Prairie: Some party last night, huh?
Rosita: Oh yeah! I still can't stop dancin'! Hehe!
Prairie: And hey...I'm sorry I was so bossy yesterday, guys. I just wanted everything to be so perfect for Ed and Camilla. I went a little overboard with the whole thing. Will you ever forgive me?
Roomies: (adlibbing) Yeah, of course!'s okay...forgiven...Sure...
Bry: You just wanted a great time just as much as the rest of us, Prairie. You just need to remember what being a good leader means. Being kind and respectful to those you work with. Remember, Jim Henson rarely yelled at his employees.
Bert: Jim Henson?
Ernie: Name sounds familiar.
Bry: ((hugging Prairie)) Hey, we love ya!
Prairie: Thanks, Bryan. ((hugs))
Telly: (still in his Friday the 13th protective get-up from yesterday) I'm just releived that nothing bad happened.
Bry: What can happen to a guy dressed like a Lucky Charms marshmallow?
Ernie: Khekhekhekhe!
Bert: So what's on the agenda today?
Bry: Well, I have to go to work tonight.
Bert: At Hooper's. I thought the store was only open during the day.
Bry: Haha! No, Bert. Over at Birdland. You guys can come if you want. I think Lena Hornbill might be performing tonight.
Big Bird: Really? I love her! She has such a pretty voice. Sings like a bird! Haha!
Bry: I don't know if you should be coming, Big Bird. It's kinda late.
Big Bird: Oh pleeeeaase!
Bry: Oh...alright! You can come. In fact, let's invite the entire Dorm House. Bert? Ernie? I'd like you two to put up a bulletin on the lobby board inviting everyone to come down to Birdland tonight around 7:00PM.
Bert: Yes, Sir!
Ernie: You got it, Bryan!
(B and E run down and put a flyer up on the board)