensoredAlso

    Challenges, Triumphs and Pixie Dust!

    Whoa boy, I was really hoping I’d never have to go to this dark place again... This guy I’ve been seeing told me last night that while he’s really enjoying our relationship in the short term, he’s uncertain as yet about the long term, due to our very different personalities. He says he’s not...