Don Lemon at CNN has been pushing a narrative all year that the vaccines are racist.
Earlier this year the narrative was racist because more white people were getting vaccinated before black people.
There were some bugs in the beginning on how to distribute the vaccines, but that was more due to logistics than racial motivations.
Nine months later, and now the vaccine is widely available, only 26% of all black people have been vaccinated. Now the spin is “Why does Whitey want me vaccinated?”. It’s insane.
This time last year, I could see where mask mandates were stressed because there were no vaccines yet.
If people feel more comfortable wearing masks now. I can respect your choice. But by the same token, respect my choice not to wear one because I had my vaccines.
in spite of what the media and certain politicians want to believe, people are not stupid. People are capable of assessing their own risk.
I’m not in favor of mask mandates at this point, but I do urge people to get vaccinated.
But ultimately it’s an individual’s choice.
I think it’s in your best interest to get vaccinated. It’s not a mandate, but if you choose not to, for whatever reason, then you bear the consequences of your choices.
it’s no different from wearing a seat belt. It is the law in many states. But if you choose not to wear one, and you get in an accident and fly through the windshield and kill yourself, that’s on you.