A girl may be physically able to bear children by 15, but that doesn’t mean she’s emotionally ready. If you haven’t finished your education, you have no job, and if the father doesn’t stick around, it’s going to be really tough to raise that kid.
I might be the exception, but I got my driver’s license at 17. Within a year I was driving a truck all over New Jersey and New York. I had a very good paying job working for my dad, but one of the requirements was you had to drive, and know how to drive a stick. Shifting your feet between the gas and the clutch.
This was 1986, making $10 an hour, as opposed to $4.25 flipping burgers. I had a college education to pay for. Ready or not.
one less distraction, there were no cell phones back then, so texting and driving didn’t exist.
But I was ready to drive. My parents expected it from me, and more importantly, I expected it from me. There was gonna be a lot of driving in my future, better get used to it.