Until a couple months ago, the theme song from the movie Sitting Ducks was stuck in my head....it's a very catchy, very simple little folkish ditty, but it was maddening not only because it was so catchy, but because I couldn't figure out the chord progression until last week, no matter how hard I tried.
But then I found a movie I'd been looking for for 30 years, a made-for-TV movie from 1989 called Bridesmaids that my parents had on tape when I was little (I was such a movie-obsessed youngin' that I memorized all the titles on their labels so I could look them up in my movie books). This movie has tons of catchy Motown songs in it, but it begins with The Dixie Cups' "Chapel of Love".....aaaand, now that's stuck in my head too. It's almost as repetitive as the theme from Sitting Ducks, which is probably why it's stuck in my head so bad....