Season 1 DVD's officially announced for fall 2005
Greg James
25, 2005
summer rumors raged that HIT Entertainment was planning season sets
of Fraggle Rock for release in the fall of 2005. It turned out that
some customer service representatives got a carried away and were
reporting information that was neither certain nor official yet.
then HIT’s response on the issue has changed; raging from
a definite “yes”, to a weary “we are considering
it”, to a solid “no”, and to a promising “maybe”.
And as HIT continued to pump out more and more 3-episode single-disc
releases, fans began to question if HIT would ever make a DVD season
set of Fraggle Rock.
Good news
for Fraggle fans finally came from HIT this week on the issue. Along
with the fourth Fraggle single-disc DVD released by HIT, “Live
by the Rule of the Rock”, came the news they are going to make
season box sets - it's official!
wait is finally over for the more than 30,000 fans who signed an
online petition, and joined in the grass roots campaign to bring
Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock back into their homes in a proper DVD
release. HIT has officially stated that they are no longer considering
season box sets - they are making them.
Rock – Season 1 Box Set” is due for release in fall
2005. At this time the exact release date, retail price, and disc
specifications/features have not be finalized. They hope to have
an official press release ready sometime this summer with all the
details. HIT has yet to commit to producing box sets for seasons
2 through 5. They state that the future sets are likely, but will
also depend on the success of the first season sets.

has been reported that several Henson performers and employees have
been at HIT working on the material for the sets. Karen Prell, the
Muppeteer behind Red Fraggle, stated on here website that “…a
full season box set of the first season of Fraggle Rock (with 'making
of' documentary extra) is promised in the US in fall 2005.”
Other Henson personnel report that the sets would include some kind
of extras for the fans aside from the 24 episodes in season 1.
include the “Down At Fraggle Rock” making-of documentary;
animated episodes from the 1987 Fraggle Rock cartoon show; Fraggle
sing-a-long videos, promotional material, or even new items created
just for the set.
in January 1983 and running for five successful seasons, the wonderfully
inventive program of Fraggle Rock was designed to entertain while
also encouraging an understanding and embracing of diversity. Through
the fun adventures of the Fraggle gang, Red, Gobo, Boober, Wembley
and Uncle Traveling Matt - and the unique use of music that embraced
a range of genres, from folk, blues and gospel to country and rock
- the show captured the hearts of children and adults alike.
from the first season box set HIT also plans to continue the smaller
single-disc releases. The next single-disc release, “Doin'
Things That Doozers Do”, is planned for release on September
9, 2005. Details on this release, along with the season 1 set and
any other Fraggle DVDs will be released by HIT in the months leading
up to their release.
you want to be sure box sets for seasons 2-5 see the light of day,
take a few minute to call HIT's hotline and request they create
future Fraggle Rock DVD season box sets for all five seasons. Also,
be sure to say “thank you” to them for producing a Season
1 box set while you’re at it.
toll free Fraggle Rock customer service number is 1-866-405-7625.
You can also write them a letter at:
Attn: Consumer Relations (Fraggle Rock)
PO Box 9000
Allen TX, 75013

1 Episodes:
- Beginnings
- Wembley
and the Gorgs
- Let
the Water Run
- You
Can't Do That Without a Hat
- The
Thirty-Minute Work Week
- The
Preachification of Convincing John
- I
Want To Be You
- The
Terrible Tunnel
- The
Lost Treasure of the Fraggles
- Don't
Cry Over Spilt Milk
- Catch
the Tail by the Tiger
- The
Finger of Light
- We
Love You, Wembley
- The
- I
Don't Care
- Capture
the Moon
- Marooned
- The
- The
Great Radish Famine
- The
Garden Plot
- Gobo's
- Mokey's
- The
Beast of Bluerock
- New
Trash Heap in Town

• Fraggles return
for Ben Folds Five video
• Fraggle Rock returns to US TV on The Hub beginning October 10
• Fraggle
Rock "Scared Silly" DVD debuts September 14
• "Wembley's Egg Surprise" arrives
on DVD February 9
• Fraggle Season 4 and more Fraggles coming to DVD
• "The Doozers" preschool
series under development
• HIT announces Fraggle Rock Complete Series DVD Collection
• Red Fraggle live at Comic Con 2008