Just announced today, the Pfizer vaccine has been FDA approved. That was one detail that stopped many from getting vaccinated before.
What might happen now though, is big companies or governments issuing vaccine mandates.
I’m all in favor of you getting the vaccine. Yes feel it’s more effective than mandating masks. If it was a choice between vaccines or masks, vaccines win out.However, I wouldn’t have the authority to mandate you to get it.
I would urge everyone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet to do so. If you choose not to, that’s up to you. If a new strain of the virus comes along and you get it, that’s on you too. I trust you’re a big enough boy or girl you can assess your own risk.
it’s like some beaches at the Jersey shore. Not all of them have lifeguards. So they post signs saying swim at your own risk. If you can swim like me, you’re fine. If you can’t swim… no better time to learn.