Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Apr 18, 2004
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:smile: Well, I already knew how sweet y'all around here are, but you're definetly right! Sweet as apple pie.... Oh my gosh those burritos sound really good! I'd love one! My boys... well, they should be getting ready for bed. *looks back* Or, in Animal and Pepe's case, already IN bed.
*Animal and Pepe trudge off to bed*


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Hey... *thinks: at least I know not all guys are bad...* Yeah, well, I'll be ok. A friend of mine (whom I used to date) hurt my feelings really bad today after I caught the bouquet at my brothers wedding... at the time I just laughed it off, mostly because I didn't want to let it put a damper on the wonderful occasion. But now that it's sunk in, I just can't help thinking "What kind of person would say something like that?" I thought he was a really nice guy, you know, the kind that would never purposely hurt someone. But I guess I was wrong....
*Knocks door*
*Talks from the other side of the door gently*

Bunsen: I could not help but overhear your call of distress. It certainly breaks my heart when one suffers emotionally. I feel I must give you this little old--but useful device. It majors in empathy, so, whenever you'd like to use it on a particular victim-I mean someone. They'd tell you how they are feeling. It is quite like a truth ray of some sort. I thought this could bring some joy to your life despite this little tragedy. That is the device I use when Claudia does not want to admit she's eaten all the cookies from the cookie jar. Anyway, I should probably give you some advice, from an oldie like me.

Things like this will always happen. But somewhere along the way it'll become one amusing experience to learn from and perhaps you'd give a little giggle. Do remember you have friends in MC. I as well am your friend. Beaker too and Claudia!

Beaker: Mee meee! *Hold the device and a bag of cookies for Beakerfan*


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Awww, thanks guys! *squeezes Bunsen and Beaker in tight hug* I feel much better already!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Bunsen & Beaker: *Hugs back*

Bunsen: I am very glad. Chin up my friend! *Walks back to the room*

Beaker: Mee *Hands the get well gifts to her* <3

-In room-

Claudia: Oh how is she?

Bunsen: She is just dandy! Alex should never have to go through such an incident ever. What a sweet person. *Goes to align his flasks in the order from smallest to biggest*

Beaker: Mee!

Claudia: Aw, yah. I am so happy she is doing fine. <3

Bunsen: Same here. : ) *Adjusts glasses*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Last night.........

Ya'll are such good guys. I love you too. *hugs Bunsan, Beaker and Claudia*

The Next Day.........(which is this day of course)

What a good firend Bunsan, Beaker and Claudia are.

Herry: So are you. Your a really good firend to everyone here at the dorms.

Thanks Herry. So are you. *slugs Herry's shoulder*

Herry: *slugs me back which makes me fly against the way*


Herry: I am so sorry Kyle. Didn't know my own strength.

*shakes off* Don't worry Herry. I wouldn't matter how strong you are.....just as long you don't use your powers for evil.

Herry: Don't ever think that Kyle. I wouldn't ever. I don't....

It's ok Herry. Just giving you a little sarcasm.

Herry: Ohhhh you got me there.

Now what to do for supper?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Turns off TV. Man, I'm so disheartened over what happened. Been watching the Next Food Network Star since it started in June... Been rooting for JAG, the guy who's got some Latin Caribbean flavor. Gotta be honest, with the new show Simply Delicioso premiering yesterday, I was fearful of his chances. But he made it all the way through to the final two! And then... He throws this curveball about his past and honorably pulls out of the competition. After all that, after investing time and interest, man... It just hits me like a heavy sinking feeling.

Oh well... Wonder if Beth got that piece of art I sent her. Maybe I should talk to her... At least I've got my friends here to count on.
*Changes channel to something else once the TV's been turned back on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Ooh yes, the art! I'm going to respond fright now Ed, sorry it took me so long!
Red: Art?
Beth: Yep, want to help me look at it? Maybe you can channel Mokey's spirit or something to help describe it to Ed
Red: Sure!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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B-Day Announcements.

Greetings from the dorms management team.

It pleases me to announce the birthdays of two distinguished Muppets today... The highly esteemed Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, rooming with Claudia in Room #44; and the guy who we all know that loves his Z's as he's often found napping or mastering the final note for any production, Zoot, the Electric Mayhem's saxophonist currently living with Maddie in Room #28. If you want to leave a card or gift or help with the party planning, talk to their respective roommates.

Hope you guys have a great birthday.

PS: And thanks Beth, you know it's OK, I know you have as busy a schedule as anyone else. *Big hugs to you cousin.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hmm... Slow morning here at Hooper's. I wonder if anyone will show up today. (phone rings and I answer it). Hooper's in Hensonville. This is Bryan...Oh, hi, Bert...No, actually it's been pretty slow so far. I guess no one likes breakfast anymore...I know, you're right. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!...Especially oatmeal, you say?...With nutmeg?...Bert, was there another reason for your call other than to swap morning recipes?...Bunsen Honeydew's birthday?...And Zoot's too?...Sure, I can have two cakes made for tonight. No problem! Thanks, Bert!...Bye! (hangs up). Without customers, I have plenty of time to bake those cakes. (just then a whole swarm of anything people, monsters and animal rush in for something to eat.). I spoke too soon! Gosh, I guess things aren't so dull today afterall, but now I can't serve all these people and still have time to bake. I'm gonna need some help.
A Cow: Excuuuuse me, but do you have any oatmeal with nutmeg by any chance?
Bry: Right away! *sigh!*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: *pops up behind the counter* It is i Grover t. Monster here to help you out Bryan. I figred since i was off for my vacation for all my other jobs i could help out here.
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