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  1. CensoredAlso

    Film vs. Theatre

    Froggy Fool, have you done theater yourself?
  2. CensoredAlso

    "The Muppets Take Santa Barbara" at the PuppetPalooza Festival March 2, 2018

    Nah, I was just making a joke about an soap opera tv show from the 80s called Santa Barbara. ;)
  3. CensoredAlso

    Film vs. Theatre

    Lol! Good for you, man! I wish we’d had the guts to try that.
  4. CensoredAlso

    Film vs. Theatre

    Live theatre is very important. People enjoy the intimacy, seeing real people like themselves getting up and telling a story. I’ve always been fascinated with behind the scenes stuff too, I was watching documentaries when I was 3, lol. In part thanks to Jim Henson of course. ;)
  5. CensoredAlso

    "The Muppets Take Santa Barbara" at the PuppetPalooza Festival March 2, 2018

    The Muppets guest starring on my favorite soap opera?! Wow! ;)
  6. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Feeling pretty defeated right now. This Moby Dick thread has become a kind of therapy. ;)
  7. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    I adore the whale avatar!
  8. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    What happens in Nantucket, stays in Nantucket
  9. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Late December back in '63?
  10. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    So long, Manhatto!
  11. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Sounds like progress!
  12. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    A great insight!
  13. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Tell me about it. :p
  14. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

  15. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    No, of course not. It's a bit fishy but...
  16. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Are we going to include the chapters on the whaling industry? I know my friend read a version that omitted those.
  17. CensoredAlso

    Moby Dick

    Yes....that's totally what ticks me off...:coy:
  18. CensoredAlso

    The New New Quote Thread

    “Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting.”--Henry V
  19. CensoredAlso

    The New What Made You Frown Today Thread

    Oh man, I'm sorry, good luck to you, hang in there!
  20. CensoredAlso

    The New What Made You Frown Today Thread

    So the book I ordered arrived today. I was so happy...until my mom started in with, "You know, you could have written that. You need to put these hobbies of yours to some use." I've had the book for all of two minutes, and now I don't even want to look at it.....