Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Thanks for the tip, Ed! :smile: Will have to remember that.

My favorite figures are still the Jim Henson Muppet and the Rainbow Connection Kermit/Robin. I guess there's just a little more meaning in those pieces to me. I keep those EXTRA safe!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Prairie: Some party last night, huh?
Rosita: Oh yeah! I still can't stop dancin'! Hehe!
Prairie: And hey...I'm sorry I was so bossy yesterday, guys. I just wanted everything to be so perfect for Ed and Camilla. I went a little overboard with the whole thing. Will you ever forgive me?
Roomies: (adlibbing) Yeah, of course!'s okay...forgiven...Sure...
Bry: You just wanted a great time just as much as the rest of us, Prairie. You just need to remember what being a good leader means. Being kind and respectful to those you work with. Remember, Jim Henson rarely yelled at his employees.
Bert: Jim Henson?
Ernie: Name sounds familiar.
Bry: ((hugging Prairie)) Hey, we love ya!
Prairie: Thanks, Bryan. ((hugs))
Telly: (still in his Friday the 13th protective get-up from yesterday) I'm just releived that nothing bad happened.
Bry: What can happen to a guy dressed like a Lucky Charms marshmallow?
Ernie: Khekhekhekhe!
Bert: So what's on the agenda today?
Bry: Well, I have to go to work tonight.
Bert: At Hooper's. I thought the store was only open during the day.
Bry: Haha! No, Bert. Over at Birdland. You guys can come if you want. I think Lena Hornbill might be performing tonight.
Big Bird: Really? I love her! She has such a pretty voice. Sings like a bird! Haha!
Bry: I don't know if you should be coming, Big Bird. It's kinda late.
Big Bird: Oh pleeeeaase!
Bry: Oh...alright! You can come. In fact, let's invite the entire Dorm House. Bert? Ernie? I'd like you two to put up a bulletin on the lobby board inviting everyone to come down to Birdland tonight around 7:00PM.
Bert: Yes, Sir!
Ernie: You got it, Bryan!
(B and E run down and put a flyer up on the board)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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That was some party guys. Glad we could have a cool pool party for Camilla.

Herry: It was fun. I just hope she liked her present.

I'm sure she did. A fun filled 3 pack CD with all of her favoirte bird singers. *eatting a P-Zone*

Grover: It was the cutest party ever.

Maurice: I really enjoyed the balloons everwhere. That was cool. I'm glad they had my type of food. I was tried of fried chicken.

Grover: I am just glad to be off today.

Murray: *still in four leaf clover hat* Me too. You never get to take days off because your always working. *eatting some pizza*

But next time Grover don't ever think when i say things that don't really make since. You did remember to take that whale back to his home right?

Grover: Uh...Oh yea.

That's good. I wouldn't want him to be taking up the whole pool and no one get to swim.

Grover: *stifuld laugh* I just remember something. I will be right back. *races off*

Wonder what go into his fur?

Maurice: Maybe some fish.

*looks at the camrea funny*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Whales are not fish hokay? Sorry, Pepe moment there. Back to normal, or as normal as things get around here. *Sheesh.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Whales are not fish hokay? Sorry, Pepe moment there. Back to normal, or as normal as things get around here. *Sheesh.
Maurice:*pops ups in Ed's room* I know that Ed but they do eat fish. Get it now?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Sort of. Though it needs work, you might want to talk to Fozzie about polishing your routine.

Night everybody, have a restful sleep. And maybe some people will post fanfic updates tonight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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*walks in, picks up Pepe and squeezes him tight like a teddy bear*
Pepe: Ello Seniorita! Zit is nice to see jou too hokay!
*sits on the bed, wide eyed and unfocused*
Floyd: Hey, uh Alex? How's it crackin? You don't look so good...
*unresponsive, still squeezing Pepe*
Floyd: Alex? *waves hand in front of Alex's face*
*pulls Floyd tight and bursts into tears* Floyd, I am so emotionally drained.... and... and why do guys have to be such jerks sometimes? He didn't have to make it that obvious that he was glad he didn't catch the garter! *sobs harder* I mean... just because I used to date him.... and then I caught the bouquet..... I was so happy, not for me.... I mean, it was my brother's wedding for pete's sake! *trails off in a midst of tears*
*They all group hug*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*over hear's Alex's* Something is wrong! To Alex's room! *rushes off up stairs* I'm on my way! *knocks on door* Hey there Alex. I heard you crying. Is everything ok?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Hey... *thinks: at least I know not all guys are bad...* Yeah, well, I'll be ok. A friend of mine (whom I used to date) hurt my feelings really bad today after I caught the bouquet at my brothers wedding... at the time I just laughed it off, mostly because I didn't want to let it put a damper on the wonderful occasion. But now that it's sunk in, I just can't help thinking "What kind of person would say something like that?" I thought he was a really nice guy, you know, the kind that would never purposely hurt someone. But I guess I was wrong....


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Welcome. :smile: That's just how guys are. But don't worry us around here are just as sweet as apple pie...even tho i don't like apple pie. *sticks touge out* Well if you ever need me or any of the monsters let us know and we'll be here as soon as someone says "Quick Before The Hyens Come." Don't ask me why i said that. I'm not thinking right now. But i'm going to go out for some Whatabuger cheese saucge egg bruitto. That start selling them around 11. Want any? Or what about you guys?
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